How to cheer up a guy

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to Turn His Bad Mood into DEEP CONNECTION and JOY
Video: How to Turn His Bad Mood into DEEP CONNECTION and JOY


Guys can be difficult to understand - they are often reluctant to talk about their feelings, and if they do, it is difficult to know if they are telling you everything. Men are often encouraged to be careful with their feelings.Unfortunately, if you really care about the guy, this can be a problem. It's hard to figure out how to cheer up a guy if he doesn't want to tell you what he really needs. Fortunately, there are a few things that almost all guys love - read Step 1 for more.


  1. 1 Make him feel needed. People are social animals. Regardless of how we enjoy spending time in pursuit of our own goals, we need to connect with other people in order to feel “whole”. People want to be important. They need to be needed. If you want to improve your boyfriend's mood, start here. Depend on it. Let him help you during difficult times. When he does, let me know how much you appreciate him. Your relationship should be balanced - just as you rely on him, so he should rely on you.
  2. 2 Strive for openness, honesty, and equality. Since they are used to being on the alert, most guys will appreciate a relationship that allows them to express themselves with complete sincerity. It may take a while for your boyfriend to open up, so if that hasn't already happened, make sure you let him know that if he wants to, he can talk to you about what is bothering him. He may not immediately respond to your suggestion, but when he does, he will truly appreciate that he can come straight to you to vent his feelings.
    • The easiest way is to be open and honest with someone we consider equal. Try sharing experiences, responsibilities, and talking to your partner - when you start trusting your friend, your communication will naturally deepen.
    • Even in the closest, intimate relationships, guys and girls don't constantly talk about their inner demons and emotional problems - can you imagine how terrible the relationship would be if we did this? One common mistake is to pressure your partner to find out the details of what is bothering him - although any couple should strive for open communication, this does not necessarily mean that both partners will always want to talk about serious topics.
  3. 3 Listen. Guys want to know that they are being taken seriously. Since many guys find it difficult to talk about emotions with their friends or even family, they want to feel it, so when they open up to you, you will notice it. During normal conversations, you obviously don't need to listen to every guy's word, but when he talks to you about something serious, give him your full attention. Be there and look him in the eye when you speak - he will undoubtedly appreciate the respect you show him and will do the same to you when you want to open up to someone.
    • Listening doesn't mean just sitting quietly; Give your boyfriend time to express his thoughts, but when there is a pause in the conversation, add your thoughts, questions, and suggestions. This will show that you were actually listening, and it will make your boyfriend feel appreciated.
  4. 4 Be positive. Inner happiness also manifests itself in the outer. While you and your boyfriend should feel more than comfortable talking about things that bother you, most of the time, you just want to be as happy with each other as possible. Try to make your life complete and complete - immerse yourself in your hobbies, get enough sleep and exercise a lot, and keep an optimistic attitude. When you hang out with your boyfriend, you will likely find that you are more fun if you are not stressed and in a good mood.
    • There is a sexist stereotype that women should act pleasantly and smile in the presence of men as a matter of course. Don't do this - living with a positive outlook will make you and the people around you happier, but pretending to be happy when you’re not actually will not only act disrespectful to yourself, but also not at allas good guys expect from their girls.
  5. 5 Be gentle. The exact way to get a guy to think better of himself (and of you) is to give him tenderness (for a reason). Think of affection as a way to show you care for someone - a healthy dose of affection will show that you are grateful, while an excess of affection will make you obsessive, so know when to stop. Your tenderness should not be grandiose or solely for attention - you can, for example, just by mistake, delicately touch it when you walk by.
  6. 6 Flirt! Most guys love tenderness, but expressing sympathy is twice as fun (for both sides) when accompanied by light teasing. Try one of the oldest tricks - play hard to get. Have the guy stand on tiptoe when it comes to your affection. This will drive him crazy and whet his interest.
    • Be evasive in your intentions, but if you are pretending to be hard-to-reach, make sure that you are not too much evasive, otherwise you will never be conquered. You don't always have to hide your real intentions - sometimes it's good if you openly show your feelings.
  7. 7 Be romantic. We are all familiar with the stereotype - guys are rude, rational, unsentimental lovers, while girls are emotional, moody and romantic. In reality, things are not so simple. A lot of guys are openly romantic, while even more romantic at heart who are afraid to admit their sentimentality. Wagers usually have to engage in romantic gestures - buying candy, flowers, etc. Turn that old stereotype upside down with your romantic gestures - you'll be surprised how touched your boyfriend will be.
  8. 8 Get to know him well. This is the whole point. Ultimately, if you want a guy to feel good, you should know what makes him truly happy and satisfied, which is impossible if you both don't open up to each other. Know your boyfriend's oddities - strange things that make him laugh, his bad habits, his crazy fears. Have your own jokes that no one else understands. Find out by just one look what he feels. You will naturally learn this as you spend more and more time together, and best of all, your boyfriend learns about it. you.
    • Remember that the more you know about someone, the easier it is to offend him or her. As you learn more and more about the guy, make sure you use this knowledge for good, not evil. It is too easy during an argument to remember something deeply personal, in a momentary attempt to offend him.


  • He may not be open to communication at the beginning, but you must not only show him, but also prove that you always will be there.
  • If you're trying to attract a guy, don't go overboard with flirting, touching, and smiling. Even the smallest hints will show him what you want.