How to overcome Plyushkin's syndrome

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to overcome Plyushkin's syndrome - society
How to overcome Plyushkin's syndrome - society


Hoarding is a compulsive disorder in which a person collects a huge amount of things, creating large and potentially dangerous piles of trash in their home. Often such a Plyushkin does not even know about his addiction, continuing to acquire things he does not need. It's time to end this addiction and ... finally, get out!


  1. 1 One of the easiest tasks to start with is taking out the trash. Empty all trash cans in your home. This will help you throw away more of the junk you find in your home. The following steps will explain how to clean up the different areas of your home. You can tackle them in any sequence convenient for you.

Method 1 of 4: Kitchen

  1. 1 Throw away all the trash you can find here. In the kitchen, any dirt can pose a potential health hazard, so you need to eliminate it.
  2. 2 Pay attention to your sink. How long does the dirty dishes sit there? On unwashed plates for a long period of time, germs multiply. To get rid of harmful bacteria and viruses, all food debris must be thrown away.
  3. 3 Wash cabinets. Kitchen cabinets not only have dust and bacteria on their surfaces, but also spaghetti sauce splashes. If someone has ever smoked in the house, the tobacco smoke has absorbed into the walls and cabinets. You will need hot soapy water and a rag to clean them.
  4. 4 Arrange your clean dishes in your clean cabinets and be proud of what you have done.
  5. 5 Clean the refrigerator. Throw away all expired food. The expiration date of the products must be constantly monitored, so do not forget to arrange an audit in the refrigerator more often. If you're not going to eat something, throw it away without regret. If there are expired food in the fridge, they most likely spoiled the rest of the food.
  6. 6 Wipe down the insides of your refrigerator, sink, dining table, stove, sweep and mop the floor. Once you've done all of this, you simply won't recognize your cuisine.

Method 2 of 4: Bedroom

  1. 1 Start by washing. Wash and fold all the laundry you have. Review your entire wardrobe carefully. Do the available clothing fit your size and style? How often do you actually wear it?
  2. 2 Place your clothes that you really want and will wear on the shelves and in the closet drawers.
  3. 3 Throw away any trash you find; don't leave anything dirty. Reconsider your belongings and think: "If I get rid of this, what will I lose?" If this object is just a memory of something, get rid of it, the memory will not go anywhere.
  4. 4 Organize your closet, keeping only what you really need.

Method 3 of 4: Bathroom

  1. 1 Throw away all trash, empty jars and tubes, expired cosmetics, and those that you never intend to use. As a general rule of thumb, if you are not using something, you should not store it.
  2. 2 Wash all surfaces (toilet, shower, bath, etc.)etc.).

Method 4 of 4: Living room

  1. 1 Eliminate all unnecessary items, as you did in all the previous rooms. Wipe down all surfaces, mop the floors.
    • If your home has a carpet, you probably need a vacuum cleaner.
  2. 2 The main difficulty is to properly organize the storage of things. Putting things in their places, keep looking for items that you do not need (or, perhaps, someone needs more than you).


  • Tidying up is a very tedious and time-consuming process. Don't give up if you can't get much done in one day. And do not refuse the help of your loved ones. Remember that your hard work will definitely pay off: when you are done, you will have a clean home to which you will not be ashamed to invite people.
  • You are not the only one who suffers from gathering. This disorder has affected millions of people. You are not alone.
  • Don't buy things to compensate for your feelings. When making a purchase, think about whether you will use this item, or you came to the store with a completely different purpose.


  • Fighting gathering is difficult work that requires a lot of emotional stress from you. Challenge yourself by trying to do a little more than you think you can do. But do not overdo it, bringing yourself and the people who are trying to help you in the fight against your "illness" to the handle.

What do you need

  • Garbage bags
  • Support from friends and family