How to deal with nervousness

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to reduce stress and fear before and during your next presentation
Video: How to reduce stress and fear before and during your next presentation


Are you going to give a speech to the class? Are you going for an interview? Is there a blind date? How do you feel? Your breathing is hampered and you feel as if you are starting to choke. You are scared, your nerves are on edge. Are you familiar with these sensations? After reading this article, you will learn how to overcome nervousness.


Method 1 of 6: Calm the Mind

  1. 1 Make a list of situations in which you experience stress. Identify what makes you nervous. Knowing the enemy by sight, it will be easier for you to defeat him. Stress can be caused by both external and internal factors. For example, an external situation can be attributed to a situation at work, when you need to finish a project in a short time. On the inside, it can be feelings of inadequacy that make you nervous and stressed all the time.
  2. 2 Develop mindfulness and awareness. You can practice these valuable qualities anytime, anywhere. To do this, you will need to slow down and try to notice what surrounds you, while not drawing any conclusions. You must learn to live in the moment. Below are some examples of simple exercises to help you develop mindfulness:
    • Take the flower and examine it. Pay attention to the shape and color of the petals. Smell the flower.Feel the ground under your feet and the wind blowing in your face.
    • Eat mindfully. Taste the food. Watch the steam rise from the delicious food. Try to feel the depth of flavor and aroma.
    • Take a shower mindfully. Feel the temperature of the water. Hear the sound of water as drops fall to the floor. Breathe in the steam and feel the water trickle down your back.
  3. 3 Meditate. Meditation helps you focus your thoughts on your feelings in the moment without worrying about the past or the future. Practice different breathing techniques. Try different ways of meditation, and choose the one that you like best.
    • Find a quiet, secluded place to meditate. Make sure that no one bothers you for ten minutes. There is no need for absolute silence, as the surrounding noise (noise from cars, people on the street, dog barking) is part of the present moment.
    • Get into a comfortable position. You can sit or lie on the floor. Close your eyes or look at the floor.
    • Pay attention to your breathing. Feel the air fill your lungs. Take slow breaths. Try counting your breaths from ten to one. When you get to one, count to ten.
    • If you involuntarily start thinking about something while meditating, try focusing on your breathing. Thanks to this, you can not be distracted by extraneous thoughts.
  4. 4 Practice visualization. Sit in a quiet place, close your eyes, and imagine yourself in a peaceful place, such as a tropical beach. It can help calm your nerves and improve your mood. All you have to do is turn on your imagination. Below you will find tips on how to practice visualization:
    • Take a comfortable position in a quiet, secluded area. Close your eyes. Thanks to this, you can imagine yourself in a completely different place.
    • Take a few deep breaths. Imagine yourself in a relaxed environment. It could be a warm beach, lush rainforest, or a meadow of flowers.
    • Start adding details. Imagine a path through an entire meadow or forest. What do trees look like? Are the clouds floating across the sky? Can you feel the wind blowing?
    • Breathe slowly. When you are ready to return to reality, gradually begin to listen to the sounds that come from the street. Open your eyes slowly.
    • Use your imagination and imagine that you are in some pleasant place. In addition, you can find exercises to develop this ability, as well as audio recordings with which you can easily and comfortably learn to visualize.

Method 2 of 6: Calm the Body

  1. 1 Listen to music. Soothing classical music or jazz can lower blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones. It is known that music can be a more effective calming agent than speech because music is processed in the non-verbal parts of our brain.
  2. 2 Use aromatherapy to help you relax. Aromatherapy is the art of healing with natural essential oils extracted from aromatic plants, flowers and herbs. Aromatherapists often cite the connection between the sense of smell and the limbic system of the brain as the basis for the effects of aromatherapy on mood and emotions.
    • Lavender and lemon are two of the most popular oils used for relaxation and stress relief. Check with an aromatherapist to find the right oils for you.
    • For massage, the essential oil must be dissolved in the base oil. When heated, the essential oil evaporates, saturating the room with the aroma and healing components of the essential oil.
    • Use aroma lamps. In water-based electric aroma lamps, an ordinary incandescent lamp is used as a heater. Another type of electric burner usually looks like a ceramic tank that plugs into an outlet. Thanks to the aroma lamp, the room is filled with a pleasant soothing aroma.
  3. 3 Practice yoga. Restorative yoga is a passive practice in which relaxed postures are held for several minutes. Recovery yoga poses, such as baby pose or corpse pose, can help reduce stress, focus on breathing, and relax. Strength poses such as eagle pose can help reduce stress and relieve or relieve back pain.
  4. 4 Dance yourself or with a partner. Dancing is a great way to release endorphins and calm your nerves. Dancing has many physical health and memory benefits (think ballet positions!). In addition, this is a great opportunity to communicate with different people and adopt wonderful qualities. Whether you are in a dance school or dancing with a partner, you can have fun with people.

Method 3 of 6: Change Your Mood

  1. 1 Laugh. Take a few minutes each day to laugh heartily. You can do it yourself or with friends. Watch a short video or comedy and laugh. Laughter has a positive effect on health:
    • Laughter stimulates many organs. When we laugh, we breathe more deeply than usual, thus bringing more oxygen into the muscles of the body, heart and lungs.
    • Laughter increases positive thoughts. Positive thoughts promote the production of neuropeptides that help fight stress and potentially more serious illness.
    • In addition, laughter improves the mood and atmosphere in the group when you laugh with others.
  2. 2 Smile when you are nervous. If negative thoughts are weighing down on you, letting go of them is not easy. Try to smile. You may be disingenuous at first, but try to think of something that will make you smile. By smiling, you can outsmart your mind, which is full of negative thoughts.
  3. 3 Get into a pose that emphasizes your strength. This will make you feel confident. Plus, it can improve your mood. You will also feel calm and peaceful.
    • For example, when you are in an important meeting, cross your arms over your chest and sit up straight. If you are signing an important contract, show that you are busy: stand by leaning forward. Don't put your hands on the table, look at the client.

Method 4 of 6: Reduce Anxiety

  1. 1 Be an organized person. Also, do not forget about the necessary preparation. When you show up for an interview or public speaking, you can feel fear and anxiety. However, if you are not prepared, your fear and anxiety will increase significantly. Set aside sufficient time to prepare for an interview or presentation. If you are preparing for an interview, consider what questions the employer might ask.
    • Organize yourself before going to interviews or giving a speech. Think about where you put your resume and be ready to provide it when needed.
  2. 2 Speak positively about yourself. Do not doubt your abilities. Repeat to yourself, "I can do this." Constantly tell yourself that you are confident, interesting, and attractive. This will help you fight negative thoughts that contribute to anxiety.
  3. 3 Do not hurry. Allow enough time to get to the interview location. If you are attending a new school, also set aside time to be on time for class so you can avoid unnecessary stress. Think over your route. Get out a few minutes early in case something unexpected happens.
  4. 4 Show confidence. When you are in a situation that makes you anxious, you can easily become a victim of stress. In addition, you may start to doubt yourself and your abilities. By exercising confidence, you can not only show others what you are worth, but also once again convince yourself of your worth.
    • If you feel trembling in your hands, try shifting your focus to something else, such as doing a physical exercise.
  5. 5 Don't be afraid to be vulnerable. If you have to give a speech, believe me, the audience likes it when the speaker shows emotions and feelings. Thanks to this, you will win the attention and love of your audience.
  6. 6 Study your audience. Knowing who your audience will be made of can help you experience less excitement. When your audience understands what you are talking about, your listeners will respond positively, thereby reducing nervousness.
    • Do your research trying to find out what your audience wants to hear from you. For example, if you are talking during an interview, find out who the employer is and what his life positions are.
  7. 7 Put the situation in perspective. Of course, the interview is a very important stage. But you must admit that even if you do not stand it with dignity, this is not the worst thing in life. Therefore, to reduce your stress levels, try to look at the situation more broadly.
    • Don't worry too much about your mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, especially if you're faced with something new. Remember, we learn from mistakes.
    • If you are denied a job, remember, experience is what you get without getting what you want. Therefore, you will certainly be able to improve the next time you interview.

Method 5 of 6: Strengthen Relationships with Others

  1. 1 Call a friend. By talking about things that bother you or cause you stress, you can look at the problem differently. When you are with a friend or loved one, you will not experience the oppressive feeling of loneliness. Talk to the person who understands you; if you have family problems, talk to a close friend about it.
  2. 2 Play with your pet. By simply playing with your dog or cat, you can raise serotonin and dopamine levels, which will improve your mood. Pet your pet for a few minutes, it will have a beneficial effect on your blood pressure and heart function.
  3. 3 See a psychologist. If you find it difficult to cope with negative emotions, visit a psychologist who can help you in this difficult situation.
    • Find out if counseling is covered by your individual health insurance.

Method 6 of 6: Change your eating habits

  1. 1 Go in for sports. Running, jumping, and other exercise can help you reduce stress levels, improve your mood, strengthen your immune system, and help you cope with physical pain. In addition, exercising gives the feeling that we are in control, although sometimes things can get out of our control.
  2. 2 Eat nutrient-dense foods. You will experience satisfaction with food, which will certainly reflect on your mood. When we are stressed, hormones are produced in our bodies that affect our mood. Include in your diet foods that contain B vitamins and folic acid, which help the body convert tryptophan into serotonin, which is responsible for good mood. Include the following foods in your diet:
    • Blueberries are rich in vitamin C, which helps fight stress and stress. Add blueberries to cocktails, muesli, or just eat.
    • Raw almonds reduce stress levels. Almonds are a source of vitamins B2, E and C. These vitamins help fight free radicals. It helps to protect and restore the body after stress.
    • Asparagus is a useful and even medicinal plant. It contains high amounts of folate and vitamin B. In addition, asparagus is an excellent source of dietary fiber. Include this healthy food in your diet. You can prepare a delicious side dish or salad by seasoning it with lemon juice.
  3. 3 Drink plenty of water. Dehydration can lead to imbalances in systems and organs, and can also lead to anxiety or even panic attacks. Drink 9-13 glasses of liquid a day.Eat high-liquid fruits and vegetables.
  4. 4 Get enough rest. Your body needs time to recover and relax. So get enough sleep. Dedicate 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
    • If you have trouble falling asleep, try taking a warm bath before bed or listening to soothing music.


  • Young children, pregnant women, breastfeeding women, diabetics, and those with high blood pressure or heart problems should definitely consult a specialist before using aromatherapy.
  • Essential oils, before being applied to the skin or mucous membranes, must be diluted, that is, mixed with the base oil. Failure to do so may result in a severe allergic reaction.