How to identify a yellow sac spider

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How to Get Rid of Yellow Sac Spiders (4 Easy Steps)
Video: How to Get Rid of Yellow Sac Spiders (4 Easy Steps)


The yellow sac spiders are found throughout Europe and North America. Although they are venomous, their bites rarely have serious consequences. The yellow sac spider is fairly easy to recognize. To do this, look at the external signs, the saccular hideout, and the spider's habits.


Part 1 of 3: External signs of a yellow sac spider

  1. 1 Note the long legs. The yellow-tailed spider has relatively long legs that are slightly longer than its body. In addition, the two front legs of the spider are longer than the rest. At the same time, the legs of the yellow-sac spider are relatively thin and fragile in appearance.
  2. 2 Take a closer look at the black tips of the paws. At the ends, the legs of the yellow sac spider are painted black. In these places, they are covered with tiny black hairs. These hairs allow the spider to easily climb steep walls and tree trunks. This is a very important skill, since the yellow-bag spider does not weave webs.
  3. 3 Estimate the length of the spider (it should be between 5 and 10 millimeters). The yellow sac spider is rather small and light. Females are slightly larger, and the largest individuals reach a length of 10 millimeters (excluding paws).
  4. 4 See if the spider has 8 eyes of the same size. The yellow-sac spider has eight approximately identical eyes, which are arranged in two rows. The eyes are mostly black, but the two middle eyes can have a silvery or grayish tint.
    • The spider's head and eyes may be covered with tiny black or silvery hairs.
  5. 5 Note the yellow color of the spider. Most yellow toss spiders are pale yellow or yellowish brown in color. However, among them there are also light green, orange and light brown individuals. This largely depends on the habitat and diet of the spider. Please note that yellow summe spiders with different colors can be found in different regions.
  6. 6 Recognize the heart mark. Yellow sac spiders have a dark mark or line in the middle of the abdomen. This mark gets its name from the fact that it crosses where the spider's heart is located.

Part 2 of 3: Recognizing the yellow sac spider's hideout

  1. 1 Look for a spider sleeping bag. Yellow sac spiders weave a silky tube or pouch in which they sleep during the daytime. They usually weave their shelter at dawn. Such a pouch is one of the main distinguishing features of the yellow sac spider.
    • Yellow-sac spiders do not weave webs; instead, they create bag-like shelters.
  2. 2 Look for pouches in folded leaves, under planks, or wood. The hideout of the yellow sac spider can be found on the street under driftwood or wood, in rolled leaves or any other secluded place where the animal feels safe.
    • You may find the spider's pouch when you are gardening, scooping up fallen leaves, or trimming hedges.
  3. 3 Look for yellow pouches in hard-to-reach places inside your home. Yellow-tossing spiders like to weave their shelters at the junction of walls with the ceiling, behind picture frames or near windows, that is, where they will not be disturbed during the daytime.

Part 3 of 3: Behavior and Habits of the Yellow Sacred Spider

  1. 1 Watch the spider hunt at night. Yellow sac spiders are nocturnal, that is, they hunt in the dark. They feed on flies and other small insects. Look for a hunting yellow sac spider in an area full of flies and similar small insects.
  2. 2 Look for spiders in trees and bushes that grow in open areas. On the street, yellow-muffled spiders can often be found at the border of open areas (fields, meadows, and so on) and even near car parks. They can be found among the foliage of trees or in large bushes.
  3. 3 Watch spiders outside during spring and summer. Typically, yellow-backed spiders can be found outdoors from April to October (depending on your area) - in warm weather they lay eggs and produce offspring.
  4. 4 Look for young spiders inside your home in late fall. With a cold snap, yellow-sac spiders often hide in cars, houses, dead trees, and other secluded places. Here they weave their bags in which they wait out the winter. By spring, spiders become adults.


  • Symptoms of a yellow sac spider bite are similar to those that occur after being bitten by a brown recluse spider. If possible, catch the spider that bit you to determine what species it belongs to. In this case, you will be able to receive appropriate medical assistance.
  • The yellow sac spiders are very aggressive and ubiquitous. Check your bed or shake your sheets before going to bed to make sure there is no spider lurking in there. Yellow-baked spiders love to hide in crevices and behind paintings. If they sense danger, they fall to the ground and run away. If your bed is touching the wall, move it back a little to prevent the spider from falling onto the bed. Alternatively, you can apply a spider repellent to the legs of the bed to prevent the yellow-muscled spider from climbing onto the bed while you sleep in pursuit of prey.