How to clean up your room

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Put the order in the room - and your soul will become calmer, and there will be more order in your life. When you know what and where it is, then life somehow becomes easier, especially if you no longer have to spend 20 minutes looking for your favorite scarf or a pair of jeans. If you want to learn how to tidy up your room, we have some tips for you:


Method 1 of 3: Sort your belongings

  1. 1 Get all your belongings from where they are now. This can be an unpleasant experience, and after that it will only add to the disorder, but only for a while. Plus, if you decide to tidy up your room again, you'll have to start from scratch. And although the huge pile of things in the middle of the room may discourage you, rest assured that in the near future you will put everything in its place.
    • Get everything out of the closet. Things, shoes, in general, everything that lies there, and put in front of the closet.
    • Get everything out of the table. You can arrange things on the table.
    • Get everything out of the dresser. If this makes it too messy, put it off.
    • Everything that is in the other's room, also take out and put on the bed or the floor.
      • If pulling everything out at once turns out to be too messy and takes up too much space, then put things in order gradually.
  2. 2 Get things organized. Before you start thinking about what and where to lay out, find a few boxes and mark them accordingly. Crates and plastic boxes will work too, but the boxes are best - just throw them away. And here are the marks you need to make:
    • '' Use '' - put here what you use more or less regularly. Even if you used the item a month or two or three ago, still put it here.
    • ‘’ Keep ’’ - put here what you cannot throw away (something with which pleasant memories are connected and all that), but also what you rarely use. You can also put things here that you will not wear for a long time, say, in the summer - sweaters, and in the winter - dresses and T-shirts.
    • ‘Give / Sell’ ’- put something here that may still be useful to someone, but you already don’t. For example, a sweater that you no longer fit in, or an old textbook.
    • '' Throw out '' - there will be a place for what no one needs, including you. If you can't remember what this thing is for, or when you last used it, throw it away, throw it away!
  3. 3 Try to throw out as much as possible. This is an important step. Yes, you will be tempted to box “Use” or “Store”, but this is not our method. You will have to get into your soul and understand what you really need in life - of things, of course.Remember, the less things and objects in your room, the easier it is to put things in order.
    • Anything that is lying around idle, also put it on the bed or on the floor.
    • If it seems to you that you no longer need this thing, but you don’t want to throw it away, maybe you should give it to a friend and relative?
  4. 4 Put all the boxes, except for “Use”, in their places. We can say that you have already put things in order in the room to a certain extent, so now it's time to get rid of everything unnecessary. And the sooner you do this, the easier it will be for you to put things in order further. And here's what you need to do:
    • The first is the simplest. Take the “Throw Out” box and throw it away.
    • Find a local church, shelter, or other organization that accepts donations and gifts, and take whatever you decide to donate to there. However, be mentally prepared for the fact that they still will not take everything. There is no need to be indignant, go to another organization or just throw out the leftovers.
    • Start selling what is for sale. You can take everything to a flea market, you can sell everything through an appropriate online store.
    • Store the “Store” boxes. If you have a pantry or other dedicated storage space outside the room, great. If not, store things in a part of the room that you rarely use, say, under a bed or in the back of a closet. Just remember to label the boxes neatly to make it easier to find things next time.

Method 2 of 3: Organize your belongings

  1. 1 Organize your closet. The neater everything is in the closet, the cleaner the room looks. Use your closet space wisely, sort things out, say, by season or by color. If you have a large closet, then you can store many other things in it - shoes, accessories, or anything else. Here are a couple of options for how you can clean up your closet:
    • First of all, after you put things in boxes for use and storage, you should take a good look at things again. If you haven't worn something ‘’ in a year ’, then it seems like it's time to get rid of it. The only exception is that a very, very strict suit, which you simply did not have a chance to wear.
    • Arrange things according to the seasons. Keep winter, spring, summer, and fall items in one section of your closet. If space allows, store off-season items somewhere in the back of the closet.
    • Hang as many things as you can. Try to hang them by type.
    • Use the space under the things - and there is it under the hung things. You can put boxes there or make a shoe rack there.
    • If your closet doors open rather than roll back, then in the opening door you can make a shelf for shoes or jewelry. This is a great way to use your closet space! If the closet does not have such a door, think about whether it is worth attaching such shelves to the bedroom door.
    • If there is room in your closet for a small chest of drawers, you know, it couldn't be better!
  2. 2 Organize your dresser. If you store things or accessories there, then there should be order there so that you do not have to constantly turn everything upside down in search of the right thing. Here are some tips:
    • Organize the top drawers. Pull out whatever is in a mess and lay out neatly.
    • Make good use of the top drawers - don't just put everything in there that can't be found in a better place. Decide what you will store there - socks, comics, and more.
    • Organize the rest of the boxes. Take out a drawer for underwear, a drawer for pajamas, a drawer for sportswear, and a drawer for the outer and outer clothing that you wear every day.
  3. 3 Organize your desk. If you have a table in your room, it should be a model of order. Figure out how to put everything important in its place and get rid of the clutter.
    • Set aside a separate area for office supplies such as scissors, staplers, and so on.Please note that this should be an easily accessible place, because you will use these items quite often - and do not forget to put things back in place, otherwise you will lose everything!
    • Set aside space for writing materials. Get something like a small cup to store pens and pencils in so you don't have to search for them for 15 minutes. And once the pens are in the cup, remember to make sure they all write, and throw out the ones that don't.
    • Get folders for papers. Different cases and papers - different folders and boxes. In one, you can store important, but rarely used documents, in the other - what you use more often, and so on. And don't put papers from one folder to another, don't make a mess!
    • The less clutter on the table surface, the better. Try to keep your desk cluttered with photos and reminders to a minimum, so you don't take away your workspace.
  4. 4 Organize the rest of the room. After you tidy up the closet, chest of drawers and table, your room will already begin to look like a place where there is order. However, this is not the end and you still have a lot to do:
    • Make your bed. Order is when everything is in its place, and a pillow with a blanket is no exception. If your bed is a mess, a chaos of pillows and, say, stuffed toys that interferes with your sleep - it's time to think about whether you need to throw something out of this.
    • Tidy up the walls. Posters and paintings are for beauty, a calendar and whiteboard are for organization. But old posters and torn photographs are still better off.
    • It is also necessary to put things in order in the remaining interior items. Night table? Office cabinet? Bookshelf? Everything should be neat, tidy and logically organized - to match the room.
    • Put everything that is left in its place. If something is still lying restless, find a place for it.

Method 3 of 3: Keep your room clean

  1. 1 Wipe down the floor. Now, when all things are in their places, nothing should be lying on the floor, which means that it is time to wipe it down. In a dirty room, the order will not be felt!
    • Play music or call your friends for help to make the cleaning process more enjoyable.
    • The choice of how to clean the floor is determined by the floor itself: water or a broom for linoleum, laminate and parquet flooring, carpet vacuum cleaner.
  2. 2 Brush off the dust. Lightly dampen the cloth and wipe all horizontal surfaces in the room with it. And don't forget to brush off the dust from the things standing on them! And yes, getting rid of all the dust can be tricky.
    • Get in the habit of dusting your room at least once a week.
  3. 3 Prepare an action plan for maintaining cleanliness and order. You don't want all your efforts today to go to waste, do you? But even if you stop keeping track of the order for only a week, this is exactly what will happen. Here are two tips for keeping your room clean and tidy:
    • Every night before going to bed, clean the room for 5-10 minutes. Once you have laid out most of the things in their places, it shouldn't be difficult.
    • Try to clean up the room every day for 5-10 minutes, namely, throw out the trash, remove food leftovers, take away old newspapers, pieces of paper and everything that has accumulated in your room.


  • Colored items can be categorized by color.
  • Check your room once a week and clean up if necessary.
  • Before you put things in order in your closet with clothes, measure all things - if they no longer suit you, then you should not store them - and even for a brother-sister when they grow up!
  • Get everything off the floor ahead of time before cleaning.
  • Organize your books, CDs and DVDs — let's say, alphabetically. It will be easier to navigate in them after that.
  • Have you decided to clean up your room? Make sure you can get the job done!
  • Make your bed after sleeping every morning. It helps to keep the room tidy and inspires.
  • Do not hurry.There is nowhere to rush, the matter must be done well and carefully.
  • Before you start putting things in order, imagine everything in your mind - it will be easier to start. And finish it too.
  • Make sure your parents don't mind. You don't need a problem with them, right?
  • Maybe you should repaint the walls with a new color? This is encouraging!
  • If you have a small room, then things from it can be taken out to other rooms in the house. Doing so will make it harder to make a mess again.
  • Pay your bills electronically to keep less waste paper in your desk.

What do you need

  • Several large cardboard boxes
  • Storage boxes
  • Water, mop or vacuum cleaner
  • Hangers