How to learn to accept your appearance

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Learn English Conversation: Lesson 13. What does she look like?
Video: Learn English Conversation: Lesson 13. What does she look like?


The tendency to always look good is so strong that even babies are complex about it. Perhaps you think that you are ugly only sometimes, or perhaps you feel that you are ugly most of the time. In any case, imperfect appearance is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure of being happy. Learn to accept yourself, find your strengths, and love yourself.


Part 1 of 3: Learn to Accept Yourself

  1. 1 Throw away all the standards of beauty. How you see yourself depends a lot on standards that have little to do with reality. Beauty standards are highly controversial and constantly changing. Usually these standards are influenced by racism, sexism, age category. If you suddenly have negative thoughts about your appearance, ask yourself the question: why do you think so? Are you just adjusting to the standards?
    • Television influences the perception of people in many ways, which makes them want to look different.
    • Understand that the things that are advertised to us on television have very little to do with what is considered attractive in real life.
    • The people in the photographs are manipulating us so that we try to become as fit and young. But remember, if in real life you meet a person without a single wrinkle with perfect symmetry, it will seem unnatural and even intimidating.
    • Understand that there are different beauty standards and each is valued in its own way. For example, models must be very skinny so as not to distract viewers from the clothes they are presenting.
  2. 2 Find some role models for yourself. Understand that each appearance is unique. Find beautiful people who are like you. It is difficult to take yourself properly when you are surrounded by people who are completely different from you. Remember the tale of the ugly duckling. It's not that he became handsome when he grew up, it's that when he was little he was among strangers.
    • Pay attention to people you think are beautiful, who have a lot in common with you. Find pictures of people with the same hair as yours, the same physique, skin, eyes, nose, lips.
    • Look for them in different magazines, in brochures, on sites on the Internet.
    • Find pictures of people who come from the country where your parents grew up.
    • Pay attention to the images of people who were considered beautiful in different eras. You will notice that beauty standards are constantly changing, and there is not a single standard even within the same city or one country.
    • Hang these images in your room.
    • For a masquerade party, be one of the style icons of an era.
  3. 3 Learn to accept compliments. When someone tells you that you look good, trust that that person really thinks so. You don't have to think you look good to believe that others might think so. Give thanks for the compliment and say something nice in return.
    • If someone likes you, believe it.
    • People with low self-esteem often refuse dating because they simply cannot accept the offer. Don't be afraid, go on a date!
    • Ask the people you meet what they like about you. You will be surprised at how many people are attracted to you!
    • Don't forget to say what you like about them! Sincere, truthful compliments are very attractive.

Part 2 of 3: Get rid of the negativity

  1. 1 What are your feelings? When negative thoughts and feelings come to mind, accept them. If you notice that you are sad, ask yourself why you suddenly felt bad. Then try to find the reason, for example, it can be constant annoyance from ads, some problems with friends, or just hunger and fatigue. Finally, name this feeling. Get rid of the thought: "I am ugly!" Or "I need to lose weight!", Or "only beautiful people become happy."
    • You don't have to fight these feelings. Just name them, accept and release.
    • If these feelings don't go away, chase them away. Banish the thought: "only beautiful people become happy." Tell yourself, “I’m just tired, these thoughts always come when I’m tired. But now I want to rest, and I'm not going to worry about all the nonsense. "
    • Before you try to change something in yourself, love yourself. Accept your looks and your feelings. If you are trying to change or "fix" yourself without recognizing your unique personality, you will not achieve the desired result.
    • Ask yourself, “Do I deserve to be happy? Do I mean something? "
    • If you answered yes to these questions, you are on the right track.
  2. 2 Try to get rid of the haters. When someone insults you or tries to fix you, just ignore them. If someone offends you, it means that this person is not doing well in life. If a person is healthy, happy and contented, he will not offend other people. Instead of verbally insulting or upsetting someone, just stop communicating with them. Say "it's time for you to grow up" or "think what you want."
    • Don't be nervous or take insults personally, but if you want to feel a little sad, don't resist. Just remind yourself that you are upset because someone was not kind to you and tried to hurt you. Think about how you feel.
    • Stop hanging out with “friends” that make you think bad about yourself. Try to be friends with kind people who are ready to support you.
    • Try not to be offended when someone gives you advice about your appearance. You might even try making friends with someone who knows a lot about hair styling, makeup, and other aspects of beauty. Perhaps you will enjoy learning something new about fashion, perhaps you will even feel more confident learning a lot about beauty.
  3. 3 Treat yourself only kindly. If you start to insult yourself, stop. Talk to yourself as you would with a good friend. Would you call your girlfriend ugly? Or would they start criticizing her? Would you constantly think about what she looks like?
    • Write yourself a letter and try to describe yourself as your best friend would describe you. Stop if you find yourself writing insincerely or forcefully. Describe yourself as you appear to those who love you.
    • Remember that the word "ugly" is used quite rarely and mainly among teenagers or in the company of adults. If you call yourself that word, you will surely surprise or upset others.
    • Ask yourself, would you describe any of your friends as “ugly”?
    • Despite the fact that it seems to you that you are ugly, you would hardly call any of your friends "ugly."
  4. 4 Accept help from others. If you are really very closed in yourself and cannot cope with feelings and accept yourself, see a specialist. Consult with a psychologist or psychotherapist if you begin to have thoughts of harming yourself. If you are depressed and avoid everything you enjoy, if you are too withdrawn to communicate and do your job, be sure to see a specialist.
    • See your doctor if your vision of yourself does not match what your loved ones see, or if you think and worry about your appearance for more than a few minutes a day.

Part 3 of 3: Feel Superiority

  1. 1 Think about your hobbies. You will feel much better if you start doing something that you enjoy. Take the time to understand what might interest you. Write down your ideas so that you can read them at any time and bring them to life. Below are some examples of what notes describing your hobbies might be:
    • Think about what you would like to do if you were a child... What did you like to do as a child? Maybe you loved to play football? Paint? Dance? Or something different? Write about what you enjoyed when you were a child.
    • Make a list of people who inspire you... Try making a list of people you admire. Write about what you like about them and how it might affect your hobbies.
    • Think about what you would do if you knew for sure that you would succeed.... Imagine for a moment that you could succeed in whatever you set out to do. What would you do then if you were sure you would not lose? Write about it.
  2. 2 Develop your talents. Once you understand what makes you happy, try to do it as often as possible! It's very simple: for example, you can turn this hobby into a hobby, or go ahead and make it your job.
    • If you enjoy something that is difficult to bring to life, such as acting, try joining a community of interest or enrolling in courses so that you have the opportunity to do what you like more often.
    • Pay attention to how you feel when you work on your talents. Surely you will notice that you have bright good feelings. Feelings like this are confirmation that you really really enjoy what you do. If you notice that it is unpleasant and difficult for you, most likely you need to choose another hobby.
  3. 3 Think about your attractiveness. Beauty and attractiveness are not the same thing. Attractiveness is a special force that attracts other people to you.Usually beauty makes a person more attractive, but the basis of attractiveness is made up of completely different qualities.
    • Intelligence, kindness, self-confidence, health and humor are the foundation of attractiveness.
    • People who have a healthy self-image, are emotionally stable, and take care of themselves and their health tend to be very attractive to those around them.
  4. 4 Master the forces of gravity. In addition to your personality traits, there are other ways you can become more attractive. For example, your gait, self-control, smile and laughter all play a significant role. Stay confident, take a relaxed, relaxed posture. Straighten your shoulders when necessary.
    • A smile is one of the most attractive things you possess. When you enter a room, smile at people. Accompany your smile with eye contact.
    • Clothes in red colors are considered very attractive. For some reason, red in clothes grabs attention and evokes positive feelings. Even a red bag or red sneakers matter.
    • Apply makeup. A soft natural make-up will enhance your look, but don't overdo it, otherwise you will achieve the opposite effect. People perceive you as natural, so wear makeup that enhances your natural beauty.
  5. 5 Try to look good. You will feel more confident knowing that you look great. Do not forget about personal hygiene and wear clothes that are suitable for your body type. Talk to a shop assistant and try on things to make sure they are not cramped or loose. Choose a style that will highlight your personality: for example, if you like a musical style, choose clothes that suit that style.
    • Even if you wake up feeling disgusting, dress up to make you feel like a million dollars! It will really help boost your self-esteem.
    • Remember, you don't have to spend all your savings on new clothes.
    • Wear clothes that show your strengths, but don't try to hide any part of your body. Your body must remain the center of attention.
    • Choose hair care products, skin care products, find a style you like. Think of the new day as an opportunity to have fun, not just another routine.
  6. 6 Take care of your health. Sleep, eat right, and exercise regularly. Adults need to sleep 7-8 hours a day, teenagers 9-11 hours. Fatigue can lead to weight gain and health problems.
    • Eat right and eat a balanced diet. In order for the body to receive all the nutrients in the required amount, food must be varied. Eat fruits and vegetables every day, lean protein (such as eggs, skinless chicken), beans, complex carbohydrates (such as pasta and wheat products, brown rice, whole wheat bread).
    • Exercise regularly. Adults need to engage in vigorous physical activity 2.5 hours per week or moderate physical activity 1.5 hours per week.
  7. 7 Watch for an appetite disorder. If your appetite has increased or, conversely, decreased, this may be a symptom of a dangerous illness. If you come across this, be sure to contact a specialist.
    • Anorexia nervosa is a fairly common eating disorder. Among the signs of anorexia, there are constant thoughts about the amount of food eaten, a feeling of guilt for eating, a constant feeling of excess weight that does not pass, even if it is not. Constant vigorous exercise can also be a symptom of anorexia.
    • Bulimia is another eating disorder in which a person eats and then tries to induce vomiting, exercise hard, and take laxatives to get rid of calories.If you feel like you are constantly thinking about your weight, if you are haunted by feelings of guilt about the food you have eaten, if you cannot control the amount of food or may suddenly eat a lot, first eliminate bulimia.
    • Binge eating is also one of the eating disorders. Check with your doctor if you overeat regularly and are not making up for it with energy.

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