How to find gold nuggets

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Great Tips That Work !  Finding Gold Nuggets Prospecting With a Metal Detector
Video: Great Tips That Work ! Finding Gold Nuggets Prospecting With a Metal Detector


The best way to find large gold nuggets is to use a metal detector. This tool works in any weather. And it will be especially useful for you when searching for gold along streams and rivers. You will also need to find out in advance in which areas you can find nuggets.


Method 1 of 4: Preparation

  1. 1 Learn the basics of gold mining in their respective geographic areas.
  2. 2 Explore different areas to find out what your chance of finding gold is. Try to find this information on the Internet or request it from geological organizations.
  3. 3 If necessary, obtain official permission to search for gold nuggets.
  4. 4 Look for gold where it was mined before. Since now almost all areas have been explored, you are unlikely to find any new gold deposit.

Method 2 of 4: Buy a metal detector

  1. 1 Buy a high frequency metal detector.
    • High-frequency sensors respond best to gold, but they are also more likely to give false readings, especially when iron deposits are found.
    • Low frequency metal detectors are great for finding large gold deposits at great depths.
  2. 2 Look for a tool that automatically adjusts the iron content of the rocks. You don't have to do it manually all the time.
  3. 3 Select a detector that will determine the depth of the found object. This will help you know exactly how deep you will need to dig.
  4. 4 Buy reels in different sizes.
    • Large coils will help you find large objects at great depths, while smaller coils will find small objects at shallower depths.
    • Small coils are good for locating gold in the ground, while large coils are good at finding nuggets in dumps.
    • Buy reels designed for your model only. You will not be able to use the coils of other metal detectors.
  5. 5 Buy high quality headphones. They have to:
    • Suppress external noise.
    • Improve faint sounds when nugget is detected.
    • Have volume control.
    • Be mono or stereo, depending on the type of detector.

Method 3 of 4: Practice with a metal detector

  1. 1 Assemble the detector following the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. 2 Practice at home first.
    • Do not practice outside until you understand how the instrument works.
    • Place various metal objects, bottle caps, coins, nails, and gold jewelry on the table.
    • Sweep the metal detector over each object several times to remember what sounds it makes when it detects a particular metal.

Method 4 of 4: Use Your Metal Detector to Find Gold Nuggets

  1. 1 Travel with your equipment to the location you have chosen to search for nuggets.
  2. 2 Move the metal detector coil from side to side, low above the ground. Try not to swing it like a pendulum so that the detector is always at the same distance above the ground.
  3. 3 Cover areas. If you do not slightly overlap the ground you swept over with the coil, then you can skip small nuggets.
  4. 4 Try to dig whenever you have a positive signal. But get ready to dig a lot to find the nugget.


  • Be sure to bury any holes that you made while searching for gold behind you. Also, clean up any debris behind you.
  • Buy two metal detectors: high frequency and low frequency. You will have a better chance of finding gold.
  • Be realistic. The metal detector will only help you find gold at a depth of no more than 30 cm. You should also be prepared for slow and monotonous work. But if you find gold, then the reward will pay off all your efforts.


  • Don't look for gold in national parks or places where you don't have a special permit. This can cause problems for you and for other searchers.

What do you need

  • Gold prospecting and mining permit
  • Metal detector
  • Coils of different sizes
  • Headphones
  • Wooden table
  • Training items: coins, nails, gold jewelry