How to start observing people

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 7 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
HOW TO OBSERVE like Sherlock Holmes - 5 Hyper Observant Techniques
Video: HOW TO OBSERVE like Sherlock Holmes - 5 Hyper Observant Techniques


Observing people allows you to experience the beauty and rhythm of the world around you. This is a very interesting activity, and you will surely have many reasons for sincere laughter, especially in the most unexpected places. For some people, the process of looking at people is a creative endeavor, as it provides an opportunity to come up with or finish the story of a stranger based only on observation. By and large, this is an amateur social science.

Observers pay attention to the actions of others, their interactions with others, and body language; they often listen to conversations as well. You can use all the senses when observing. You can even try to guess by the smell what kind of aftershave gel or eau de toilette is used by a person passing by. In this article, we will provide some helpful tips on how to better observe people.


  1. 1 Decide how and why you will observe. It is important to understand why you are observing others. You may have several reasons, but most likely your main motivation will be trying to understand how other people live, how they behave, and what their history is.
    • It's nice to watch others. You sit in a comfortable place (in a cafe or on a bench in the sun) and see how others are having fun, cleaning themselves up, doing their usual things. All people are capable of arousing deep interest, and this reason does not need more detailed explanation.
    • This habit will allow you to pass the time when you are waiting for someone or when you are in the company of someone with whom you do not want to be around.
    • Observing people awakens a forgotten sense of curiosity. Children are known to love to gaze at others, and if you follow their example, you will be able to experience this exciting feeling again.
    • This allows you to get the information you want. If you are writing books and working on characters in a play, observing people will allow you to find missing descriptions for your work. If you are an actor or actress, observing others will give you clues about how a wide variety of people can stand, walk, talk, and do other things. In addition, this is a great opportunity to test in practice all the learned information about behavior and facial expressions of people.
    • Strangers always provide a variety of subjects for artists and photographers.
    • Observing people is a source of inspiration. Because of this, you may want to write a symphony, script for a film, or make a diary entry.
    • It's a healthy alternative to following people on Facebook or Instagram.
  2. 2 Observe people in their natural environment, but do not disturb them. Surveillance in natural conditions presupposes non-interference in what is happening. This means that you should not be seen, heard, and your attention should not cause discomfort in people.
    • Find out what places are best for observing. World capitals and resort cities are best suited for this activity, because there people know that they are in sight and that someone is constantly looking at them. Any city where people are used to showing off their sense of style will do. The smaller the city, the fewer opportunities to remain unnoticed by observation.
    • Not all observation methods are appropriate in all settings. In New York, you won't surprise anyone with the flash of a camera, but trying to capture a picture of a person on the only main street of a small town will raise questions or even outrage. Find out where you can take pictures, and where it will be unacceptable, and do not cross that line. If someone doesn't like that you are photographing them, delete those pictures, because your actions should not cause unpleasant feelings in others.
  3. 3 Choose a place from which it would be convenient for you to observe. The safest place is a cafe overlooking a busy street. This is a classic Parisian location, and even if it's cold outside, you will always have the opportunity to find a large and clean window through which you can watch what is happening outside. There are other options as well:
    • Top floor of a shopping center with an atrium.
    • Under a tree in a park, on an observation platform, in any other places where tourists and locals like to gather.
    • In the public pool or on the beach; at a party or festival (very interesting to watch people as the event picks up steam).
    • When entering or exiting a cinema, theater, medical center.
    • Cafes, bars, pubs.
    • Theme parks, zoos, aquariums and other places where you will sooner or later get tired and need to sit down to rest.
    • Dog racing. Where dogs communicate, so do their owners.
    • Shops including second-hand shops and bookstores.
    • Art Galleries and Museums: The most interesting thing is to observe people who themselves observe something, especially those who discuss what is happening among themselves. It will resemble a kind of matryoshka doll.
    • Do not forget about public transport - this is a great place to look at people, because in any case you will have to look at the same point for a while.
  4. 4 Do not interfere with your presence. It is important not to find yourself in places where your behavior may seem suspicious. Try to pretend that you are busy with other things.
    • Have an open book, notebook, or something else with you.
    • Have lunch or coffee while you watch others.
    • Wear sunglasses to prevent people from knowing where you are looking.
  5. 5 Pick one person. Choose a person who will immediately grab your attention and who will not disappear before you have time to observe him. As you look at it, try to guess what its story is.
    • Why is this man here? Is he happy? Nervous? Annoyed? Why? What does his demeanor say about a person? How does he speak? Does his speech reflect the general impression of him?
    • Take a closer look at your clothes. What does a person's clothes say? Is he rich or poor? Does he dress nicely or has no idea about style? Does he belong to any pop or subculture?
    • What can the appearance and demeanor say about the desires of a person, about his work?
    • Try to find doubles in the crowd. Pay attention to people who look like people you know or some celebrity. Who knows, you might get to see a real celebrity in person!
    • Do you recognize anyone? The older you are, the more likely you are to spot ex-lovers, bosses, teachers, or classmates on the street. Be careful!
  6. 6 Watch others with a friend. Doing this with someone who shares your passion will make the process even more fun. Ask each other the questions listed above, agree or disagree with the conclusions until you agree. Being able to share your observations with someone is a great way to spend time and get even closer.
  7. 7 Write down your observations. This is not a prerequisite, so if you don’t want to, don’t force yourself. However, if observing people is a hobby to which you devote a lot of time, you may like to write your thoughts down on paper, especially if you are a writer, blogger, or artist.
    • Carry a notebook and pen with you on days when you decide to observe people. Set aside a separate notebook for this hobby - let the whole process become a special ceremony. Write down everything you hear from the person and what you see. Try to describe the demeanor. This will make this hobby even more fun and you can keep doing it for years.
    • Use the resulting material to work on the book. Write everything down to the smallest detail.
    • Start drawing or learning acting if you enjoy watching people without a camera.
  8. 8 Be guided by good intentions. Respect people's need for privacy. Remember that you yourself become an object of observation from time to time, and it is quite possible that this can happen just when you yourself are looking at someone.
  9. 9 Know how to react if the person decides to stare at you in return. People may notice that you are looking at them and take it negatively. There are several ways to get out of this situation:
    • Smile, shrug, and look the other way.
    • If you are around, talk to the person and explain what caught your attention.
    • Lower your gaze and do not raise it until the person leaves. This tip comes in handy if you get scared.
    • Turn away or stand and walk away if the situation gets tense.


  • Try to hide your intentions. If a person knows that they are being watched, they will behave differently. In addition, it can irritate or frighten the person.
  • There are special sites on the Internet dedicated to observation sites. Go to these pages and see if there is anything suitable in your city. Some city guides also provide this information.
  • Over the years, try to imagine what could have become of the people you almost met. Are they happy? Are they in a hurry as they were then? Where do they live? Do they have a family?
  • To make the process even more interesting, tell others about these characters.
  • Start blogging about your hobby.
  • Do not forget to watch the animals in the city - they are no less interesting than the people.This also applies to your pets, doesn't it?


  • People-watching is not the same as voyeurism. Respect the privacy of others, do not follow on their heels or discuss them with friends if you are in their immediate vicinity.
  • Do not lose your sense of reality while observing. You can get so carried away that you will start picking your nose, which will make you already an object of observation of others.
  • Be careful when you decide to take pictures. In some cultures, this is unacceptable, and in many cases, this desire can even turn into trouble.

What do you need

  • Notepad and pen; write neatly - let your notebook be your treasure.
  • Money if you want to watch through the cafe window.
  • Sunglasses (optional)