How do men answer the question "What do you like about me"

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
51 Perfect Text Messages That Will Make Him Smile And Miss You More
Video: 51 Perfect Text Messages That Will Make Him Smile And Miss You More


Do you know that there is a question to be answered, but you do not have an answer to it? All you need to answer this question is to read and follow the instructions below.


  1. 1 As soon as the girl asks: “What do you like about me?”, Don't panic, be calm and honest. If you offend a girl's feelings, just say you were honest.
  2. 2 You can compliment her eyes or face or even her hair. Girls love compliments about their appearance.
  3. 3 If you compliment her about her update, she will definitely note it and appreciate it.
  4. 4 Compliments are the easiest way to get away with this question if you are caught off guard.
  5. 5 Tell her that you like everything about her (if that's true).
  6. 6 List your favorite traits in her personality (i.e.(i.e. her humor, gentleness, etc.).
  7. 7 If you really can't come up with anything, tell me that you like too much about it, and you won't have a day to list it all.


  • Try practicing on your own. That way, when she asks a question, it won't sound like a bolt from the blue to you, and you won't stand there stuttering.
  • Be honest. Girls love honest men.
  • Always look her in the eye when answering a question.
  • Feel free to ask her the same thing (of course, after having answered her question yourself). Perhaps she even asked this question in order to hear it from you.
  • Think about why you are dating her. Is that her sense of humor? Maybe the ability to attract people?
  • Be ready. You do not want her to ask you this question, and you were not ready to answer it.


  • She may ask you why you like her eyes or her face or her hair, etc. (This is why you need to be prepared.)