How to buy college supplies

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 25 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
school supplies you ACTUALLY need for college!! (the essentials)
Video: school supplies you ACTUALLY need for college!! (the essentials)


Preparing for college can be an exciting but challenging process, and the moments of buying the right things can sometimes be stressful. Make your life a little easier before going to college by following our guidelines.


Method 1 of 7: Part 1: Tutorials

  1. 1 Take the list of tutorials from the source. The educational institution is required to provide a list of required textbooks upon your admission, so you can find out which textbooks you need in advance. Ask the person who registered you or your teachers about this. Do not rely on stores for this matter.
  2. 2 You shouldn't buy books from the university bookstore, it's better to do it online. Sometimes you can find something worthwhile in a bookstore, but in most cases you can buy all the books you need at lower prices online.
    • Take a look at and or our peers, which provide information on textbooks at the lowest prices.
    • Also check out sites that allow you to sell used copies, such as Amazon or
  3. 3 Look for older editions. Most older books can be purchased at lower prices without compromising on quality.
    • It may sometimes be worth asking your teacher for advice, but on very rare occasions there will be significant changes in the new edition that you will need to prepare for the class.
  4. 4 Rent books. Books for rent do not guarantee lower prices, but often the price is lower than when purchased. Consider both options and consider which one is best for each book.
    • You can ask your local store for rental opportunities, but there are online sources as well.
  5. 5 Check coupons. If you really want to save money, you can check coupons that allow you to save money on books purchased online. These coupons may only be available from one publisher, but you can search for coupons for many online stores.
    • Check either directly on the publishers' sites, or look for promotional listings on sites such as, and
  6. 6 Divide the amount between two with a friend. If you have a friend who needs some of the same books as you do, consider splitting the cost in two and sharing the book.
  7. 7 Buy books from senior college courses. Seniors who no longer need the book can sell it to you at a fairly low cost, since they are interested in making at least something from this textbook.
  8. 8 Check out the cost of international publications. If the international edition is printed in the desired language, this may be a noteworthy option. However, be careful, as international editions can be quite different in price.
    • Also check the cost of delivery, because for foreign publications it can be equal to the cost of the textbook itself.

Method 2 of 7: Part 2: Study Supplies

  1. 1 Get writing supplies. Even if you plan to use a computer, you still need certain writing instruments to practice.
    • Buy blue or black ballpoint pens and pencils to write or fill out your exam papers.
    • Purchase highlighter markers to help you learn.
    • Also buy some brightly colored markers and a bottle of concealer.
  2. 2 Buy tools for organizing your notes. Folders and notepads are a matter of course, but there are a few more accessories that will come in handy, although they are not so obvious.
    • Buy a binder and a hole punch to keep you organized, as well as a thematic notepad and loose-leaf paper.
    • Get a backpack or shoulder bag to carry your textbooks to class.
  3. 3 Keep your desk tidy. Your dorm desk will have a lot of utensils and papers, so buy gadgets that will help you keep your desk tidy and increase your productivity.
    • Check if you bought:
    • Stickers
    • Organizer or calendar
    • Vocabulary
    • Calculator
    • Rubber bands, ruler, scissors, stapler and staples, buttons, and tape measure
  4. 4 Get yourself a good computer and other technical devices. If you don't already own a computer, you should really consider this purchase. For most classes, you will need to type and print documents, and a computer will help you find information and relax.
    • In addition to the computer, take care of:
      • Printer
      • Printing paper
      • Ink cartridges
      • USB stick
    • Find out if there are places near the university where you can print materials. If so, you can skip the printer and save money.
    • Protect your tech. Purchase a technical device to protect your computer from power fluctuations. You can also buy an external hard drive to periodically flush the contents of your permanent hard drive.

Method 3 of 7: Part 3: Bedding and Dorm Room

  1. 1 Find out your bed size before purchasing. Most dorm rooms have twin beds, so when shopping for duvets and sheets, make sure the size of your bedding matches the size of your bed.
    • You will need pillows and pillowcases, sheets, a blanket, and / or a blanket.
    • Also buy a mattress for more comfort.
  2. 2 Take care of yourself. Many dorm rooms have lighting and mirrors, but it doesn't hurt to buy more.
    • If your room does not have a full-length mirror, then buy one.
    • Buy table and floor lamps to complement the ceiling light in your room.
  3. 3 Get up on time. An alarm clock is a very important purchase unless you have a reliable alarm clock on your mobile phone. Even if you use an alarm clock on your phone, a spare one will definitely not hurt you.
    • It is also worth buying special products to help you fall asleep so that you can wake up well rested, such as earplugs and an eye mask.
  4. 4 Think about the clothes you take with you. Basically, you can bring the same clothes you wore in high school. Or you might want to update your wardrobe.
    • Get ready for bad weather. Get a raincoat, rubber boots, umbrella, winter boots if needed.
    • If the climate in the area where you are moving differs from the climate in your city, buy clothes that are more suitable for the new weather conditions.
  5. 5 Unload storage space. Some of the items you bring with you may not be useful to you right away, so you need multiple shelving to store things until you need them.
    • Also buy temporary hangers and shelves for shoes, books, and other items you need to store.
  6. 6 Decorate your room. Of course, this is not necessary, but it is better to take care of decorating the walls and doors. This is the room you will be living in for most of the year, so make it enjoyable.
    • Here's what you can get:
      • Reminder or visualization board
      • Posters
      • Door message board and markers
  7. 7 Buy more travel bags. If you've never had a suitcase of your own, it's time to buy a set. It is better to buy suitcases in a set than one at a time, so you can save more.

Method 4 of 7: Part 4: Health and Beauty

  1. 1 Buy shower supplies. You will need a large bath towel and washcloth (at the very least), but there are other bathing supplies to take care of.
    • Buy sandals or shower shoes to protect your feet from bacteria in shared showers.
    • Buy shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel.
    • If your room has a private bathroom, buy hand towels, a bath mat, and toilet paper.
    • Bring a soap dish to store soap and other supplies.
  2. 2 Take care of your hair. In general, take any product or gadget you use at home with you to college. If you've used your parents' belongings, you'll have to buy your own.
    • Purchase a hairdryer, hair straightener, comb, comb, and curling iron if needed.
    • Also, don't forget a razor and shaving cream to take care of your face and body.
  3. 3 Be presentable. Skin care products are the same as hair care products - buy the same products you use at home.
    • Protect your skin with moisturizing lotion and sunblock.
    • Brush your teeth with your own toothbrush and toothpaste.
    • Buy a tube of lip balm.
    • Monitor your body odor with deodorant.
  4. 4 Bring a first aid kit with you. A first aid kit is a must have for every student in college. You can purchase a pre-packaged medication kit or buy them separately.
    • Here's what to include in your first aid kit:
      • Rubbing alcohol
      • Antibacterial ointment
      • Adhesive plaster
      • Hydrogen peroxide
      • Thermometer
  5. 5 Take care of your health. In addition to a first aid kit, there are a few other supplies that you should have. Otherwise, you will not feel your best.
    • These tools are:
      • Remedies for headaches, medicine for colds and allergies
      • The remedies your doctor has prescribed for you
      • Cough pills
      • Eye drops

Method 5 of 7: Part 5: Cleaning Products

  1. 1 Know what you have to clean up. In most cases, you will only have to clean your bedroom or dorm room. However, in some cases, you will be in charge of cleaning the hallway, shower room or dorm kitchen, and then you will need cleaning supplies and tools.
  2. 2 Remember how to mop and clean the floor. A vacuum cleaner, broom, and doormat should be on your college shopping list.
    • Invest in a mini vacuum cleaner, especially if you are in charge of a small area like the sleeping area of ​​your dorm room.
  3. 3 Buy laundry tools. You will almost always have to do your own laundry. Take care of the presence of detergent and a laundry basket.
    • Buy a roll-out basket to save space in your room.
    • Buy fabric softener in liquid or dry form.
  4. 4 Fight germs. We advise you to purchase disinfection wipes, no matter how much you have to clean up. Disinfection wipes and sprays can help fight germs, which is very important in a small, confined space like a dorm room.
    • Bring more dishwashing detergent and glass cleaner, and some hard scouring pads.

Method 6 of 7: Part 6: Entertainment

  1. 1 Take care of music and movies. Even the biggest crammer needs to ventilate his brain periodically. Therefore, stock up on plenty of CD, DVD or Blu-ray.
    • However, you should not bring a large audio system with you, as you may get in trouble if you create too much noise and your neighbors will file a complaint against you.
    • Also buy a portable TV to watch movies.
  2. 2 Buy good headphones. Just because you like the music you listen to doesn't mean your neighbors will like it as much. Headphones are an important thing, so if you don't already own them, it's worth getting a pair.
    • Purchasing soundproofing headphones can also help you avoid annoying noises and sounds from other people.
  3. 3 Bring your favorite books with you. If you love reading, buy some books that you would like to read. This will help keep you reading joy, which can be a little dull from textbooks.
  4. 4 Buy games and sports equipment. Indoor and outdoor games can help relieve stress and make friends, so if you don't already have games to bring to college with you, get one or two.
    • Board and card games are great and inexpensive options. You can also bring a video game console with you, but this will be at your own risk as it could be stolen if you leave the room open.
    • Also buy equipment for outdoor activities, such as roller skates, frisbees, or a basketball.

Method 7 of 7: Part 7: Cooking and Kitchen

  1. 1 Think about what you need and what you can bring. Many colleges have restrictions on the acceptable kitchen tools in your room. Find out about these restrictions before making big purchases.
    • Devices worth checking out:
      • Coffee machine
      • Blender
      • Microwave
      • Portable refrigerator
  2. 2 Buy food containers. Plastic bowls and bags are important as they give your food a longer shelf life and allow you to collect leftovers.
    • Make sure your plastic containers are microwave safe.
  3. 3 Take the tools you need with you. Forks, knives, and spoons are naturally a must first, so buy all of these before heading off to college.
    • Also buy a can opener, watering can, and any other kitchen utensils (whisk or mixing spoons) you will need if you are going to cook on your own.
    • Kitchen appliances also include casseroles, pots and pans.
  4. 4 You will also need plates, bowls, cups, and mugs.
    • Make sure your crockery is microwave safe.


  • Save money by shopping wisely. Take advantage of any high school and college sales in big stores, and shop at small, inexpensive and used stores to save even more on essential items.


  • Take a very careful look at the restrictions and guidelines your university or college has before shopping. This will help you avoid unnecessary or prohibited purchases.