How to avoid serum with hypolactasia

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Lactase MOOtations – why people with lactose intolerance can’t drink milk
Video: Lactase MOOtations – why people with lactose intolerance can’t drink milk


Avoiding whey foods is a real challenge for people with lactose intolerance. Whey is obtained from milk, but it can be found not only in dairy products, but also in completely unexpected places. Follow directions to avoid whey and relieve symptoms of lactose intolerance.


Method 1 of 3: Avoid Lactose Dairy Products

Whey protein is found in most dairy products - cow and goat milk, cheese, sour cream, ice cream and yogurt. The use of one of these products will negatively affect the well-being of a person with hypolactasia, since most often they have a high lactose content.

  1. 1 Buy dairy substitutes. For example, coconut or almond milk, dairy-free sorbets instead of ice cream, vegan cheeses, and other foods that replace dairy for vegans and those suffering from lactose intolerance.
  2. 2 Look for foods labeled "lactose free". Such an inscription significantly reduces the likelihood that the product contains whey protein (which is obtained from milk), although it does not guarantee its absence.

Method 2 of 3: Check Food Composition

In America, all dairy products must be labeled with a special warning for allergy sufferers. Most manufacturers add whey separately, especially in non-dairy products. By avoiding foods and drinks that contain whey, you can avoid an increase in the concentration of lactose in the body and the discomfort that this could cause.

  1. 1 Remember all the names of the serum. Whey can be hidden in foods under completely different names.
    • Avoid foods that contain the following ingredients in their ingredients, descriptions, or warnings for allergy sufferers: whey, butter, casein, cheese, cottage cheese, galactose, lactalbumin, lactose, or milk.
    • In general, avoid all foods that have whey, lactose, or milk mentioned on the packaging. Trust only foods that are specifically stated to be lactose and whey free, and vegan foods.
    • If you are not just lactose intolerant, but allergic to milk, you will have to eliminate a lot more foods from your diet; some people with hypolactasia can actually consume small amounts of dairy products without discomfort.
  2. 2 Read the list of everything you buy. Whey and lactose come in many different forms and are sometimes found even in non-dairy products.
    • Lactose and whey can be found in breads, chewing gum, soy cheeses, vitamins and medicines, canned fish, chicken broths, chocolate, sauces, and seasoning kits.
    • Whey is also found in most baby foods, margarines, desserts, breakfast cereals, and cheese-flavored foods.

Method 3 of 3: Choose Your Protein Sources Carefully

Many protein foods contain whey, as most people digest protein easily in this form. Whey isolate is definitely not an option for people with hypolactasia, but there are many other protein foods that contain whey. These are primarily products aimed at building muscle or controlling weight.

  1. 1 When ordering protein shakes, ask for a list of all the ingredients. Fruit shakes are often added with additional ingredients to improve immunity or boost energy levels.
    • Before trying any powders, especially protein powders, inquire about their composition, as whey is a common ingredient in various nutritional supplements. Avoid all powders that contain any form of lactose.
  2. 2 For workouts, buy only whey-free soy protein powder. Protein powders made from soy, brown rice, hemp, pea, and egg whites are most often safe for people with lactose intolerance as long as they do not contain whey protein.
  3. 3 Read on for shakes, protein bars, and other snack foods. Even organic and vegetarian protein snacks and medications can contain whey protein. Look for vegan sources of protein or read food labels carefully so you don't accidentally eat anything that contains whey or lactose.


  • Try to learn about all whey products. Many herbal supplements and vitamin complexes contain whey protein. If you are severely lactose intolerant, it is best to temporarily eliminate them from your diet in order to observe how this affects your well-being.
  • Mixed-flavor potato chips, convenience foods, popsicles and fruit-flavored gum, and sugary and processed foods can also contain whey, so check the ingredients even for foods that seem harmless at first glance.


  • If you are really allergic to dairy, work with your dietitian to avoid lactose and whey to prevent the inadvertent consumption of dairy sugars and proteins.