How to avoid people you don't want to talk to

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How To Avoid Talking To People You Don’t Want To Talk To (Jenna Marbles)
Video: How To Avoid Talking To People You Don’t Want To Talk To (Jenna Marbles)


Sometimes on the path of life there are people whom you want to bypass. You can try to avoid meeting this person altogether, but it is not always possible to completely avoid communicating with him. There are several ways to shut yourself off from people you don't want to talk to, such as surrounding yourself with nice people or avoiding certain situations.


Method 1 of 3: Learn to feel comfortable around people

  1. 1 Maintain a positive attitude. Sometimes there is no desire to talk to this or that person, and therefore his company makes you uncomfortable. Take a deep breath and tell yourself that you are a wonderful person to talk to. And be sure to remind yourself that you have the right to privacy, and expressing feelings that help you feel at ease is completely normal.
    • Focus on what you want right now and what makes you happy. Then try to find people who share your position. Don't try to avoid those who emit negativity, but instead try to surround yourself with people who are like you and who you feel comfortable around.
    • Thoughts affect not only mood, but also actions. Smile and take a moment to tell yourself that you are exactly where you should be.
    • A positive attitude will help attract other friendly people.
  2. 2 Participate in activities that you enjoy. Communication in any place and at any time will not always give you pleasure, but if you do what you love, then those people with whom it will be pleasant to communicate will surely appear near you.
    • During school years, you can join a group or circle according to personal interests. It doesn't matter if you are an introvert or an extrovert, there are a lot of extracurricular electives for all personality types. You can find an occupation and a company of people with common interests anywhere, both in theatrical performances and in athletics.
    • In addition to the fact that what you love will give you confidence and connect with like-minded people, it will also allow you to do something useful and avoid situations and personalities that you prefer not to face.
  3. 3 Enjoy the fruits of this life experience. Do not worry too much about the fate of other people and how this may affect you, but rather just enjoy life.It is not your fault that the person is aggressive or deliberately tries to upset you.
    • Often people throw out their dissatisfaction on those around them because of their own notoriousness.
    • Channel your energy to enjoy the fruits of your labor, because it is easier to isolate yourself from unpleasant personalities. You simply will not have a free minute to sort things out with a person who is unpleasant to you.
  4. 4 Spend time with friends. Whether it is a social environment, school or work, surrounded by like-minded people will make you feel much more comfortable.
    • Enlist the support of your buddies if you find yourself often in situations where you have to be around unpleasant people or personalities with whom you do not want to talk.
    • Tell your friends about the person you are bored with. Calmly explain why and ask friends to provide a safe barrier if this person gets close to you.

Method 2 of 3: Deal with the person you dislike

  1. 1 Be respectful. Keep yourself within the bounds of decency if you are faced with a person with whom you do not want to communicate due to his ignorance or if you are connected by a certain story. An exchange of a couple of words will be enough if you behave correctly and do not allow the other person to provoke you into counter-rudeness.
    • It is not always possible to completely isolate oneself from a person with whom one does not want to talk. However, communication can be kept to a minimum by showing courtesy and indifference on your face.
    • Stop and take a deep breath. Focus on your needs. Your goal is to complete this interaction as soon as possible.
    • Walk away from the conversation politely. You should not be like the interlocutor. Remain calm and tell them that you need to meet a friend or that it's time to run to a meeting. So you can get out of the situation with dignity.
  2. 2 Define the boundaries of what is permissible in advance. You do not have to constantly explain to the person you want to avoid communicating with why he should not cross the line, but you need to determine the scope of what is permissible. In the future, you must strictly follow these rules.
    • Limitations are both emotional and physical. You have the right to privacy. Therefore, it is necessary to explain clearly that this is very important for you.
    • Whether it's a co-worker, classmate, or ex-partner, be clear about how and when you're ready to interact with them. Despite the complexity, don't be afraid to be straightforward.
    • If the person has previously violated the boundaries of your personal space, then the next time you meet, just tell him not to come so close. In addition, at the very beginning of the conversation, you can immediately focus on the fact that you have very little time. Or let us know that you prefer to communicate via SMS or e-mail.
  3. 3 Ignore the person. Chances are, you are not the only one who longs to get rid of his intrusive attention. Pay attention to how other people interact with him. If you have already tried all tactful methods, and none of them worked, then you just have to ignore the person. Ask the team for help in finding the best solutions to this problem.
    • Sometimes relationships do not work well. For example, this can happen to a former partner or even a co-worker. Just ignore this person if you have tried to distance yourself, but they have failed.
    • Complete ignorance is not the easiest way, especially if a person is persistent, but the firmness of the decision made will gradually lead to the desired result.
    • To declare a boycott does not mean making fun of a person, making a displeased face in his presence, or making obscene gestures. It just assumes that the person is not around at all.However, don't pretend that he is literally not there. It is necessary to be above the current situation and avoid spending time together and staying in one place.

Method 3 of 3: Block out the person completely / completely

  1. 1 Avoid situations in which there is a possibility of human contact. Sometimes you need to make changes in your life in order to distance yourself from a person with whom you do not want to communicate. You should not go to a party or meeting if you know for certain that he is there.
    • Do not use this method if you are in a situation that cannot be avoided, such as at school or at work. In this case, refuse to attend special events in order to avoid meeting with this or that person.
    • Tell your friend ahead of time that you will not be attending the event. Be honest with your friend when explaining why, but don't do it in a rude manner.
    • When you spot a person with whom you want to avoid communication or meeting, consider changing your location. For example, while relaxing in a bar or at a party, you can move to another room so as not to stumble upon an unpleasant person.
  2. 2 Ask for help. If you really want to avoid meeting a certain person, but it is difficult to do it alone, then ask other people to help you. Ask a friend, parent, boss, or class teacher for help.
    • You should discuss the problem with an authority figure who can help with the situation, such as your boss or school counselor, if you cannot isolate yourself from the person because you are in the same class or work together.
    • Calmly explain why you are not able to be in the company of this person. Perhaps his presence interferes with work due to the constant feeling of discomfort. Or you cannot focus on the topic of the lesson, because this person constantly pesters you. Tell your boss exactly why it is necessary to take you out of the process of interacting with this person.
  3. 3 Cut off all connections. If possible, put it all in your face and end the relationship in one fell swoop. You can simply cut off all ties if you are pestered by a former partner, whom you no longer want to see and hear, or a person from the company of mutual friends.
    • Set boundaries and don't apologize. Your own health and emotional peace should come first. Despite the difficulty, tell this person that you no longer intend to continue any communication with him.
    • Stick to the chosen line of conduct. Some will not just leave you alone, but you did everything right when you stated your intentions. After that, do not enter into dialogue.
    • It will be the right decision to directly communicate that you no longer want to talk to the person and see him. Sometimes words get through much faster if you are straightforward and a little harsh. At first, there is a feeling of anger, but try to carry out your plans and remember that this will be better for your well-being.


  • You don't have to look straight in the eyes, but speak politely and make it clear that your mood isn't your best right now.
  • Change your route and habits to avoid the person.
  • Calmly explain to the person that you cannot speak at the moment.
  • Show respect if approached. However, set limits beforehand.
  • If the person is angry with you, take a step back as slowly as possible (in the literal sense of the word), think carefully about the next words / actions, and determine the necessary course of action in the current situation.