How to get rid of a cold

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 8 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How To Get Rid Of A COLD FAST!! (Remedies That Actually WORK!!)
Video: How To Get Rid Of A COLD FAST!! (Remedies That Actually WORK!!)


The common cold is a contagious virus that attacks most often during the winter months. It cannot be cured, but you can certainly relieve symptoms and prevent them from getting worse if you take good care of yourself. Learn how to get immediate relief and use home remedies and medicines to get rid of a cold.


Method 1 of 3: Immediate Relief

  1. 1 Drink plenty of warm liquids. Most colds are marked by nasal congestion, which makes it difficult for you to breathe properly. The warm liquid loses the mucus and allows it to flow more freely, and it becomes easier for you to breathe when it is washed out.
    • Warm water with a lemon wedge is a great choice. The vitamin C in lemon will help your body get rid of colds faster.
    • Herbal teas like chamomile or mint are good for treating colds as they soothe a sore throat and allow you to breathe more freely.
    • Warm chicken or vegetable broth is nutritious and healthy when it comes to cleansing your sinuses.
  2. 2 Get yourself a steam session. Breathing in the steam clears your nasal passages and soothes dry sore throat. Take advantage of the healing powers of steam by trying the following steam healing techniques:
    • Boil a pot of water on the stove. Remove it from the heat, cover your head and shoulders with a towel, and bend over the pot, facing the steaming water. Let the steam cover your face and into your nose and mouth.
    • Take a hot shower. Take a hot shower and let the bathroom be pleasant and full of steam before you enter. Try to breathe in the steam while you shower.
    • Take a soothing bath. Take a hot bath and add soothing essential oils like green tea, mint, and lemongrass to give yourself aromatherapy while in the park.
  3. 3 Use a neti pot. This homeopathic remedy is used to flush fluid from the nasal passages using a saline solution to rinse the nose.Many people know that it clears the sinuses for several hours.
    • Neti pots are shaped like an oblong teapot and are usually made of ceramic or clay. They are available at pharmacies and health food stores.
    • To use a pot of neti, mix 1/2 teaspoon of pure salt with 1 cup of water. Fill the pot with the solution. Stand over a sink and tilt your head to the side, then place the spout of the pot in your upper nostril and tilt the pot to pour the solution into your nasal cavity. Let it flow from the other nostril into the sink until all the liquid has drained out. Refill the pot with the solution and repeat on the other nostril.
  4. 4 Get plenty of rest. Resting the first few days after catching a cold is an important part of the recovery process. If you don't get enough rest, it could end up with the flu, bronchitis, or even pneumonia. Make sure to sleep at least 8 hours a night and take a nap during the day when you are tired.
    • Consider taking a day off from work or class so your body can recover.
    • Don't be too active and don't go to public places where you can infect other people with the cold virus.

Method 2 of 3: Natural Treatments

  1. 1 Take vitamin C. Vitamin C has been shown to help get rid of cold symptoms faster. Drink orange juice and other citrus juices and eat greens like spinach and kale to ensure you get your daily intake of vitamin C. You can also take vitamin C tablets for extra confidence.
  2. 2 Take medicinal herbs. Some herbs are said to help relieve colds and recover faster. You can use tinctures, teas and herbal supplements, they help you become healthy faster.
    • Try ginseng. This root is considered a powerful cold remedy and is available as a supplement or tea.
    • Echinacea helps treat respiratory tract infections. You can take it as an extract or tea, or you can buy cough drops containing this herb.
    • Elderberry tea is a traditional European cold remedy made from elderflower flowers and peppermint leaves. It helps to get rid of the cough symptom faster.
  3. 3 Make honey lemon pills. Honey soothes a sore throat and lemon provides a vitamin C boost. Make your own pill using these two natural ingredients to help relieve cold symptoms. To make these pills, follow these instructions:
    • Pour 1/2 cup honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice into a saucepan.
    • Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly to avoid burning.
    • Use a candy thermometer to check the temperature. When the honey reaches 149 degrees, immediately remove it from the heat.
    • Use a spoon to spoon the honey droplets onto oiled parchment or wax paper. Let the droplets harden, then peel them off the paper and use as hard candy. Place excess tablets in an airtight container for later use.
  4. 4 Use menthol and camphor. Their tinctures are used to rub into the chest to relieve cough symptoms and clear clogged sinuses. Menthol is also available in lozenge form.

Method 3 of 3: Medicines

  1. 1 Use a nasal spray. A nasal spray contains saline or steroids that help clear sinuses and is available from pharmacies or prescribed by a doctor. Spray the spray into your nostrils as often as recommended on the package or prescribed by your doctor.
    • Some nasal sprays contain chemicals that, if abused, can have harmful effects. If in doubt, check with your doctor before using the spray.
  2. 2 Try an antihistamine. Find one that contains brompheniramine or chlorpheniramine, ingredients that have been found to be effective treatments for the common cold.The sinuses should clear up about an hour after taking the dose.
  3. 3 Take a cough syrup. If you cough so often that you cannot sleep, you should try an affordable cough medicine to relieve your symptoms. Be sure to take only the doses recommended on the package.
    • A cough suppressant containing dextromethorphan may relieve your cough. Using a cough suppressant can have negative consequences as the body needs a cough as a way to get rid of excess mucus and fluid. Do not take a cough suppressant if bronchitis or pneumonia is suspected.
    • Cough suppressants containing expectorant substances are also available at pharmacies. They thin the mucus to make the cough more effective.
    • See your doctor if the cough persists for more than a week. He will write you a prescription or check for other medical conditions that may be causing your symptoms.


  • Eat healthy foods. Stay away from alcohol, caffeine, and dairy products.