How to get rid of fleas and ticks in your home

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
10 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Fleas
Video: 10 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Fleas


In the spring, when the weather gets warmer, the activity of fleas and ticks increases, and getting rid of them is not an easy task. The best way to get rid of fleas and ticks is a multi-pronged approach: deep cleaning the home, treating pets with a flea repellent, and treating rooms with various chemicals. For best results, devote an entire day to it to accomplish all of the above.


Method 1 of 4: Treating pets with flea and tick repellent

  1. 1 Apply flea and tick spray. Your veterinarian should recommend safe and effective care for your pet. Be sure to spray your pets the same day you clean up the house with chemicals so they don't bring fleas back into the house.
  2. 2 Isolate your pets. While you're cleaning the house from top to bottom, put your pets in a spot with smooth surfaces that can be easily cleaned, such as a tiled bathroom or kitchen. It is even better if there is a suitable place for them to play outside.
    • If you're worried about your flea-treated pets spending time outdoors, consider taking them to the vet while you clean up and rid the house of fleas and ticks.
    • Before bringing your pets back to your home, make sure that fleas and ticks are completely gone from both your pets and the home.

Method 2 of 4: Cleaning the House

  1. 1 Vacuum the house. Use a powerful vacuum cleaner to vacuum carpets, rugs and furniture. Move the furniture to vacuum the area under and behind it. Vacuuming not only removes fleas and ticks, but also their eggs, so it is very important not to skip this step.
    • Vacuum the couch pillows. If possible, use a vacuum cleaner attachment to vacuum under the sofa and other upholstered furniture.
    • Focus on the areas where your pets spend the most time, such as the rooms where they sleep and play.
    • Remember to vacuum the closet, especially if it is carpeted.
    • If you think that your car may also be infested with fleas, vacuum it too, otherwise you risk bringing fleas and ticks back into the house.
  2. 2 Wash bedding and clothing. Wash sofa cushions, tablecloths, bedding and clothing in hot water. Set the dryer to the highest setting to thoroughly dry all laundry and ensure that all parasites and their eggs are removed.
    • If you have items that can go bad in hot water, such as a wool coat, put them in plastic bags and close them. Consider taking them to a dry cleaner to be sure to get rid of any fleas and ticks that may be on them.
    • Wash tents, tarps, and other fabrics that can harbor fleas and ticks.
  3. 3 Disinfect corners and cracks. Use a spray and rag to clean windowsills, baseboards, and other surfaces where fleas and ticks may be. Focus on the rooms where your pets spend the most time.

Method 3 of 4: Treating Your Home with Chemicals

  1. 1 Treat your home with a pesticide. Routine grooming is not enough to kill fleas and ticks, so to stop flea infestations, you will need to spray your home with a pesticide. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to process the house. Focus on carpets, upholstered furniture, and your pets' favorite spots.
    • Use a pesticide that kills adult fleas and ticks and their eggs.
    • Be sure to prepare your safety precautions before starting treatment at home. Children and pets should not be inside the house during handling.
    • If you have a severe flood of parasites, you may want to hire a pest control officer to handle the house for you. In this case, your whole family will not be able to enter the house for several days, since the chemicals used in the processing are very toxic.
  2. 2 Vacuum your home every day. The action of the pesticide will kill adult fleas and ticks and will continue to kill them as they hatch. It may take several weeks for fleas and ticks to completely disappear from your home.

Method 4 of 4: Prevent fleas and ticks from returning

  1. 1 Wear flea collars on your pets. Pets are the main source of fleas and ticks in the house, therefore, in order to keep them out of the house, it is necessary that they are not on your pets. Talk to your veterinarian about a safe flea and tick collar for your pet. Washing your dog with flea shampoo is also an excellent preventive measure.
  2. 2 Vacuum your home regularly. In the event that a flea or tick does end up in your home, vacuuming is a guarantee that it won't stay long enough to breed. Vacuum the areas where your pets spend time every day, and vacuum the entire house once or twice a week.
  3. 3 Keep your pet's bedding clean. The bedding your dog and cat sleep on should be washed frequently in hot water. If you dry your dog with a towel after bathing, immediately rinse the towel in hot water rather than throwing it in the dirty laundry basket.