How to play games on LAN

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 6 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Sharing multiplayer games using LAN connection
Video: Sharing multiplayer games using LAN connection


This article will teach you how to play games on the Local Area Network (LAN). While multiplayer games have evolved significantly since the glory days of LAN, the retro LAN gaming party can still be a huge pleasure if done right.


  1. 1 Make sure all computers are connected to the same LAN. This can be done via Ethernet cables or wirelessly using a Router.
  2. 2 Check the connections by looking at the network connections and confirm that all computers are connected.
  3. 3 Allow the game through Firewall if your computer is protected by Firewall. This can usually be done through the settings panel of your Firewall program or by clicking the permission that appears when the Firewall is blocking the connection. Alternatively, you can completely disable your Firewall, although you risk exposing your computer to malware.
    • To do this on Windows, open the Control Panel and click Windows Firewall, Disable the radio button and click OK.
    • You will need to allow the application on each PC separately.
  4. 4 Install the game. The options and menus vary from game to game, but LAN multiplayer can generally be accessed from the Multiplayer menu. You may need to create a profile before playing. Create a game and follow the instructions on the screen to install the game.
  5. 5 Play the game. Everything is now set and you can just play your regular multiplayer game! Enjoy playing LAN!


  • Install a file sharing service to quickly share files regarding the game. This can greatly improve your LAN experience.
  • If no prompts appear, minimize the game to see.


  • Do not disconnect from the network or unplug the Ethernet cable, otherwise you will not be able to play.
  • If you chose to completely disable the Firewall, then be sure to enable it after the end of the game. Leaving your computer without a Firewall can open it up for malware.

What do you need

  • Ethernet cable or wireless adapter
  • Wireless router
  • More than 1 computer
  • A game that lets you play over LAN