How to speak French

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Learn French in 25 Minutes - ALL the Basics You Need
Video: Learn French in 25 Minutes - ALL the Basics You Need


If you are going to visit a French-speaking country or just want to communicate with someone who speaks French, then you do not need to memorize countless words and grammar rules for comfortable communication. You can confidently support a conversation even with a small vocabulary. Better to focus on pronunciation and colloquial phrases. Practice often and don't be afraid to make mistakes in order to continually improve your language skills.


Method 1 of 3: How to Improve Pronunciation

  1. 1 Control your tongue movements while pronouncing French words. Due to the small number of diphthongs in French, the speaker has to make significantly fewer movements of the language than in other foreign languages ​​such as English. If your tongue is too fluid, your speech will have a strong accent.
    • When speaking, try to place the tip of your tongue near the back of your lower front teeth. Open your mouth less and use your lips and jaw to speak the words.
    • Try speaking in front of a mirror to help you move your mouth and tongue correctly. You can also observe the conversations of native French speakers and try to mimic their facial expressions and mouth movements.
  2. 2 Practice pronouncing sounds that are not in Russian. Letters eu, u and r do not sound the same as in other languages ​​with the Latin alphabet. If you don't learn how to pronounce these letters correctly, it will negatively affect your pronunciation.
    • To pronounce correctly u, pronounce the Russian sound yuand then try to round your lips as if for sound o and leave only the second part of the sound to get something in between yu and softened sound at.
    • French r - This is a guttural sound, which is accompanied by a characteristic rattling voice.

    Lorenzo garriga

    French translator and native speaker Lorenzo Garriga is a native speaker and connoisseur of the French language. He has many years of experience as a translator, author and editor. A composer, pianist and traveler who has been wandering the world for over 30 years on a tight budget and with a backpack on his back.

    Lorenzo garriga
    French translator and native speaker

    If you are familiar with Latin or English pronunciation, it will be difficult for you to pronounce "R" and "eu" correctly. These sounds do not exist in these languages. In English, "R" sounds soft, while the French version corresponds to the Russian "P" with such a speech defect as burr or rotacism.

  3. 3 Watch French TV shows and simulate conversations. You can find many French shows on the internet for free. Also check out the foreign sections of your favorite video streaming service. Through the TV show, you will begin to better understand the specific sounds and articulations of the French language.
    • News programs, game shows and reality shows allow listening to people who are not actors or announcers. This will help you better understand everyday spoken French.

    Advice: do not use the simplistic pronunciation explanations found in textbooks and language learning sites that explain sounds based on sounds in your native language. This pronunciation can interfere with communicating effectively in French, as the French will not understand you well.

  4. 4 Use conjunctions to smoothly transition between words. The bundles partially explain the smooth and melodic sound of the French language. They allow you to connect different words with each other so that the endings of each word do not sound harsh and abrupt. This means that some letters do not remain dumb, but are pronounced for communication.
    • For example, consider the sentence vous êtes dans un grand avion... If you say each word separately, you get something like "woo et dan un grand avion." Every word is spoken correctly, but French sounds different. If you use bundles, then the phrase will sound like "woo zet dan zun grand avion".
    • The rules for using bundles are not always intuitive. It takes a lot of practice. Strive to make the language sound smooth and fluid without abrupt transitions between words.
  5. 5 Challenge yourself with tongue twisters. They help improve pronunciation and correct movement with the tongue or mouth. Start slowly and gradually increase your pronunciation speed. Examples of tongue twisters:
    • Dans ta tente ta tante t'attend ("Your aunt is waiting for you in the tent").
    • Pauvre petit pêcheur, prend patience pour pouvoir prendre plusieurs petits poissons ("Poor little fisherman, be patient to catch some fish").
    • Ces cerises sont si sûres qu'on ne sait pas si ’cen sont ("These cherries are so sour that you might think they are not cherries at all").

Method 2 of 3: How to Maintain Conversations

  1. 1 Talk to native speakers. Talking to native speakers is the best way to correct your accent, to learn to speak naturally and confidently. If there are no native French speakers among your friends, then you can always find an interlocutor online. If such a person is interested in practicing Russian or another language that you speak, such communication will be beneficial to both of you.
    • Watch the facial expressions and mouth movements of native speakers as they speak to you. Repeat after them to improve your pronunciation.
    • Ask the other person to stop you and correct mistakes in pronunciation and choice of words. This will help you improve.

    Advice: also pay attention to the body language of French speakers. Even if it seems to you that it has nothing to do with speech, you can tune in to the correct way of thinking and improve your pronunciation.

  2. 2 Use common phrases to start a conversation. When you meet, you can always tell the person bonjour or salutbut this is not the most appropriate way to start a conversation. Consider how the conversation would develop if a stranger approached you and simply said hello. Practice small talk in French and other easy ways to start a lively conversation. Examples:
    • C'est joli ici. C'est la première fois que je viens ici, et vous? ("It's very nice here. This is my first time here, are you?")
    • Ahhh, comme il fait beau. Enfin du soleil! C'est bien agréable, vous ne trouvez pas? ("How nice it is outside. Finally, the sun! Very comfortable, do you agree?")
    • Bonjour, on se connaît de vue je crois. Je viens souvent ici, il me semble que je t'ai déjà aperçu. ("Hello, I think we have already met you. I am often here and I am sure that I see you not for the first time").
  3. 3 Ask simple questions. You may already know that the phrases ce que or ce qu'il should be used in questions. Native speakers often combine these words, resulting in ce not pronounced separately. Combine these phrases to make your French speech more natural.
    • For example, the phrase qu'est-ce que c'est should be pronounced like qu'est "skyo" c'est.
    • In pronouns il or elle you can omit the sound l... For example, the phrase qu'est-ce q'il fait can be pronounced like qu'est "ski" fait.
  4. 4 Use phrases that will move the conversation forward. During conversations in Russian, people use common phrases like "really" or "can't be." They show your attention and motivate the other person to keep going. Memorize a few of these phrases in French:
    • Ça va de soi ("It goes without saying");
    • Ç’est ça? ("Really?");
    • Ah bon? ("Really?");
    • Mais oui ("Undoubtedly") or ben oui ("Well yes");
    • Mais non ("Definitely not") or ben non ("Oh no").
  5. 5 Repeat the words of the interlocutor. If you repeat the words just spoken by a native speaker, he will understand that you listened carefully and understood everything. It also gives you the opportunity to practice a bit without having to build your own phrase, while memorizing grammar and correct word choices.
    • For example, your interlocutor said: "Je viens de Paris, et toi?" (“I'm from Paris, are you?”) You have several options for an answer. So, you can just say “Je viens de Russie” if you are from Russia. But if you want to use the repetition method, then say, “Oh! Tu viens de Paris? C'est bon. Je viens de Russie "(" Oh! Are you from Paris? How great. And I'm from Russia ").
  6. 6 Use French parasitic words when you're looking for the right word. In conversations in Russian, you probably use words-parasites like “means”, “so to speak”, “in short”. The French language is no different. Using French parasitic words will make your speech less like learned phrases from a textbook, and you will begin to build your thoughts in French. Examples of parasite words:
    • Alors... This is the equivalent of the Russian word "so", which can be used in affirmative or negative constructions.
    • Quoi... The word literally translates as "what", but the French use such a parasite word like the Russian "you know" or "you see." Tu vois? used as "you understand."
    • Euh... This sound is similar to the Russian "hmm".
    • Bon... The word is similar to the Russian "good" and can be used in both affirmative and negative constructions. Phrase Eh bien used as "well" in Russian.

Method 3 of 3: How to Confidently Express Your Thoughts

  1. 1 Read French books and website texts aloud. Reading aloud helps you practice your French without worrying about choosing words or following grammar rules. Books and articles on the Internet also help you better understand the everyday conversations of living native speakers.
    • French e-books can be found online for free. It is best not to use classical works as they will not help you get a feel for modern language. Start with sites and blogs with news and articles about popular culture.

    Advice: record yourself and listen as you read aloud. Listening to a recording of your own voice can be tricky and sometimes embarrassing, but it can help you identify pronunciation mistakes.

  2. 2 Stay calm and confident when you make mistakes. At the very beginning, you will probably speak with mistakes. This is a natural aspect of learning new things. Accept that you will make mistakes and that native speakers may misunderstand you. Instead of trying to apologize for your accent, try to do your best to help the other person understand your speech better.
    • Remember, everyone speaks with an accent. Remember how cute fluent Russian speech with a foreign accent can sound. This is how your speech sounds to the French.
    • As with other languages, there are different accents of the French language. It is sometimes easier to learn an accent that is close to your native accent than the Parisian French you usually find in textbooks. For example, a leisurely Provencal accent might suit you better. Find the best option to increase your confidence in your language learning.
  3. 3 Sing along with French songs. Repetition and musical rhythm will make memorization easier, and you will also be able to expand your vocabulary by understanding how words are used in context. Songs will teach you to understand how native speakers express their thoughts.
    • If you can read French, find the lyrics and read while listening. This will improve your reading skills, and also learn to notice cords and mute letters.
    • Don't worry if you don't understand the lyrics or individual words - just repeat the sounds after the performer. Over time, the meaning of the words will become clear, but for now you can practice your pronunciation.
  4. 4 Stop translating French phrases into your native language. French is a separate independent language with its own words and expressions, which do not always have an unambiguous and accurate translation. Practice your thinking in French to learn to speak French with confidence.
    • Trying to translate phrases into your own language not only slows down the thought process, but also complicates the task of keeping up a conversation, limiting vocabulary and general understanding of French.


  • For best results, daily practice is recommended, even if only for five minutes a day. Use French in your daily activities. For example, you can listen to songs in French while you do household chores.