How to shop at IKEA

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Shop at IKEA
Video: How to Shop at IKEA


Shopping at an IKEA store is both fun and tedious, especially if you've never been there before. While the sheer size and maze of furniture can be daunting, the endless number of items and unique features of IKEA stores make for a powerful shopping experience. Plan your trip ahead of time, find out how to navigate the store, and take advantage of special offers to ensure that your trip to IKEA is efficient and you leave with all the furniture you need.


Method 1 of 3: Plan Your Trip in Advance

  1. 1 Go to IKEA in the morning on a weekday. Without the crowd, it will be easier for you to shop. To avoid crowding, head to IKEA early in the week and in the morning. Typically, less congestion occurs around 10:00 am on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
    • It is especially important to visit the store in the morning if you need to issue a return.
    • Avoid traveling to IKEA in July and August.
  2. 2 Choose one room for arrangement. You will go crazy trying to furnish your entire home in one trip to IKEA. Better to pick one room that needs furniture the most and plan to buy everything just for it.
  3. 3 Visit the IKEA website to gather some of the information you need. You can speed up your shopping process by visiting the IKEA store website in advance. There you can browse the products presented, write down the names of what you like, find the sizes of things and check if certain products are in the warehouse near you.
  4. 4 Measure your room and vehicle. You don't want to buy furniture that you can't fit in your car and take home. Before going to IKEA, use a tape measure to find out the size of the trunk, as well as the area of ​​ u200b u200bthe room that you want to furnish.
  5. 5 Call a buddy. Shopping is often easier and more fun to do with an assistant. It doesn't matter if you are bringing a friend or spouse with you, as long as you are calling someone with whom you also enjoy doing other purchases.

Method 2 of 3: Shop Orientate

  1. 1 Eat in a restaurant. In addition to the exit bistro, every IKEA store has a large restaurant where you can choose from a variety of food, snacks, desserts and drinks available. Stop here for something to eat before really diving into the shopping process. Shopping at IKEA is a marathon, not a sprint, so you'll need to refuel.
    • In Russia, IKEA sometimes holds promotions when children can get food for free.
  2. 2 Leave the kids in the playroom. It is easier to get around the store in a reasonable amount of time if trained staff take care of your children (especially if they are young).Children can be left on for up to one hour while you shop.
    • To leave the child in the IKEA playroom, the parent must present their passport and a document proving the child's age. Children between the ages of 3 and 6 and between 90 and 120 cm tall are allowed in the playroom. Please be aware that if your child has clear signs of a cold or other infection, they will not be admitted to the playroom.
  3. 3 Take a photo of the map. In order to shop effectively, you need to know where you are going. Once you see the blue building map, take out your phone and take a picture of it.
    • This is especially useful if you are trying to complete all purchases while your children are in the playroom within the hourly limit.
    • You can also pick up a paper card near the IKEA entrance.
  4. 4 Share tasks with a buddy. By sticking to the divide and conquer principle, you don't have to lug around large items around the building, and you can buy everything faster. This is especially useful if you are buying new items and want to make a return.
    • Ask a friend or spouse you brought with you to head to the return area while you go to the store to pick up items from your desired showroom.
  5. 5 Save time with a short cut. One of the most useful aspects of having a map is knowing where all the shortcuts are. The showroom may seem endless, and you may not want or need to see all the products on display. Use the shortcuts to skip some parts of the showroom if you know you won't be buying anything there.
  6. 6 Take pictures of tags. Since you won't be picking up items while walking around the store, it's a good idea to photograph the tags of every item you plan to purchase. The tag shows the article number, as well as the row and location of the rack that you will need when looking for items to buy in a self-service warehouse.
    • IKEA provides small pencils and paper to record these details. If you prefer to keep track of your items this way, be sure to grab these materials at the entrance.
  7. 7 Collect selected items in stock. Grab a cart and head to the self-service warehouse. Most of the goods, such as furniture, are stored in one common area. Look at the product tag to find out which row it is in. After you find the packaged items you want, place them on the cart.
    • You may find that one or more items are missing from the self-service area. In this case, contact a store employee. He will give you a printout with product description and barcode.
  8. 8 Pay at the checkout. Head to the checkout to pay for the selected items. If you wish, you can choose a few more trinkets while waiting in line.
    • You will pay for any packaged goods you have, as well as for any items that were not in the self-service area. Give the paper with a barcode to the cashier to purchase the goods, and pick it up at the furniture pick-up point immediately after payment.
  9. 9 Ask a store clerk for help. If you get lost or confused while shopping, quickly look around to find an employee in a yellow shirt. He will help you navigate, as well as get other necessary information, for example, in which other nearby stores have a particular product.

Method 3 of 3: Benefit from Special Offers

  1. 1 Don't miss the “bargain” zone. This area, full of discounted items, is located close to the checkout. These items have been significantly reduced in price because they were damaged, returned, or were originally on display.
  2. 2 Join IKEA FAMILY. There are many benefits of registering with the IKEA FAMILY Reward Program.Once a month, you will receive an email highlighting all current specials and other perks, such as free coffee or tea, member-only merchandise offers, and extra time (30 minutes) in the game room.
    • IKEA FAMILY is free to join.
  3. 3 Look for "last chance" tags. Discounted items will have a yellow last chance tag. These things almost always have some kind of discount, but which one depends on the location. Most of them come with a 15 to 50% discount.


  • Make sure you have taken all the boxes you need to assemble the selected piece of furniture. Many IKEA furniture items come in several boxes.