How to clean silver turquoise jewelry

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Cleaning Jewelry : Cleaning Turquoise & Silver Jewelry
Video: Cleaning Jewelry : Cleaning Turquoise & Silver Jewelry


Turquoise jewelry is very beautiful, especially when combined with silver. However, cleaning such jewelry is sometimes quite difficult. It is very important to purify silver and the stone itself separately. Any silver cleaners or polishes you use should not touch the turquoise. Take the time and care to clean your jewelry, and you will probably be able to keep it in perfect condition.


Part 1 of 3: Cleansing Turquoise

  1. 1 Moisten the washcloth with water. Cleaning products generally cannot be used on turquoise. Turquoise is highly susceptible to damage and discoloration. Even liquid dish detergent can damage this stone. Therefore, limit yourself to using a damp cloth.
  2. 2 Wipe down the turquoise. Wipe off any unwanted dirt from the stone. Be careful with your own movements so as not to accidentally damage the stone. If the turquoise is heavily soiled, it will take some time to clean it. However, the stone should not be immersed in water to speed up this process. This can damage the stone.
  3. 3 Dry your jewelry with a clean cloth. Gently blot excess water off the turquoise. Leaving water on the surface of the stone can damage the turquoise, so it is very important to wipe it dry after cleaning.
    • Never leave turquoise to dry naturally, or use heat to speed it up.

Part 2 of 3: Purifying Silver

  1. 1 Take a finished silver polish. Silver in combination with turquoise rarely needs to be washed, as cleaning agents can damage the stone, so it is best to lightly polish the silver part of such jewelry. When doing this, use a polish specially designed for silver.
    • You can purchase silver polish online or search your local jewelry store.

    Edward lewand

    Chartered Gemologist and Accredited Appraiser Edward Lewand is a Chartered Gemologist and Accredited Appraiser with over 36 years of experience in the jewelry industry. Graduated from the Gemological Institute of America in New York in 1979, he now specializes in the appraisal of jewelry made of precious stones and metals, including antique and vintage, and also advises and acts as an expert in court. He is an AAA Certified Appraiser and an American Society of Appraisers Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA) specializing in jewelry and gemstones.

    Edward lewand
    Chartered gemologist and accredited appraiser

    Use a silver polish instead of the traditional polish. Silver polishing wipes contain chemicals to cleanse and polish this metal. Using them is very simple - you just need to wipe the surface of the decoration with a napkin. You can buy such napkins at jewelry stores.

  2. 2 Rub the silver with polish. Be sure to read the instructions for use of the polish that you purchased. Usually, you need to use a napkin or rag and use it to gently rub the silver with polish. Continue polishing the silver until all traces of dirt and tarnishing are gone and the metal itself shines.
  3. 3 Be careful not to get polish on the turquoise. When cleaning the silver part of turquoise jewelry, work very slowly. Silver polish, even in small quantities, can damage turquoise. Be very careful not to get polish on the stone.
    • In the event that even a little polish gets on the turquoise, immediately wipe off any traces of it from the stone. This can be done with a paper towel or rag.

Part 3 of 3: How to Prevent Damage to Jewelry

  1. 1 Protect jewelry from harsh cleaning agents. Turquoise is so sensitive to chemicals that you shouldn't risk exposing it to cleaning agents. Substances such as dishwashing detergent, laundry detergent, and other household cleaners can easily damage turquoise. Be sure to remove turquoise jewelry when washing or cleaning, and store it where it will be protected from any cleaning agents.
  2. 2 Avoid applying hand lotion while wearing turquoise jewelry. If you have worn turquoise rings or bracelets on your hands, it is best to avoid or at least minimize the use of hand lotion. Hand lotion, like many household products, has the potential to damage turquoise.
    • Sunscreen can also be harmful. If you have sunscreened your breasts, you should avoid wearing a turquoise necklace afterwards.
  3. 3 Keep jewelry dry. In addition to wiping your turquoise jewelry immediately after cleaning it, you need to make sure it stays dry at all times in general. Do not leave them in damp places, such as next to the kitchen sink.
  4. 4 Clean turquoise as it gets dirty. Since turquoise jewelry is very sensitive, cleaning it too often can damage the stones. To keep them in good condition, clean the turquoise only when it gets dirty.


  • Store turquoise silver jewelry in a soft jewelry bag separate from other jewelry.
  • You can also use a soft bristled toothbrush to clean your jewelry.
  • If you are using a silver polishing cloth that is not specially treated with cleaning agents, it can also be used to clean turquoise.


  • Silver turquoise jewelry is easy to scratch, so use only cleaners and materials that won't scratch.
  • Do not soak turquoise silver jewelry in water or detergent, as this can make the turquoise brittle.
  • Do not wear turquoise jewelry when going to sports or other strenuous activities to avoid accidentally scratching them.

What do you need

  • Cleaning wipes
  • Warm water and soft brush
  • Silver polish