How to be more aggressive

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be Aggressive When It’s NOT Natural - Jocko Willink
Video: How To Be Aggressive When It’s NOT Natural - Jocko Willink


If a person is often ridiculed or bullied, then he may have a desire to become more aggressive. A similar desire arises when he is called a weakling and a comfortable opponent. Learn to be tough, decisive, and strong-willed in order to become a moderately aggressive person. A clear distinction should be made between aggression and confidence. The second way of communication is more polite and efficient. Confident and decisive people clearly express their opinions and needs, but respect other people's views, and aggressive people often ignore, infringe on and underestimate other people's beliefs. It is better to be more confident and decisive, but not aggressive, in order to earn the respect and admiration of the people around you.


Method 1 of 3: Become bossy and confident

  1. 1 Speak in the first person. Powerful and persuasive behavior can increase self-esteem and self-confidence, as well as gain recognition and respect among colleagues, friends at university, and relatives. For example, you can always speak in the first person.
    • Try to always speak in the first person during arguments and discussions such as: “I think you are wrong,” - or: “I disagree with your words.” This option is more effective than a second person like “You’re wrong” or “They have no idea about it.”
    • Also speak in the first person when expressing your opinion or vocalizing your thoughts. You can say, “I think it's important to be honest,” or, “I'm sure the client is always right.”
  2. 2 Use confident body language. Show your determination in a positive way through confident and determined body language. Always stand up straight and do not slouch. Maintain eye contact with the other person and use positive facial expressions like a friendly smile.
    • Try not to wring your hands, straighten your clothes every minute, or touch your face. Nervous movements are often a sign of a lack of self-confidence.
    • It is sometimes helpful to practice confident body language in front of a mirror to get used to this behavior. Always study the gestures and movements of confident people and repeat after them.
  3. 3 Control your emotions. A confident and decisive person is able to control himself and not succumb to anger. If you are upset or disappointed, there is no need to scream and swear. Take a deep breath and calm down. Speak with a level and confident voice to show that you are a level-headed person.
    • If you feel that your emotions are about to spiral out of control during a discussion at school or an argument at work, then find an excuse to leave and be alone for a few minutes. When emotions subside, it will be easier for you to assess the problem and find a solution. Return to the conversation with clear thoughts and control yourself.

Method 2 of 3: Be Determined

  1. 1 Don't accept rejection. If you want to demonstrate your willpower and intransigence, then stop accepting rejection as an answer. Find a way to get what you want and at the same time not infringe on other people's needs. Channel your aggression in a positive and effective direction and only accept positive responses.
    • For example, you want to receive insurance benefits for a family member who is sick. It is not uncommon for insurance companies to reject such applications and in general it is difficult to do business with them. Do not accept a refusal, but continue to call them regularly or calmly refuse to leave the office until your issue is resolved by senior management. No need to shout, swear, or intimidate. Remain calm and be clear about your demands without insults. You can defend your rights without aggression.
  2. 2 Express your opinion directly. Decisive and confident people do not hesitate to express their thoughts and opinions. Don't hide your feelings towards other people. Honesty and openness will emphasize your determination.
    • For example, an employee asks you how best to communicate with a moody client. The question should not be dismissed. Tell me how you would solve this issue. Encourage the employee to work with the client to work through the issue so that they can use their determination effectively.
  3. 3 Defend your point of view in disputes and discussions. Always stand up for your beliefs and show willpower when arguing. Don't give up your views. Show your willingness to act decisively.
    • For example, you and a friend have a heated discussion about the laws governing the right to abortion. You do not need to give up your opinion, because you can always calmly bring facts and balanced arguments. Even if as a result you come to the conclusion that your views do not agree, the friend will know your opinion on this matter.

Method 3 of 3: Look for Healthy Ways to Express Yourself

  1. 1 Don't bully. There is a clear difference between negative aggression and confident behavior. Aggressive people are often prone to bullying others. Bullying means being complacent, looking down on others, not appreciating other people's needs, feelings, and opinions. This behavior often causes conflict and turns people against you.
    • Try to control your aggression so that it does not lead to bullying other people. In the first moments, such actions can give a feeling of power over a person, but soon you will face the indignation and indignation of others. People will start to avoid you or openly oppose you.
  2. 2 Communicate in a positive way. Try to channel your aggression into good habits - strive for positive communication and gain self-confidence. For the first, you need to learn to listen actively and always take into account other people's opinions. In addition, when arguing and talking, you do not need to indulge your ego. Focus on giving support to those around you.
    • To actively listen to the other person, you should not interrupt his lines and maintain eye contact. When he’s finished speaking, rephrase what was said in your own words to show that you are attentive, and then express your point of view in a friendly manner.
  3. 3 Learn to empathize. The ability to empathize requires forgetting about your ego and striving to understand the feelings or sensations of others. Show that your determination does not prevent you from understanding other people's needs. This behavior is a sign of maturity and self-confidence.
    • For example, say your employee has a family member who is sick. Show compassion and grant their request to take time off, and ask regularly if the person needs other assistance. The ability to empathize and compassion will show you an attentive and tactful boss.
  4. 4 Resolve conflicts. Another way to channel aggression in a productive and useful direction is to mediate conflicts. Such a person is useful both at home and at work. In any conflict, you need to strive to find a solution, and not prove your own superiority in order to settle the problem.
    • It is important to deal with the problem or difficulty, not the person who is involved in the situation. Focus on finding a solution so you don't overwhelm anyone or look for the culprit.
    • Look for common ground with others so that you don't be overly aggressive and shut everyone's mouth. Mindfulness and cooperation will help to find a way out and take into account the interests of all parties.
    • For example, there was a conflict between two employees. There is no need to punish or blame both colleagues. Act as a mediator. Act confidently and decisively, but also listen to all the actors and show empathy to find a mutually beneficial solution.