How to run long distances

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 6 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Run Longer Without Getting So Tired
Video: How to Run Longer Without Getting So Tired


Wondering how to run long distances? Perhaps you need some advice? This guide should help you get better at long distance running.


  1. 1 Eat and drink well before and after every run. Eat an energy bar or banana at least half an hour before your run so that you are adequately refueled while you run. After that, eat well to recover from your workout. Make sure you drink enough before you run - absorbing large volumes of water right before starting will not help with hydration over a long run.
  2. 2 Plan your run. Decide how far you want to run and where you want to go. Consider factors such as hills and running surface when planning your route.
  3. 3 Dress appropriately. Wear lightweight running shoes that are in good condition and fit well. Wear cool, comfortable clothing that will absorb sweat while you run.
  4. 4 Warm up near a block, school, walkway, or anywhere you can run in a few minutes.
  5. 5 Do various stretches to help relax your muscles. Focus on your legs, but also stretch your arms, back, and center.
  6. 6 Run. Try to run all the way at a constant speed. Walk for a few minutes if necessary before continuing, but do not stop. Pay attention to the shape: make sure that you are not tense in the upper body, because this will tire you much faster. Also, run from the middle of your foot to your toes (land on your heel and rise off your toes).
  7. 7 Breathe well. Breathing is important in long-distance running and learning to breathe while running is extremely beneficial.
  8. 8 After running, rest and drink some water. A good warm-up will minimize soreness after running.
  9. 9 Run every day. This will help to get the body in good condition and train you to run. It will be difficult at first, but you will get stronger and start to feel more comfortable running.
  10. 10 Gradually increase the distances each time you run. If you've never run before, start at 1 km. When you can comfortably run it, try to go a little further. Gradually increase to 5 km, then 10 km. Continue pushing yourself until you reach the distance according to your goal.
  11. 11 Get on the run! If you are a school, join a long distance running or relay team, or join a local running club and race in your city. Try to get a personal best every time you run.
  12. 12 Hold on! Distance running is very difficult and not many people hold on. But you can! People will admire you for your resilience, and you will be happier and healthier throughout your life. Hold on!


  • Make sure you get enough rest each night so you have enough energy to run the next day.
  • If you run for more than 75 minutes, you need to refuel on the go. Consume 30 to 60 grams of carbs per hour of running using a combination of sports drinks and energy bars, dried fruit, gummy bears, or energy gels.
  • There are creams that can ease muscle soreness, or warm up your legs so that there is less pain when you run.
  • Guys, if you're uncomfortable and your farm is too loose when running, buy a spandex to hold it in place.
  • Run with pain. Even when it really hurts, running will help loosen your muscles and feel better.


  • If you have certain health problems, it can be dangerous for you to run very long distances.
  • Downhill running may seem easy or even fun at first glance, but it can cause knee problems.
  • Pay attention to the body and think about possible injuries, like injury to the lower leg. See your doctor for any chronic pain or other health problem.

What do you need

  • Running shoes in good condition
  • Comfortable clothes to run in.
  • Water