Ways to Handle Frustration

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
12 Ways To Overcome Frustration and Deal With Anger
Video: 12 Ways To Overcome Frustration and Deal With Anger


Frustration is an inevitable part of life. People sometimes experience personal and professional failures. Dealing with feelings of frustration is essential to personal success and happiness.You should develop a coping strategy when you encounter disappointing results. After that, continue to refine your perception and move forward.


Method 1 of 3: Facing the present

  1. Emotional experiences. After the disappointing event, it's important that you have the freedom to experience your emotions. When dealing with any problems in your life, you need to acknowledge your emotional response even when it is painful or difficult.
    • Even if you feel uncomfortable because the result is disappointing, let yourself feel it. Emotional responses are important tools for handling and dealing with disappointment. Emotions give you insight into what an event means to you.
    • Your feelings may be negative at first. You may be angry, sad, disappointed, and discouraged. Allow yourself to experience these feelings entirely but remind yourself that they are temporary. Try not to analyze your thoughts. Just let them begin by themselves and silently acknowledge them in mind. It is also helpful to name thoughts as they appear. For example, think to yourself, "Right now, I feel angry. Right now, I feel scared."

  2. Give yourself time to mourn. It is not natural to expect yourself to recover immediately from a disappointment. You need to take time to mourn what happened so that you can handle your disappointment.
    • It's normal to feel regret after disappointment. There will be an unpleasant gap between what you want to happen and what is reality. It is important that you acknowledge it.
    • Try writing down your feelings in a journal. Many people, when overcoming setbacks such as breaking up or losing a job, find they recover from negative emotions more quickly than when they face them directly by writing them down. Take 5 to 10 minutes to write comfortably about your feelings.
    • Your feelings and thoughts don't have to make sense when you're grieving. Perhaps you see things in black and white. But remember that when faced with emotions, they are not objective analysis of the situation. While believing your emotions are normal, remind yourself that your emotional response does not define who you are.

  3. Be kind to yourself. Many people tend to be hard on themselves when dealing with disappointment. It is important to be kind to yourself after rejection. Try to pull yourself out of the cycle of self-blame and self-hate.
    • For example, if a relationship no longer works, your first instinct may be to blame yourself. If you turn down a job, you may decide it was your fault. Actually, sometimes two people just don't match each other in a relationship. Sometimes, maybe it's just because you don't suit your company needs even though you're qualified and competent.
    • After a disappointing event, it's important not to have underestimating thoughts. Try to be kind to yourself. You should evaluate the situation objectively and find ways to change and improve yourself. However, do it with kindness instead of harsh judgment. Remind yourself that failure does not define you and that you are allowed to make mistakes.

  4. Expressed. Burying your emotions after disappointment is bad for your health. Find a sympathetic friend or family member and talk to them about your feelings. Choose someone who is good at listening and non-judgmental. Emphasize that you're not asking for advice, but just trying to process your emotions. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Reconstructing perception

  1. Don't think one way about disappointment. People naturally tend to view negative life events as a result of their personal shortcomings. You think that your coworkers don't want to go out with you because you have some flaws. You think the magazine rejected your short story because you wrote badly. Actually, there are a lot of different factors that affect any situation.
    • Much of success comes from luck. There are only a few things you can control in a given situation. Even if you do everything right, something goes wrong. Blaming yourself limits your perception. When you find yourself personalizing your frustration, remind yourself that you don't know all of the factors involved in the situation. It helps to say to yourself or to think to yourself, "I don't know. I don't know".
    • For example, you are disappointed that your cousin failed to visit you at the last minute. Your first instinct may be to ask yourself if you did or said something that upset her. However, it should be understood that your cousin works 2 jobs located about 322km from the city, she has a boyfriend, has a social life and participates in the community. There are many factors that can prevent her from visiting you. If she doesn't give a clear reason for the missed appointment, you don't know why this didn't happen according to your wishes. Take a moment to consider all the other relevant factors and remind yourself that this disappointment is probably not personally directed to you.
  2. Revision of the rules. People often set some inner rules for themselves. For example, think about a list of criteria that must be met in order for you to feel satisfied, happy, and successful. While this is a good idea to get a feel for what you want in life, sometimes the situation is unfavorable and out of your control. Immediately after frustration, reassess the standards for yourself and see if they are realistic.
    • What do you think you need to be happy? Do you need a job, a full social life and a lover at the same time to feel satisfied? In fact, it may not be necessary to control all of these factors. If you believe you need to live up to a certain standard in order to feel happy, you may respond more harshly to disappointment.
    • People often set standards they cannot control as a measure of happiness and fulfillment. For example, you can see having a boyfriend or girlfriend as a measure of personal success. However, emotions are difficult to control. You can't force yourself to meet the right people.
    • Try to let go of some standards. Accept that you usually live under the ideal. Try to create standards for your personal well-being that you can control. For example, say, "I'm happy when I'm doing my best".
  3. Consider your expectations. Consider what you expect for a given situation. You can set some unrealistic goals or standards for yourself or in any situation. This can easily lead to disappointment.
    • Maybe you keep to yourself many very high standards. You hope to have a dream job at a certain age or have a healthy and active social life right after you move to a new city. Perhaps you also have unrealistic expectations. You feel your friends shouldn't be late to the movies, even if it's only for a few minutes. You think your partner should always spend weekend nights with you, even if he / she plans on with friends. Pause and see if your wishes for the situation are actually realistic.
    • Adjust expectations to deal with disappointment. Let's say you're disappointed that your friend was 5 minutes late to watch the movie due to traffic jam. Pause and consider the situation more objectively. In fact, we cannot control the actions of others. If you want to have a positive social life, people will be late from time to time. Next time you see a movie, trying to accept being late is risky, but it doesn't necessarily interfere with your having a good time.
  4. Try to be optimistic. If you've had a particularly nasty disappointment, becoming optimistic can be challenging. However, it is important to try to be optimistic when faced with disappointing results. This can help you admit failure isn't everything, end it all, and allow you to move forward.
    • Try to find new opportunities for the situation in question. You should also try to see it as a learning experience.What can be learned from experience? What can you improve next time? Life is a process of progression, change, and adaptation based on experience. Frustration will help you grow.
    • Remember, bad moments don't mean you have a bad life. You can increase your chances of making sure things get better by learning from the negative. For example, you were rejected for a job because of a lack of specific experience. You can see this as an opportunity to continue building your resume. Find voluntary work, freelance work, and start your own projects, like developing a blog site related to your industry. Maybe in three months, you will get a better job, with a higher salary. While missing your first job is already a disappointment, you will never make more of an effort to improve yourself if that disappointment did not happen.
  5. Have a broader vision. Self-reflection is essential for mental health. After experiencing the disappointment, consider all that is happening around it. How did you grow and change based on this experience? What have you learned from yourself? Try skipping a single moment. Instead, see it as one of the series of events that shape who you are.
    • If you're struggling to get a bigger picture, consider talking with a therapist. A qualified doctor can help you organize your emotions and evaluate things in a healthy and effective way.

Method 3 of 3: Go forward

  1. Try a different approach. Frustration is important because it can push you toward some effective change. If something doesn't work in your favor, see this disappointment as an opportunity to reassess your approach.
    • While a variety of factors can influence success or failure, it is important to acknowledge which ones you have control over. This way, you can reinvent your approach for success. For example, if you are not making a sale in the workplace, you may need to improve your skills in communicating and building relationships. Consider signing up for an online marketing class. If you're struggling to make friends in a new city, it might be time to open up even more. Try to be part of the community. Volunteering for an organization means something to you.
    • Remember to have a point of view about things. It is important to understand yourself enough to see your strengths in a situation. However, acknowledge what is out of control. You may strive to be better prepared for your next interview but that doesn't mean you will get that position.
  2. Commitment to goals. See disappointment as failure instead of disaster. Take a few days to remind yourself of your goals and passions. This can increase commitment and overcome frustration.
    • After all, what do you really want out of life? Write down goals or say it out loud to yourself. Remind yourself of why these are important to you. How do they reflect your values ​​and passions?
    • The disappointment is worth it too. If you feel down, this is a reminder of how important your goal is to you. If your goals don't mean much to you, you won't be disappointed.
  3. Develop your determination. Determination is as important to success as either pure talent or intelligence. See your disappointment as an opportunity to motivate yourself more. Reminding yourself of persistence is important for success in any field. After the disappointing event, develop a strategy to work harder and strive harder for success. Take a few days to regret it and then promise yourself that you'll work harder to achieve your goal. advertisement