How to Get Through a Day of just under 4 hours of sleep

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Scientist Explains How Some People Need Only 4 Hours of Sleep | WIRED
Video: Scientist Explains How Some People Need Only 4 Hours of Sleep | WIRED


Some people with the hDEC2 innate gene need only 6 hours of sleep a day and still function normally. These “little sleepers” are able to maintain much shorter sleep cycles than the average person without yawning or falling asleep during the day, but for most of us staying awake. in a day of only 4 hours of sleep is difficult. A bad night's sleep and followed by a long day of work or study can leave you drowsy and unprepared. With the right coping strategy, however, you should be able to get through a day of less sleep without falling asleep on the table.


Method 1 of 3: Coping with sleep deprivation

  1. Do exercises to wake up the body. Wake up with a minimum of 2-3 morning exercises. Take a short walk, jog or do some basic stretching. Exercise increases body temperature and releases hormones and endorphins in the body, thereby increasing energy levels.
    • Do an upper body stretch. Lie on your back, hands outstretched, palms up. Bend knees to chest and turn right. One knee is above the other, one hip is above the other.
    • Turn your head to the left. Try to keep your shoulders on the floor. The left hand fan is 180 degrees in an arc across the chest to touch the right palm. The head rotates with the hand. Slowly return to the same posture.
    • Repeat this 10 times, then switch to the other side.
    • Do a crunch exercise. Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Palms pressed against the floor near the sides. Squeeze your abdominal muscles and lift both shoulders off the floor.
    • Hold your stomach crunch and take a full breath, then lower yourself. Repeat this movement 10-15 times. Remember to take a full breath while holding your stomach flex position.
    • Do a basic squat exercise. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, feet and feet forward. Stretch your arms out in front of you, palms facing each other. Place your focus on your heels while lowering your body backwards as if you were sitting in a chair.
    • Make sure the knees do not protrude beyond the tip of the foot. Hold the squat for a full breath, then return to standing. Repeat for 5-10 breaths.

  2. The shower awakens the body. After showering as usual, you can use a quick tip to wake up your body. Turn the faucet very cold for 30 seconds, followed by very hot water for 30 seconds, then go back to very cold water for 30 seconds. The 90 seconds of changing your shower water temperature can keep you awake and energized for your new day.

  3. Eat energy-boosting foods. Stay away from high-carbohydrate foods like pasta or bread, as these foods take time to digest and induce sleep. You should also avoid foods containing artificial sugars like confectionery or soft drinks, as they can cause blood sugar to spike, followed by sugar "drunk" fatigue and low energy levels. Instead, choose foods that increase your blood sugar and energize the day.
    • A handful of almonds is a refreshing snack that can keep you awake with its high vitamin E and magnesium content. Almonds are also loaded with protein to give you more energy throughout the day.
    • Greek yogurt is rich in protein but less lactose and carbohydrates than regular yogurts. It will fill you up without making you lethargic or tired.
    • Popcorn is also a very good office snack with high levels of carbohydrates and low calories, especially the one without a lot of butter.
    • Choose a salad of green leafy vegetables like spinach or kale to increase the iron in your body. It will help you stay awake and improve your ability to focus.
  4. Drink coffee all day. One cup of coffee can fight fatigue and keep you awake. Try drinking a cup of coffee every four hours to avoid falling asleep.
    • You can also get caffeine from other sources, such as dark chocolate. The darker the chocolate, the less sugar and more likely to increase the energy levels. You should savor small pieces of chocolate with no added sugar throughout the day to keep you alert and agile.
  5. Take a 10-30 minute nap. Find a quiet place for a 30-minute, but effective nap. This way you will avoid fatigue after sleep, ie feeling groggy and disoriented after sleeping for longer than 30 minutes. Napping less than 30 minutes will also not disturb your sleep schedule and you can still sleep well at night.
    • Set an alarm after 30 minutes so that naps don't turn into naps for up to an hour.

Method 2 of 3: Stay awake throughout the day

  1. Listen to funny music. Don't play soothing music like classical music or slow jazz. Choose from the latest pop tunes or exciting electronic music that keeps you going. Look for exciting music albums online, some of which last up to several hours.
  2. Eat protein-rich snacks. Protein stimulates a neurotransmitter in the brain called orexin. Orexin controls desire, alertness, and appetite. Eating protein cakes all day is also a way to stimulate brain and keep the body awake.
    • Look for healthy protein-rich snacks like a handful of almonds, peanuts, or cashews. Rice cakes, cheese and slices of meat are also protein-rich and filling snacks.
    • Fiber-rich fruits like apples and natural sugars like oranges are also healthy snacks to keep you awake.
  3. Turn on the lights. Light will lower melatonin levels that cause drowsiness, thereby helping you stay awake even if you lack sleep. Try to match a light that is hung high from the ceiling with a light placed lower on the table.
  4. Take a short walk or do a few stretches every 30 minutes. Gentle exercise every 30 minutes keeps your body and mind active, especially if you're sitting at a desk in front of a computer. You can go to the nearby park or walk around the block. More intense activities like jogging or sprinting also increase your hormone levels and keep you from falling asleep during the day. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Pass a workday

  1. Reschedule your schedule if possible. Instead of trying to tackle all tasks at once, you should re-adjust your schedule so that more important tasks are placed at the beginning of the day. When you lack sleep, you often try to stay high in the morning and feel exhausted at the end of the day. Prioritize doing the important things first, while you still have energy.
    • If you can't adjust your schedule, arrange a break for a nap or a cup of coffee between meetings or tasks to stay awake.
  2. Assign tasks for the day to others. If your coworkers or friends sympathize with you because you know you are short of sleep, try to give some work to others. Tell them about your situation and promise to repay them for support.This will ease the stress or anxiety from lack of sleep and just focus on one or two tasks for the day.
  3. Break daily routine. When energy levels are low, switching to activities that you enjoy or feel comfortable with may also help. Sticking to a regular schedule can make you more tired and sleepy. Instead, go outside for a walk or take a short break for a cup of coffee with your co-workers. When your mind is out of routine, you'll be more alert and ready to deal with the rest of the day.
  4. Communicate with colleagues during meetings or with friends during class. When you're in a meeting or during class and find yourself falling asleep, try to force yourself to be active. Ask co-workers or clients questions, raise your hands to speak during class, and try to participate in conversations. Participating in a discussion will keep you awake and force your brain to focus.
    • Likewise, if you plan to show 50 PowerPoint slides during a meeting, try to engage your colleague in dialogue during the presentation. If not, there's a risk that you end up leading yourself and the rest of the room to sleep with the dry meeting just a slide show.