How to Grow and Use Aloe for Health Care

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Caring of aloevera| Health benefits| Separating of baby plants|Best fertilizer for aloevera
Video: Caring of aloevera| Health benefits| Separating of baby plants|Best fertilizer for aloevera


Aloe vera, also known as aloe vera, is a succulent plant that thrives well in dry and hot climates. Aloe vera is a succulent plant with no very short stems or stems that can grow up to one meter tall. The leaves are thick and fleshy, green to grayish green, and many have white spots on the surface of the upper and lower petioles. Outdoor aloe plants may produce yellow flowers, but indoor potted plants will not flower. The sap from the aloe plant can be used to treat wounds and burns, care for dry skin, and even treat cold sores. Read on to learn how to grow and use aloe to take care of your health.


Method 1 of 2: Growing an aloe plant

  1. Buy an aloe plant. Buy a small aloe plant from your horticulture store and replant it in a larger pot. With good care, the plant will grow and give you plenty of leaves to take care of your health.
    • Choose a large pot to plant your plant, as aloe usually has many branches or seedlings.

  2. Use the right soil. The most important thing when choosing a soil for aloe vera is that the soil should be fairly fertile and drained quickly, as the aloe plant itself contains a lot of water and will wilt if planted in slow-draining soil. Use a high-quality potting mix or a pre-packaged “cactus and succulent mix”, as these soils drain well.

  3. Place the aloe plant in a sunny place. If you prefer to keep your plants indoors, place them in a window to maximize sunlight. If you are in a temperate climate, be careful to provide direct sunlight for the plant. Artificial light can also be used if there is not much light in your area.
    • In areas with snow or frost, this plant should be grown indoors or in a heated greenhouse.

  4. Check the soil before watering the plants. Check the soil by hand to see if it needs watering. You need to allow 2.5 to 5 cm of the top layer of soil to dry completely before each watering. Aloe plants grow in hot, dry climates, so they can survive drought, but will do better if watered every few days.
    • You should less water in winter, as the plants will drain more slowly. Watering too much will cause the plant to rot and possibly die.
  5. Repot the plant if necessary. As the aloe vera becomes cramped with many seedlings growing around the mother plant, separate them and replant them to allow enough space for the plant to grow better and also help prevent pests.
    • You must lift all the plants out to find the seedlings.Use scissors or a sharp knife to separate them from the mother plant.
    • Repot the mother plant after you have finished separating the seedlings and placing them in separate pots.

Method 2 of 2: Use aloe vera gel

  1. Take the gel of the aloe plant when you need to take care of your health. The leaves of the aloe plant are full of gel and you can pick them as needed. So when used to pick. Cut a branch from the aloe plant and squeeze or scoop out the clear gel inside.
    • If you harvest a lot, you can cut the aloe leaves in half (vertically) to get all the gel inside.
    • Only enough should be picked for each use. If you have leftovers, you can store them in a sealed container and keep in the refrigerator for up to a week.
  2. Apply aloe vera after sun exposure. You can apply fresh aloe vera directly to a sunburn to cool and heal the skin. Reapply after a few hours to keep skin moisturized if needed.
    • Try putting aloe vera gel in the refrigerator for an hour or two before applying it to sunburned skin. Cold aloe will provide a pleasant cooling effect.
    • Remember that aloe has been used as a remedy for sunburns in the past, but there is no conclusive scientific research that has shown aloe vera to be effective in healing sunburned skin.
  3. Apply aloe to treat minor burns. Aloe vera is effective in treating minor burns, and may even help shorten the healing time. Apply a little aloe vera gel to the burn, not on areas that are bleeding, blistering or severely damaged.
  4. Use aloe vera gel to massage the scalp to prevent dandruff. Aloe vera has been found to be able to treat dandruff. All you need to do is take a small amount of aloe vera gel and apply it to your scalp and massage.
    • After washing your hair, take some aloe vera gel into your palm (equal to the amount of shampoo you would normally use with each shampoo).
    • Next, use your fingers to massage the aloe vera gel onto your scalp and let it stay in your hair. Repeat this process each time you wash your hair.
  5. Apply aloe vera to treat herpes. Aloe vera has been found to be effective in treating herpes, also known as herpes. When you feel the blisters start to appear, take some aloe vera gel on your fingertips and dab it on the pimple. Apply as many times as needed to cover the pain in the aloe vera gel.
  6. Apply aloe vera to dry skin. Aloe vera can be used as a moisturizer or to treat dry skin. Try replacing regular lotion with the gel of fresh aloe leaves. Using aloe vera gel is the same as using lotions. Apply aloe vera gel to the whole body and massage into the skin. advertisement


  • As with any other supplement, you should consult your doctor before adding aloe and a dietary supplement. Also, talk to your doctor about aloe vera and other supplements you are taking to prevent drug interactions.


  • Although some studies suggest that drinking aloe may provide some benefits, this has not been confirmed. Oral consumption of aloe vera is currently discouraged, as some studies have shown that aloe latex can cause cancer, kidney failure and other serious health problems.
  • Do not take aloe if you are allergic to the lilies.
  • Do not drink or eat aloe if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Aloe vera can constrict the uterus and even cause a miscarriage. Infants breastfed by mothers who drink aloe may have intestinal weakness.
  • Do not use aloe vera on deep wounds or severe burns. Some studies have shown that aloe prolongs wound healing in these cases.
  • Do not take or eat aloe if you are taking steroids, dioxins, insulin, hypoglycemic, or diuretics.
  • Aloe vera can lead to hypokalaemia in some people.