How to be someone else

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Allegro Feat. L.V., Fresh Game & Cokni O’Dire - Someone Else
Video: Allegro Feat. L.V., Fresh Game & Cokni O’Dire - Someone Else


People often think what it would be like if they became someone else from time to time. This is especially the case if you are unhappy with yourself, or unhappy with your present life. We are used to wearing different masks or behaving in different ways to cope with situations at work, at a football match or an evening out with friends and family. To temporarily forget about our own lives and give ourselves time to take a glimpse of another life, we often watch movies, play games and read books. Almost everyone wants the chance to get rid of themselves occasionally. However, it is also possible that what you really want is to be a different person.Here is how you can make this dream come true.


Part 1 of 3: Researching Others

  1. Analyze why you want to be a different person. Ask yourself what is the reason behind this desire to change. This way you can discover the root cause of the problem. Once you know the cause of where you want to be someone else, you can fully tackle the problem.
    • Don't rush to conclude that you want to be someone else just for getting out of a few rare situations. Challenges and unpleasant situations happen every day for any of us. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes and needs to learn and learn from experience regularly.
    • If your experiences or relationships happen in a clear and repetitive pattern that create clues for you to improve them, then make use of it. Investigate what caused the relationship to fail and what caused you to be criticized.

  2. Ask yourself what you want to change. You looked around to see what made you want to be a different person; You also need to consider your own feelings. If something is bothering you, identify what they are and find ways to change them so that things can be better.
    • If you don't feel happy as yourself, find out why. Are you overweight? Are you afraid? Mood or confusion, right?
    • If you are merely bored with the things that go on the daily track and want to change, point out exactly what is dissatisfied with. Is that your relationship? Is that work? Is it your house or car? Or is it the weather? Focus on what you want to change.

  3. Focus on how to change. You know what you need to change. This makes it possible to be who you want to be. Now you need to think up the most ways to fix or improve the problem.
    • If you want to lose weight in order to be healthier and happier, then focus on doing this. Start going to a fitness club, reduce the amount of fat and carbohydrate compounds (sugars, carbs, and fiber) put into your body and join a social organization for support.
    • If you suffer from anxiety, seek out a professional, practice meditation, and take the opportunity to practice assertiveness.
    • If you're tired of people calling you boring, try doing something adventurous like trying skydiving, rock climbing, canoeing or learning to fly a plane.
    • If you feel unhappy about being with your partner, try doing something new together, find ways to engage and appreciate each other, see a counselor or consider whether to stay together.
    • If you're tired of your current job, find a new job or go back to school and learn new skills so you can get the job you dream of, buy the house and the car you want. Move away from a place you don't like because it rains too much and the weather is too cold, for example.
  4. Find someone you want to emulate. You are pretty good at defining what kind of person you don't want to be. Now is the time to think about the lifestyle you like and the type of person you want to be. Reflect on the actions, beliefs, and dignity of the people you admire to learn how to be successful in all aspects of your life.
    • You must have an idol, be it a character in a movie or a book, a famous actor, a sports athlete, a family member, or a Nobel Peace Prize winner. . Do you want to be like a character you love on TV? Or like your boyfriend or girlfriend? Once you've narrowed down the range of people you want to be, you can begin to build and develop your own personality traits to build on those subjects.
    • Choose good qualities to make your life better instead of getting worse. Ending being locked up or running away from the people involved in your life won't be able to solve the problem. The individuals chosen as this model should have all the features of being interesting, likable or charming.
  5. Make sure the personality you want to build is workable. You must be able to maintain this good quality for a long time until it becomes part of you. If you lie to people about your abilities and who you are, things will get worse when they find out the truth, and one thing is certain that they will soon.
    • Don't pretend you're rich when you only have a few dollars in your pocket and can't even afford a dinner for two, and of course stop dreaming of vacationing in Hawaii.
    • Don't pretend you have the knowledge of cars to get a date and then end up dead in the middle of the road because you don't know how to replace the blown tire.
    • Likewise, learn to play an instrument or learn to cook before wanting to impress others with your abilities.
  6. Study everything about people you admire. It takes the investment of knowledge and effort to become a different person instead of being yourself now. It's easier if you have a pattern to follow. You need to conduct serious investigation to uncover the secret curtain that contains the secret to becoming like the person you admire.
    • Read autobiographies, biographies, stories, and articles about people you admire. Also, check out this person's personal and fan pages.
    • Watch them through video and notice the traits you want to learn, like their appearance and style, how they behave and communicate, how they deal with pressure, and how they appear to people. Are they confident, respectful, friendly, positive, compassionate, or strong?
    • Try to find the person who inspired you. If you can talk to this person at an event, conference or even somewhere more convenient, find out who they really are, how they become who they are. and maybe they will give you some advice.

Part 2 of 3: Become Another Person

  1. Set goals. You need to know what you want and how to do it. You want to make the change to become someone different than you in this moment.
    • Reaching your goal, first determine where you want to go and what results to achieve. For example, you want to be as confident as the female soccer player you admire or you want to be good at tennis, basketball, soccer, or playing Olympic tournaments.
    • A goal is not just something you want to get, but something you're willing to fight for. Ask yourself if you can pursue your goal to the end. Are you willing to exercise, build muscle, and exercise regularly every day? This will help you determine how much you want something to be.
    • Don't give the chance to make mistakes. While there are so many useful tools out there such as a spiritual cheerbook and a group of supporters, you are the only one who can change yourself. There is no magic potion in the world, all takes serious work and effort.
  2. Start with the simplest changes. Becoming someone means you undergo a great transformation towards yourself. You will first want to focus on the features and actions in which you will have the least amount of modifications to not get bored. As you get used to embracing new personalities, you may move on to making more difficult changes and you may have to spend most of your time and energy doing it.
    • Changing your appearance is often much easier than changing over years. And it will take a long way for you to feel the difference that drives you to change to other traits.
    • The more natural changes are easier to implement. For example, if you've always been a polite person, becoming more polite won't take much effort. If you are a person who likes to laugh, it is quite easy to tell your heart to smile at all times of the day.
    • Take the challenge. There will be many difficult things waiting for you.For example, if you are a shy person, keeping everything in your lap, waving and saying "Hello" to strangers will be difficult at first.
    • Know that through each challenge you take on and successfully overcome it, you will get closer to who you want to be.
  3. Change style. The way we present ourselves to the outside world not only accurately reflects our first impression of who we are, but also determines how others perceive us and treat us. If you want to stand out, get dressed and let your hairstyle set you apart from everyone else.
    • If you want to be recognized in some way by others, such as wealth or professionalism, wear appropriate clothing and observe yourself. If you want to dress simply and comfortably, then you will choose for yourself the simplest style.
    • If you normally wear glasses, have long brown hair without makeup, think about how to update yourself. Cut short, trendy hairstyles, and dye your hair in bold colors like red, purple, yellow, or dark black. Find contact or choose for yourself modern youthful style.
    • Find a creative guide to makeup and refreshing yourself.
    • Buy new clothes. Think about what the image you're trying to wear will want to wear. Choose styles that complement your beauty and wear clothes that make you feel comfortable. You probably want your appearance to change positively according to the new traits you are building.
  4. Pay attention to how you present yourself. We often get the impression of someone for who they are rather than the impression of their clothes and hairstyle. We observe their movements, gestures, and facial expressions and then make our own judgments based on these.
    • Watch how you move. The way you move has an important effect on how others see you. Walk with confidence and poise.
    • Wear the right clothes and shoes in public. Practice wearing high heels if that's a must for your new look. Look at you in the mirror to see how you swing your arms and how you swing your hips.
    • Watch your posture through the mirror. Practice smiling and smiling freely along with the look you want. Check if you can talk to your new person.
    • You may also want to videotape these to see how much you have improved in communication and body language expression. If you want to curl your hair, think about if it is the right thing for your new image to be. If not, then seriously try quitting this habit.
  5. Change your role. Apply everything you have learned to be someone else. Make choices that will bring you closer to your goal of becoming the person you want to be.
    • Try applying different personalities from people you admire. Go out and be a man of an energetic society, enjoy communicating and learning about strangers, talking on keys and telling jokes. Be a hero to overcome all obstacles. Go out and train yourself until you succeed.
    • If you are stuck in a job that has no way out of the way, find a new job and do things you really enjoy or take advantage of past experience to find a higher position at another company. . Start your own business or start studying and become a doctor, a lawyer or whatever career you like. Move to another city to give you plenty of opportunities to show off your talents.
    • If you've always been the proactive in a relationship, change to someone who understands what the other person really needs and doesn't need for the relationship first. Cultivate trust in each other and demand fair treatment. Learn to let go and let go of people and doing nothing good for you.

Part 3 of 3: Live like someone else

  1. Keep practicing. Some features, some changes and some approaches take a long time to get used to. Remember that being someone is not easy overnight. You need to figure out what you want to do and figure out how to do it. Keep doing it until it succeeds.
    • Write down your features. You want the way you perform, act, and everything you do to become your second characteristic and part of who you are, practicing regularly with a variety of situations, roles, and relationships. generation. In the end, you don't have to try to practice it anymore because it becomes part of who you are.
    • Practice through regular activities or hobbies, prioritizing areas outside of your comfort zone. This helps you expand your horizons and adapt to new situations, new experiences faster.
    • Know what your limit is. Some things don't go well if you change and there are things you shouldn't really change, such as body shape, height, foot size, finger length, or skin color, and more. difference. Accept what you cannot change and focus your energies on what you cannot change.
  2. Stop judging. What you fear others will think or judge about you are the things you dislike, criticize or criticize about. Take less consideration to free yourself and others from this unnecessary burden. It can be difficult if you want to develop yourself in a certain model and always envy the success of others.
    • Fight against the thought of judging others as well as yourself and becoming an active and active observant. See how others face setbacks and challenges and then try to apply these good qualities to perfecting your personality.
    • Remember when you do a good job at something like handling a successful social situation or making a positive impact on others. Remember how you did it, the things that helped, and what didn't help.
  3. Know to adapt. Perhaps you will have to choose for yourself a few personalities, styles, and roles that are appropriate for you. Sometimes things aren't for you and that's okay. You have to be strong enough to throw away what doesn't support your positive change and focus only on the things that help.
    • If you have long black hair and want to turn it into long blond, then know that repeatedly dyeing your hair will damage your hair. You can keep your hair short instead of long to keep it from drying out. Consider the benefits of having black hair and adding a few highlighting lines will highlight the black hair.
    • If you are 1m53 tall and have a pretty plump figure, perhaps you should not spend the effort focusing on becoming a supermodel or a famous female basketball player, although you are not completely without the chance. Instead, you can try practicing as a model or a boxer. Learn problem-solving tips and apply the features you've learned to adapt to all the limits.
  4. Be happy. Don't be too sensitive. Some people may not understand what you are doing and may not know why you will laugh at you. Think about the long journey you have traveled and your new self, soon yesterday's friend will be forgotten and the present friend who has gone through all the hardships will be a true friend.
    • When faced with the mockery, think about how the person you admire will behave and then act and respond. Hope you handle this situation well yourself.
    • It can be hard to be happy if you keep an eye on or worry about how you look in front of others. Almost social interaction does not apply a stereotype at all. People don't wait for the opportunity to taunt you if you do something out of the ordinary. Continue the conversation and, if necessary, pause to think.


  • It will be easier if you improve and improve your inherent skills and personalities than it is to learn from one another. You are special and deserve to be the best "friend" possible. Practice being someone else before you truly become your new self.You don't know that you will be able to enjoy yourself in the future.
  • Remember that even the hero of your heart and other people you admire are human and that everyone may not be perfect. They all have their own problems, insecurities and mistakes just like you.
  • Don't overdo your personality traits to the point that they become annoying, such as being overconfident easily becoming arrogant, or being overly harsh can easily make you aggressive and even "bad". pungent ”.


  • Be careful when you want to emulate someone completely. This imitation can be offensive to someone you admire and others may disrespect you because you do not have your own unique ego. It's better to develop your own personalities rather than imitating other people's images.
  • Do not be disappointed by the person you idolize is not like you imagined or expected. Even they cannot solve all their problems. Remember this and don't be too hard on yourself.
  • It's not good to be too haunted or crazy about someone. If you find that you can't stop thinking about someone while you don't know them, and think that you have a connection with them and are determined to become like them, then you should turn to a specialist. physical.