How to become toned in a month (for women)

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
HOW I TONED MY BODY IN A MONTH | my fitness journey.
Video: HOW I TONED MY BODY IN A MONTH | my fitness journey.


  • Relaxing jogging, cycling or swimming. You can work out on your own without going to the gym or buying equipment, with little or no cost.
  • You should do these basic exercises for 3 hours a day, for the first 1-2 weeks.
  • Exercise "monkey arm". "Monkey arm" is a great exercise for the arm and upper body. You will hold a dumbbell in each hand for this exercise. Initially, both hands hold the weight to close armpits, elbows facing out. Then, spread your arms wide and keep your arms shoulder-width apart. Bend your elbows, bring the weight back to your armpits and repeat.
    • If you don't have a dumbbell, you can use a water can or something relatively heavy.
    • Combine this exercise with squats or sagging steps for a full body workout.

  • Roll your feet on the ball. After a week or two of regular exercise, you can start working on a bit heavier. This exercise requires a training ball but is an effective full-body exercise. Start in the push-up position, but instead of placing your feet on the floor, place your shin on the training ball. Pull your hips forward so your butt is raised, keep rolling the ball downwards until it reaches the tip of your foot. Then, roll back up so the ball moves up your body until it hits your hips. The upper body should be kept straight, the legs lie sloping upwards, and the entire body forms an upside-down “V” shape.
    • Training balls are quite cheap, but you can buy a large rubber ball at the toy store for about 200,000 VND back.

  • Don't expect to lose weight in one particular place. There is no exercise to help burn fat in a certain part of the body. There are exercises that can help build a certain muscle group, but if you want your body to tone quickly, focus on the body exercises recommended above. Focusing too much on one area with exercises (like lifting weights) will cause muscles to overgrow, rather than just defining muscle groups clearly. advertisement
  • Part 2 of 3: Maintain a healthy diet

    1. Schedule a workout to get worse over time. You must be cautious with how you schedule your exercise and pay attention to the stress your body is under. For example, exercising too fast, too much, or just doing leg exercises can lead to injury. Exercise gently in the early stages to limit the risk of injury, especially when your health is not good. Rest between exercises, and never do intense exercise for more than two hours in a row. Rotate workouts for muscle groups: legs, arms, central muscles, etc. Adjusting the pace of your workout this way will prevent you from getting overwhelmed.
      • For example, you could do a 10-minute “monkey arm” exercise in the morning followed by push-ups, limbs, and burpee jumps. Try to go up and down stairs for 30 minutes at noon, then swim for an hour after class.
      • Another example of a workout schedule is: cycling 30 minutes to school, taking an extra-curricular fitness class held every day, and doing light cardio 30 minutes before doing homework.
      • Try to do light cardio for 30-60 minutes a day, like walking or cycling. You can schedule a few heavier workouts during the week.

    2. See exercise as part of your life. You can choose a sport that interests you, or something you will do every day, as it is part of your lifestyle. You often see this in mountain climbers, who will at least go to the gym once a week and go hiking on the weekends, or runners who run in the early morning.
      • If you are really interested in martial arts then you should sign up for judo. Find a local judo class and practice there every day.
      • Classes at a local community center or similar health club will charge much cheaper than a gym that specializes in martial arts. They often give scholarships to you to attend free classes if you qualify.
    3. Stay motivated. The most important factor in maintaining a healthy weight and keeping fit is to be patient with your diet and exercise schedule, so you don't have to do anything special or eat something. eating some secret to getting lean: it's important to find ways to stay motivated. You must find a source of motivation that helps you want to exercise and eat properly every day. There are many ways to do this. You:
      • Do the exercises and eat the food you like. Exercises that you enjoy while you do and food that tastes good for you makes a huge difference in motivation. So, find an exercise you like even if it won't be most effective. It is important that you persist in doing that exercise over a long period of time.
      • Exercise with other people. Go for a relaxing jog or sign up to learn yoga with your mother at the local health club. Practicing with others will increase your sense of responsibility, and it can be difficult to quit on days when you feel bored or lazy.
    4. Focus on long term solutions. In summer, you will definitely want to wear a beautiful bikini to go to the beach. However, you should keep in mind that the immediate solutions to toning body won't last. If you don't make major lifestyle changes, you will regain weight and lose tonality after you stop exercising. If you let your body weight go up and down like that, some of the dangerous health problems that can happen are diabetes, heart disease and hormone problems. It's best to set long-term solutions and long-term goals, not just focusing on the outside beauty. advertisement


    • Jogging with your pet dog is fun and useful not only for you but also for your dog.
    • Eat protein but don't overeat. Protein-rich food sources are fish, eggs, poultry, and nuts.
    • If you don't see results after a month, keep practicing. One month is the time for results to begin to appear, but most people only see visible results after two months.
    • Drink a lot of water. Water can reduce muscle tension and help muscles grow faster.
    • Don't judge success by weight loss, because muscle weighs more than fat.
    • Avoid eating until exercise is complete; Eating before exercising can cause severe cramps and abdominal pain.
    • Don't do the same exercises day in, day out. You should shuffle the exercises to avoid boredom.
    • Maintain a balanced diet.
    • If you want to run, don't run fast at first. Running fast will make you tired quickly.
    • Sticking to your plan is the only way to achieve your goal.
    • Adjust the session if it feels too easy or too difficult. If the training session is too heavy, you will easily get injured, if too easy it will not bring results.
    • Exercise with friends. Exercising together with others will make the atmosphere more bustling.


    • Exercise is most effective for weight loss when combined with a healthy, balanced diet.
    • Start up and cool properly.
    • Stretch your muscles before you exercise.
    • Practice wisely. Start slowly to get your body used to the exercise regimen.
    • Seek medical help if you feel dizzy, short of breath, or exhausted.
    • Don't overdo it.