How To Treat Acne The Fast And Natural Way

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How To Make Your Acne Disappear Overnight | 4 Home Remedies For Pimples
Video: How To Make Your Acne Disappear Overnight | 4 Home Remedies For Pimples


Do you have problems with acne? You are not alone! Acne is a skin disease that occurs when the pores are clogged with oil or dead cells. Acne usually develops on the face, upper chest, shoulders, and neck. Acne can be caused by many different causes: heredity, hormones, and oil intake. Here are some natural ways to get rid of acne quickly, including getting the right skin care, changing your diet and taking herbs.


Part 1 of 4: Proper Skin Care

  1. Identify your acne type. There are several ways to treat acne based on the condition of your acne. Most acne cases are moderate; In some severe cases, acne develops into deep bumps or pustules, which are swollen and red and can cause scarring. If you have this type of acne, you should immediately go to a dermatology clinic. Some common types of acne:
    • Whiteheads (tight spots): Due to dirt and oil (sebum) trapped in the pores under the skin, forming a hard, white lump.
    • Blackheads (blemishes): Pores are enlarged, causing dust and sebum to attack and accumulate inside the skin, causing blemishes. Blackheads are caused by the reaction of the air with melanin, causing the acne to oxidize and darken.
    • Pustules: Acne is damaged by sebum and dirt clogging the skin, causing inflammation, irritation, redness, and often with pus. Pus is a thick, yellowish liquid that is a mixture of leukocytes (white blood cells) and dead bacteria, and pus often appears in swollen and infected tissues.
    • Acne: A type of pustule that is large in diameter, swollen and hard, deep in the skin.
    • Cysts: Pus-filled, painful pimples, deep under the skin of the pimple, often scarring.

  2. Stop smoking. Smokers are more likely to encounter a characteristic type of acne caused by smoking, which is due to the reduced immune system and the body's ability to heal itself, making acne take longer to heal than normal people. Smokers are four times more likely to develop acne by the time they reach adolescence, particularly in women aged 25-50. Tobacco smoke is also irritating to people with sensitive skin.
    • Smoking also causes your skin to appear wrinkled and premature aging because cigarettes produce free radicals, impair collagen production and degenerate skin proteins.

  3. Avoid touching your face, bacteria and dirt on your hands can enter the pores, making acne worse. If the acne is irritating to your skin, use a mild, oil-free cleanser to remove dirt and soothe your skin.
    • Squeezing or breaking a pimple increases the risk of scarring. Breaking pustules also causes the bacteria in the acne to spread.

  4. Use an appropriate cleanser. Use a non-foaming (sodium laureth sulfate) cleanser. Sodium laureth sulfate is a potentially irritating detergent and foaming agent. In pharmacies, there are many natural cleansing products that do not contain harsh chemicals.
    • Hard soap and harsh cleansing are the two causes of facial skin irritation, making acne worse.
  5. Wash your face often. Use your fingertips to wash acne-prone skin once in the morning and once in the evening. Note to use warm water rinse again after you have washed the acne area. It is recommended to wash only 2 times a day and after you sweat it.
    • Sweat can irritate your skin, if possible, wash the blemished area immediately after sweating.
  6. Use proper skin care products. Use moisturizers when your skin feels dry and itchy. You should only use an astringent when your skin is oily and only apply this cream to oily areas.If you want to use products that cause exfoliation, talk to your dermatologist first to find out which medication is best suited for your skin type.
    • For non-infectious acne, like blackheads and whiteheads, you can use chemicals that cause mild exfoliating to eliminate them. Exfoliating medications should be used only once or twice a week for dry and sensitive skin, while can be used daily on oily skin.

Part 2 of 4: Improving Diet

  1. Healthy eating menu. Avoid meat that contains hormones and similar substances that can cause your body to imbalance hormones - one of the causes of acne. In contrast, eat plenty of fiber and fresh fruits and vegetables. Foods rich in vitamins A, C, E, and zinc all have the ability to soothe blemishes because of their anti-inflammatory properties. Here is a list of good sources of vitamin supplements:
    • Red bell peppers
    • Kale
    • Spinach
    • Spinach
    • Turnip leaves
    • Sweet potato (or yam)
    • Pumpkin
    • Squash batch
    • Mango
    • Grapes
    • Watermelon
  2. Supplement with zinc. Studies have shown that oral zinc supplements can heal acne. Zinc is one of the body's essential trace minerals. Zinc has antioxidant properties, protecting cells from the destruction of bacteria and viruses. In the normal body there is only a very low amount of zinc, however, if you take a variety of vitamins and eat healthy, you will have all the zinc you need. You can find zinc in the following foods:
    • Oysters, shrimp, crab and shellfish
    • Red meats
    • Poultry
    • Cheese
    • Kinds of bean
    • Sunflower seed
    • Pumpkin
    • Tofu
    • Miso sauce
    • Mushroom
    • Cooked green vegetables.
    • Easily absorbed zinc: zinc picolinate, zinc citrate, zinc acetate, zinc glycerate, and zinc monomethionine. If zinc sulfate is irritating to your stomach, take other zinc compounds, like zinc citrate.
  3. Supplement more Vitamin A. Severe human acne can signal low vitamin A levels, according to studies. Vitamin A is an anti-inflammatory agent that balances hormones and regulates oil production. There are many ways to get vitamin A for your body such as eating a healthy diet, avoiding harmful fats like margarine, hydrogenated oils and processed foods.
    • Vitamin A is found in carrots, green leafy vegetables, orange and yellow fruits. If you are taking vitamin A supplements, keep in mind that the recommended daily dose is limited to 10,000 to 25,000 IU (international units). Large doses of vitamin A have the potential to cause toxic side effects such as decreased fertility, so be mindful of how much vitamin A you absorb.
  4. Supplement with vitamin C. Vitamin C has the ability to speed up self-healing, by helping the body to produce collagen, an important protein responsible for healing skin tissue, cartilage, blood vessels and wounds. You can take 2 or 3 vitamin C supplements for a total of 500 mg per day. In addition, you can also include foods rich in vitamin C in your daily diet: Here are foods rich in vitamin C:
    • Red or green bell peppers
    • Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, grapes, lemons, etc.
    • Spinach, broccoli and Brussels sprouts
    • Strawberries and raspberries
    • Tomato
  5. Drink green tea. Green tea is not directly related to acne. However, green tea has many antioxidants that prevent aging and protect the skin. Green tea helps your skin look young, beautiful and smoother. How to make green tea: brew 2-3 grams of green tea leaves in a cup of warm water (80-85 ° C) for 3–5 minutes. You can drink green tea two or three times daily.
    • Green tea also has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the risk of cancer. A few studies have shown green tea to be particularly effective in protecting the skin from harmful UV rays.

Part 3 of 4: Using Herbs

  1. Indigo: Indigo is often used to treat conditions such as acne, wounds, ulcers, and skin lesions. In the treatment of acne, you should only use indigo 5-15% diluted essential oil. Place a few drops of diluted indigo oil on a cotton ball and dab it on the pimple.
    • Do not drink or leave it in the air for a long time. Oxidized indigo oil has a greater risk of allergies than normal indigo oil.
  2. Use jojoba oil. Soak 5-6 drops of jojoba oil on a cotton ball and dab on the pimple. Jojoba oil is extracted from the seeds of the jojoba plant and is almost like a natural oil produced on human skin, but jojoba oil does not clog your pores or create sebum.
    • Jojoba oil has the ability to moisturize the skin. Although less irritating, you should still consult a dermatologist before use if your skin is sensitive.
  3. Juniper essential oil Juniper essential oil is an astringent, antiseptic. You can use it both as a cleanser and as a lotion to remove pore clogging factors and treat acne, dermatitis and eczema. Soak 1-2 drops of oil in a cotton ball and apply it to your face after washing your face.
    • Avoid using too much juniper oil as it can potentially irritate the skin and harm the skin.
  4. Use aloe vera gel. Aloe vera is a succulent plant that is known for its antiseptic properties, which can effectively eliminate acne and anti-inflammatory, by preventing bacteria from remaining in damaged pimples and speeding up the process. recuperate. Aloe vera gel can be found in many drugstores. Use aloe vera cream every day.
    • The aloe plant can be allergic to some people. If you find yourself having a rash, discontinue use immediately and go to a dermatology clinic.
  5. Use sea salt. Choose a sea salt lotion or pill that contains less than 1% sodium chloride. Apply to acne 6 times a day, 5 minutes apart. Studies show that sea salt has anti-inflammatory effects, prevents aging and protects the skin from harmful UV rays. You can also apply a sea salt mask to reduce stress. Sea salt and sea salt products are available at pharmacies.
    • Sea salt is safe for mild and moderate acne. If you have dry and sensitive skin or if your acne is severe, sea salt can irritate and dry out your skin, talk to your dermatologist before starting any related treatments. to sea salt.

Part 4 of 4: Finding a Professional Method

  1. Optical therapy. Lasers and other optical acne treatments are very popular these days. This therapy can effectively treat damaged and infected acne, pustules and severe cystic acne.
    • Research has shown the effectiveness of this approach for many patients. Talk to your dermatologist first to find the solution that is most appropriate for your situation.
  2. Hormone therapy. Androgen levels (a hormone) that is too high, mainly in women, can cause the oil glands to work hard to produce sebum that causes acne. Sebum contains fatty acids that facilitate the growth of acne-causing bacteria. Puberty, pregnancy, menopause, and changes in the medications you are taking can cause hormonal changes.
    • To find out if a hormone is responsible for acne, see a dermatologist.
  3. Talk to an expert. A dermatologist can diagnose your skin condition and recommend treatment for your case. To remove blackheads and whiteheads, surgery can be used, and the damaged acne can be resolved by cryosurgery, or steroids are injected into the pimple. The digital super abrasion method is an anatomic method that removes keloids and reduces concave scars by removing dead skin cells. Other advanced therapies based on the size of the scar may be needed.
    • If your current acne condition confuses you and you've done everything you can think of but hasn't worked for, seek professional help.


  • Dermatologists recommend that people with oily hair wash their hair regularly as oil from the hair can get down on the forehead and face, thereby causing breakouts.
  • Do not wear makeup right after washing your face, your pores can become clogged for that reason. Use oil-free cosmetics for your hair and skin.
  • Do not wash your face with very hot or cold water as this can lead to dry skin. Use mild warm water and a soft washcloth to wash your face.
  • Taking zinc for several months reduces the copper content in your body, so doctors generally recommend that people who take zinc supplements get 2 mg of copper per day.
  • To make vitamin A, your body needs both vitamin E and zinc, so it's a good idea to get both. The recommended intake of vitamin E is 400-800 IU if taken with vitamin A.
  • Be gentle when applying the cream around the eyes as this is very sensitive skin.
  • It is recommended to take 30 mg of zinc per day, 3 times per day for people with acne problems. When the acne subsides, limit it to 10-30 mg per day.


  • Do not take large amounts of zinc for a few days unless directed to do so by your doctor. Talk to your doctor before taking zinc supplements.
  • If you notice that your acne hasn't improved after 8 weeks, talk to your dermatologist.
  • Do not use iodized sea salt and products containing iodine, as iodine can cause irritation whether in the form of a solution or used on the skin, resulting in acne. you are worse.