How to chat with your boyfriend

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Things To Talk About With Your Boyfriend (15 Best Topics)
Video: Things To Talk About With Your Boyfriend (15 Best Topics)


Conversations with your boyfriend are a great opportunity to get closer to him. When you talk to each other, ask relevant questions to go deeper. You and your boyfriend can tell each other anything: dreams, ideas, goals, and everyday things like what to eat this afternoon. Talking with your boyfriend can be fun and easy if you are open and sincere, so don't hesitate to share.


Method 1 of 3: Talk about the things your boyfriend cares about

  1. Ask your boyfriend about his hobbies. If he plays in a band, show interest by asking him how the band rehearsal went. If he loves gardening, ask him what plants he grows this season and ask him about it from time to time.
    • Other topics that your lover might be interested in are skateboarding, surfing, fitness, cars, electronics and more.

  2. Ask about his friends. You may ask, "How have you been, Anh Son?" or "Did Mr. Thang buy the guitar amplifier he said?" Showing that you care for people in your relationships with your boyfriend also indirectly shows that you care about him.
    • Don't be afraid to ask questions about his friends' troubles. For example, if one of his friends has just gone through a broken love, you can ask, "How is Phuong after breaking up with her lover?"
    • Next time you meet his friends, you might mention some funny or interesting stories about them that he once told you.

  3. Talk about common interests. If you and your boyfriend love a particular band, you can say, “I love this newly released record. Have you heard? " or "Which song do you like from the new album?" If you are both passionate about literature, you can talk to him about the book you are reading or talk to him about joining a book club.
    • You can also share with your boyfriend about political ideology, religious beliefs, love of food, motorbikes or any other topic.

  4. Find out what your boyfriend is passionate about. You might ask him, "What is one thing you can never live without?" or "What do you want to do in life?" Such broad topic questions can spark an interesting conversation and help you understand what motivates him.
    • Continue asking why he's so passionate about these things.
    • Inspire your boyfriend to ponder where his passion originated. For example, you might ask, "Do you think it was because of the environment in which you were raised?"

Method 2 of 3: Spice up everyday things

  1. Suggest your boyfriend to talk about two interesting things that happened to him during the day. Sometimes people get caught up in regular schedules that don't seem so cool to them, but others find it interesting. Asking your boyfriend to tell him at least two interesting things will encourage him to step back and take a closer look at your usual day.
    • Alternatively, ask your boyfriend how he feels about those two interesting things.
    • If you don't understand how interesting the two things your boyfriend is saying is, ask him.
    • If your boyfriend can't think of it yet, help him with questions like, “Where did you eat lunch today? What do you want to eat?"
  2. Share stories that touch you. If you've just heard a really funny or really sad news story, share it with your boyfriend. For example, when you hear that miners miraculously saved their lives after a mine collapse, you can share that story with your boyfriend, “Did you hear the good news about the mine collapse? I'm glad they both saved their lives, so fortunately. "
    • Encourage your boyfriend to discuss current events with questions like, "What's new on your Facebook page?"
  3. Inquire about an unforgettable member of his family. For example, if your boyfriend has an aunt who is always shockingly noisy, you could ask, "How has your Aunt Lien been?" Continue the conversation by comparing his mother to yours, for example.
    • You can mention your boyfriend's family even if he hasn't seen them for a long time. Reflecting on happy family memories is a great way to bond.

Method 3 of 3: Create deeper conversations

  1. Choose a quiet, private place to have serious conversations. A noisy bar or party can be good for casual and fun chats, but it's better to talk about more personal matters in a different context. The ideal time to talk may vary depending on your preferences, but a quiet room in the house at night is best.
    • If you don't want to talk at home, you can meet him in a small, separate corner at the cafe or library.
    • Avoid discussing important topics online or through texting. It's very easy to get a misunderstanding when you can't see each other or hear each other.
    • There is no "good" time to talk about important things. Some relationships are not important to discuss for months, but some couples may need to talk seriously after a few years.
  2. Discuss where the two of you will be living for the next 5 years. This will give you and your boyfriend the opportunity to envision your plans in the near future. If he hasn't already, share your vision of where you want to live for the next 5 years.
    • Suggest the best way to achieve his dreams for your boyfriend.
    • Suggesting your boyfriend how he can follow his ambitions strengthens your relationship and helps him realize that you have a wonderful understanding.
  3. Ask your boyfriend what he would like to name your children if you are in a serious relationship. Here's a simple way to get him to talk about kids. You can choose a few names for both boys and girls. For example, ask him, "Do you like the name Huong Tra?" or "If I had a son, what would you name him?"
    • You can also ask follow-up questions like who will be the foster parent for the baby.
  4. Start the conversation about marriage by getting straight to the point. You shouldn't let the story of your marriage feel awkward, so use the direct method as a preamble. Ask your boyfriend if he is thinking of getting married someday, then keep asking why he has or doesn't intend to get married.
    • Ask more questions about where he wants to get married, does he want to move to a new place to live after the wedding, etc.
    • Ask more specific questions like who will he choose to be the best man and how many people will be invited to the wedding.
  5. Don't force your boyfriend to talk about issues he doesn't like to talk about. Sometimes even the simplest of questions like "How was your day?" also seems to cause fatigue or discomfort. Don't push your boyfriend if you feel like he doesn't seem interested in discussing a topic or is generally not interested in talking.
    • As much as you can, keep conversations with your boyfriend pleasant and free from pressure.