How to flirt with a guy

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
3 Playful Flirting Secrets Men Can’t Resist (+FREE Gift) (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)
Video: 3 Playful Flirting Secrets Men Can’t Resist (+FREE Gift) (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)


Flirting with a cute guy may sound like an impossible task, but it's actually a lot easier than you think! All you need to have is confidence, a positive attitude, and a little more daring. Please master the following steps to be successful in flirting with the guy you like!


Part 1 of 3: Remote Flirting

  1. Look him in the eye. Eye contact is a key flirting skill that can be used anywhere, at any time, as long as he is in sight. Don't stare as if you want to devour him, an affectionate look is enough for him to understand that you have feelings for him.
    • This is also a great way of determining his feelings for you - if he returns you with the same look, he also makes friends. But if he looks away, it might be because he's shy.
    • A good way to use this is to look at him until he looks back. Then, continue to look fondly for a few seconds, then smile and turn away.
    • If you're the bold type, wink at him!

  2. Let's laugh. Studies have shown that when you smile you become more attractive to the other person, so don't be afraid to show off your bright smile!
    • Laughing also makes the other person feel like you are a friendly and approachable person, when you smile you will make him want to talk to you!
    • Laughing will also make "yourself" feel happier and more confident, which are two important ingredients that will help you succeed in flirting.

  3. Use body language. Needless to say, you can say a lot of good things through your gestures. Smiling and making eye contact is only part of using body language, there are a few other things that you should be careful about when using:
    • Don't cross your arms. Crossing your arms shows the exact opposite of smiling - it can make you look uncomfortable and unfriendly, and can make him hesitate to contact you. Many people fold their arms when they feel anxious, so be careful in this regard.
    • Fling hair. Flicking hair is a rather feminine act but is often used as an action to seduce the opponent. This is an act of flirting meaning so if you flip your hair in front of a guy, he will immediately understand that you are "green light" with him.
    • Play with the jewelry you are wearing. Playing around with jewels like necklaces will bring attention to your neck, and for many guys this is a pretty seductive act.

  4. Find a way to pass him wisely. To be able to flirt with him, you need as much presence as possible within the other person's radius. Act as if you just happened to be passing by him, don't let him know you were on purpose.
    • Walk past his desk when you leave, or take your puppy for a walk in the park where he often plays soccer.
    • Be careful not to use this method too often, otherwise he will think you are spying on him.
  5. Have to face a little. Take care of yourself a little so that you can be more confident every time he is around you. Appearance doesn't mean wearing short skirts, high heels and lots of mascara - it's simply about being neat and well-groomed. If you dress up a little, you'll probably feel a lot more confident too - and that's great for flirting!
    • Always keep your hair clean and fragrant, brush your teeth, shave where needed, paint your nails - you can do whatever you think will make yourself prettier.
    • Dress neatly, don't wear frowning clothes, wear clothes that make you feel comfortable - jeans are a good choice too!
    • Try different hairstyles - curls, straightens, buns, braids - to make each day look new. Same for makeup - try makeup on different tones and trends to find a style that suits you.
  6. Be the first to talk. You can also wait for him to start talking first. For guys, they often consider many opportunities first and then start choosing the girl they want to talk to so if you start talking first, you will be more special than other girls. he is paying attention - and of course if you are a pioneer you have the advantage of being able to choose a time and place that you find suitable. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Direct Flirting

  1. Talk to him. One of the best ways to make it easier for you to flirt is to pull him into a story. Find opportunities to ask questions of him, talk about things you both know and like, such as school, work, or ongoing events.
    • Let's start with a question. This will let him know that you want to know more about him, not that you just enjoy talking about yourself. Ask him what he thinks of his new "Fast and Furious" movie, or you can ask him what he did over the weekend.
    • Avoid questions that he can only answer "yes" or "no" - asking these kinds of questions is like asking the end of the story as soon as it starts.
    • Redirect the story towards him. Everyone likes to talk a lot about themselves, so you can ask him about areas he can talk about all the time such as music, sports or his future plans.
    • Remind his name several times in conversation. According to research, people often like to hear people call their names when talking - especially when their name is called by someone of the opposite sex! Calling him by his name will make him feel special and will make you both more intimate.
  2. Smile and laugh. Laugh a lot during your conversation to let him know that you are comfortable with him, and that you enjoy hearing him speak.
    • Laughing will also make you more attractive and also show him that you are a person who loves life and is funny.
    • When he tells jokes, laugh out loud, men often like it. However don't overdo it or you will look like a hyena laughing all day and you will scare him away!
  3. Please accidentally touch each other's hands. Trying to touch him will let him know that you are flirting with him and that you are ready for a closer step too. Try the following ways:
    • Gently touch his arm while you are talking. Or when he tells a joke, reach out and touch his hand while you're laughing. You can also use it as a sign of joy or comfort.
    • Place your hand or elbow on his shoulder. This is a way of showing intimacy between the two of you and also showing that you are comfortable around him.
    • "Inadvertently" leaned on him as the two were walking together. If you are past flirting and you want to take your feelings to the next step, you can touch his hand and see how he reacts.
    • Adjust his collar. Another daring move you can use is to tell him that his collar (or tie) is wrinkled, so that you can lean on and fix it for him. Face him face to face, then touch his neck with your fingers while you are fixing his collar. When you finish, before you step back, look him in the eye and say "looks better!"
  4. Direct his attention to your body. Men often love with the eyes, so half-closed half open will make him more interested in you. When he turns his attention to your body and feels his heart beating fast for you, that's when he realizes how much he likes you.
    • Squeeze your shoulders. Pretend that you have shoulder pain so you have to pull down your shirt shoulders to massage. If you're lucky, he will ask you to let him help.
    • Ask him if you should have a navel piercing. For girls who are confident in their waistline, the best way is to pull up a little bit and show him how you want to have your belly pierced and consult with him. If he starts to stutter, your mischief has attracted him.
    • Lick your lips. Make him think about kissing you by drawing attention towards his lips. Lick your lips, bite your lips, apply lipstick - do whatever you like with your lips but be as indifferent as possible ..
    • Be careful not to overdo all of the above techniques - attention grabbing your body will only work if you do it in moderation. Otherwise you look like a desperate, attention-grabbing guy, so avoid hovering in front of him wearing a bikini (unless you're on the beach!)
  5. Dance together. Dancing together is a way of showing you like him. Dancing at school, in a pub, or anywhere is fine as long as you have some time alone.
    • Let him know that you choose to dance with him. Take his hand and pull him out of the crowd. If he agrees, it means he likes it too.
    • If you want, you can choose to dance sexy, but avoid pushing him too hard or being overly erotic - if you overdo it in front of people it gets ridiculous and you make him. feeling uncomfortable.
    • If he's not good at dancing, you can make him more confident by creating your own craziest dance moves - enjoy these crazy moments - if your madness makes him Laughing is also worth it.
    • Try the slow dance with him. Put your arm around his shoulder and let him hug your waist. Make eye contact with him while swinging to the music - he will melt.
  6. Praise him. Don't think that it's only women who like to receive compliments - men love to be complimented too! Compliments you give him will make him feel like you care and you like him because he is yourself and you only care about you two, not anything else. Here are a few ways to make your compliments even better:
    • Be specific. The more specific a compliment is, the more valuable it is. If you only say things like "You're so handsome," he probably has heard this sentence many times before. If you notice a particular personality that you like, your compliment will be special and you will have an extra plus on his mind.
    • If he's on a sports team and you've seen him play, praise the way he plays. If you've ever heard him play the piano or the drums, compliment his play. If you want to be even more intimate, compliment him on his good eyes - and make eye contact with him for that reason.
    • When complimenting him, approach him, lower your voice, and speak softly. This makes the compliment more informal and confidential.
    • Make eye contact with him as you compliment him and smile gently. This is a sign of sincerity in your compliments and shows him that you are really impressed by what he did.
    • Also, don't over-compliment or make a fake compliment. If you just pretend to compliment it will have the opposite effect and he won't think very well of you either. A sincere compliment from the bottom of your heart is worth more than a hundred thousand fake compliments.
  7. Tease him. Teasing is also a great flirting skill - if used properly. Teasing will help build feelings of intimacy and show him that you are a funny person. Remember - once you tease others, accept teasing again!
    • Tease him about small, unimportant things - for example, tease him that he has feelings for the math teacher, or that he loves his puppy more than anyone else on the left. land.
    • If he's pretty good looking, ask if Abercrombie's clothing company has interviewed him as a model, if he's new to the gym, tease him that you've already seen a six pack- instead of offending him, turn it into a face-down compliment!
    • Don't tease him on very personal matters or he might think badly about you - statements that are meant to offend his family, offend his academic or work performance, or criticize him. Just on his looks, that's what you should avoid - at least avoid it until you've been together for a long time.
  8. Make him want to see you more often. Don't talk too long or too long will make him bored and not pay attention to you. Instead, excuse yourself while he is still in the mood to chat with you and it will make him want to see you again.
    • Please leave an invitation to see him again. If you say, "I have something to go, but will I see you tomorrow?", You have let him know that you plan to see him again tomorrow.
    • Lean on him like you want to kiss him, but turn your head in the end and whisper "I'm very happy today" in his ear.

Part 3 of 3: Flirting via Messages

  1. "By chance" texted him. If you don't know what to say, pretend you mistakenly texted him instead of texting a best friend.
    • Text something like “Haha, that's right! So what are you going to do this weekend? :) ”
    • Wait a minute or two, then text another message like "Ui, I texted the wrong person, sorry! But in the end, what are you gonna do this weekend? ;) "
    • The message will look like you didn't actually "accidentally" text the wrong message, but you're glad you did it wrong at first.
  2. Don't send boring messages. These messages are useless - "how are they?" or "What's new?" It's really boring and won't make him text you back. Text interesting, special messages - just send him a message that you know he'll laugh at after reading it.
    • For example, text something like, "I passed a toy store earlier, and saw a huge teddy bear sitting on a shelf - I thought you were sitting on it." Or, "Hurry, help me choose one of these two life and death options: chocolate or cake?"
  3. Don't text continuously. While you are chatting with text messages, don't go overboard and reply to every message he texts you. If you do, he will think you're overly eager.
    • If he asks you a lot of things in one message. Answer only a few things and open up the rest. He will find you mysterious and want to know more about you.
    • Likewise, don't send him a dozen questions in every text - as it makes you overly eager - and asking too much he will just answer roughly. Text cute, short messages.
  4. Give a hint. Once everything has gone well and you feel comfortable texting him, you can text him with messages suggesting that you want to go further with him.
    • Take it easy - there's no rush, just text him a few suggestions that you'd like to spend time with him, such as “I'm going to see a ghost movie, I wish you were here. Don't be afraid! "
    • If he responds in a way he likes it, then you can continue flirting with him. Give him flirtatious compliments like "I kept thinking about you today, I kept thinking of your muscles when wearing that shirt."
    • If you want to move faster, you can add a little more mischievous cues for him. For example, if he texted and you didn't reply within half an hour you could say, "Sorry, I'm busy showering ....". The rest is drawn by his imagination.
  5. If you don't get a reply, don't send another message. Texting rule is that the number of messages you receive must be close to the number of messages you send. That means if you send him 20 texts a day and he only gives you 5 messages back then you are going too far.
    • Try to control yourself and don't text him all the time. Text when you have something nice or important to say. And if you text more than two and he doesn't reply, stop.
    • Avoid being the first to text. Be a little mysterious and let him text first. If he texts first, it means he likes you.
    • Never text a text that just says "yes" or "ok" or "lol". Texting like that, he won't know how to reply.
  6. Message with pictures. This type of text is usually a pretty cool way of communicating - and also helps you ensure that he has a photo of you on his phone.
    • Send him a picture of you and a group of friends going shopping and add the message "Are you going?"
    • Send him a picture of you lying in a chair with a text “I'm bored. Do you have anything to make me happy? "
    • Send him a movie or concert poster with the message, "Shall we go see?"
  7. Send a dating message. Texting is a fun way to date him out, especially if you're feeling shy about asking in person.Text him something like this:
    • "I just saw the new Batman movie ad, I want to see it. Shall we go see this weekend?" or "Craving for caramel Frappuccino! See you after school? I'll treat you. :)"
    • Even if he refuses, don't panic. Dating texting won't make you lose face if rejected. Just leave him a message saying "That's all, let it be another time." and wait to see if he texts any more.


  • Don't act like you're desperate. Don't cling to him like that or you will make him want to retreat as soon as possible.
  • Never lower yourself by being stupid just to get his attention. Every guy wants to find a smart and beautiful girl for himself.
  • Take note of the little things he said at first glance (small but martial) and use it to converse with him. For example, if he says "I have to go back, I have to help your sister to study for the exam for tomorrow", you can use it later to ask him "Did your sister do well?" (call his sister's name if you know her name - it lets him know you care about what he says).
  • Make friends with his friends, which makes it easier to talk when you go out with friends.
  • When hanging out with him and his friends, “chat” less with his friends and focus more on him. This way he will find that he is more important to you than the other guys.