How to fix cracked ceiling fan

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to FIX a REALLY BAD Ceiling Fan Installation
Video: How to FIX a REALLY BAD Ceiling Fan Installation


Ceiling fans must work a lot, after a long time, dirt will thicken and make the fan heavier, starting to emit uncomfortable sounds when operating.Luckily, you can overcome these noises with regular cleaning and maintenance. Wiping the fan blades and tightening the loose screws will usually help with the problem of fan chattering, but you can also fix some other more complicated problems if these don't work.


Method 1 of 2: Clean and maintain the ceiling fan

  1. Turn off and wait for the fan to stop completely before servicing. Never try to clean or repair the fan while the fan is spinning to avoid injuring yourself. You should also let the fan stop slowly, not holding the blade to make it stop quickly. Holding or pulling on the blades can cause them to warp and cause many other problems.
    • If you are only cleaning and performing routine maintenance, you do not need to turn off the power.

  2. Wipe the fan blades with a dry, fine cloth. You will need to use the ladder to reach the ceiling fan. First, wipe both the top and bottom of the fan blades with a fine cloth, then spray the blades with a multi-function cleaner and gently wipe with a new fine cloth or paper towel.
    • The weight of dirt can actually make the fan squeak! That's why cleaning is the first step you should take when maintaining a ceiling fan.
    • You need to be gentle when cleaning the blades to avoid putting any weight on them.

  3. Shake the impeller and tighten the loose blades. While standing firmly on a ladder, try shaking each blade individually to see if they need to be tightened. If the propellers are tight, they will not move. If you can swing them sideways or up and down, tighten the screws with a Phillips screwdriver until the blades no longer vibrate.
    • Loose impellers can make a strange sound, so check them every 6 months to see if there are any screws that need tightening.

  4. Check the bulbs to make sure they are not loose. If the ceiling fan has bulbs, you need to check each bulb one by one to make sure the holder remains secure. If the fan has been on for a while before you turn it off for maintenance, you should try gently touching the bulbs first to make sure they are not too hot.
    • Loose bulbs can cause the fan to squeak due to the vibrating socket in the fan base.
    • You can also take this opportunity to replace the burned bulbs.
  5. Check the lanterns if available. Some ceiling fans have lanterns that cover the entire bulb or bulb set. You check to see if this lantern is tightened. If necessary, tighten the lantern screws with Phillips screwdrivers, which are the screws that you need to remove when changing the bulb.
    • Cracked lanterns can also cause a noise. If you find a crack in the lantern, you should consider replacing it.
  6. Check the screws that attach the fan to the fan bracket. Fan hanging fan is the part that attaches to the ceiling and connects the wires to the fan body. Observe the fan company for any loose screws. If so, use a Phillips screwdriver to tighten them.
    • The screws that attach the fan body to the fan coil may start to loosen over time and cause the fan to buzz.
    • Screws can sometimes break. Replace the screws if they are lost or damaged.
  7. Test if the fan still sounds. If the fan has different speeds, turn on each one for a few minutes. If the cry is gone, great! You have successfully maintained the fan. If the fan still makes a noise, the cause might be something more complicated.
    • You can either try to fix this complicated problem or call a technician to fix it.

Method 2 of 2: Fix complex problems

  1. Disconnect power from the circuit breaker if repairing is near the power cord. Before performing any repairs near the fan wiring, you'll need a circuit breaker to completely disconnect the power that is leading into the room. When you return to the room, test the fan to make sure the power is off.
    • If there is no need for repairs under the fan suspension (eg, just aligning the blades), you do not need to turn off the power.
  2. Use a balancer to rebalance the propeller. You place the balance clamp on the middle, evenly spaced the beginning and end of the blade, turn on the fan to see if the noise is still coming out. Do this one at a time. Once you find the balance point, peel off a weight patch and stick it on the wing at a position equal to the balance clamp, then remove the clamp.
    • You can buy an equalizer set at electronics stores for less than 500,000 VND.
    • The need for rebalancing the propeller can eliminate fan noise if it comes from the fan that is shaking or warping.
    • You can check out an online tutorial to learn how to use the equalizer.
  3. Oil the bearings to lubricate the engine. You need to take apart the entire fan (pay attention to turn off the power), and take out the motor in the fan. Locate the bearing, apply about 2-3 drops of lubricating oil. You rotate the engine so that the oil is evenly dispersed, then reinsert the fan, turn on the power, and test if the fan still sounds.
    • The bearing is the part that helps the fan rotate. If they dry out or rust, they can make a strange noise.
  4. Contact a fan repairman if you cannot remedy the fan noise. If regular cleaning, maintenance, and some more complex checking doesn't fix the fan chatter, the cause could be deeper in the construction of the fan components. It's a good idea to go online to read reviews on some of the repair facilities, and be sure to look out for "licenses, guarantees, warranties" information.
    • Contact several electric fan repair sites for repair costs, and compare them with the cost of replacing a new fan to help you decide which option to choose.
    • When hiring a repairman, you should ask them for your warranty or warranty. If the fan stops again after a few weeks of repair, will they come get it checked again for free?


  • When a fan cannot be repaired, don't hesitate to call a mechanic, that's their job!


  • Be careful when using ladders or high chairs.
  • Disconnect the power supply before removing the fan, especially with corded fans, as voltage may remain even when the fan is turned off.
  • Never adjust or affect a rotating ceiling fan.

What you need

Clean and maintain the ceiling fan

  • One or several microfiber towels or paper towels.
  • Multi-purpose cleaning water
  • Phillips screwdrivers
  • Ladder or high chair

Fix complex issues

  • Ladder or high chair
  • Equalizer
  • Lubricant
  • Phillips screwdrivers