How to Use the Mechanical Toilet

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
5 mins solve your toilet problem--Using HTD toilet replacement parts
Video: 5 mins solve your toilet problem--Using HTD toilet replacement parts


Ouija (Ouija) is a wooden board with letters A through Z, numbers 0 to 9, symbols of the Sun and Moon. A movable pointer, also known as a "muscle", is used to answer a player's question. In popular culture (especially popular in the 1920s), the toilet table is considered a "spiritual portal" for communication with the deceased; however, the only thing that proves this functionality is just player experiences — no other scientific evidence exists. Make up your own mind - would you like to give it a try?


Part 1 of 3: Prepare the space

  1. Have a few friends at home. Basically one player can also play badminton, but it's best to play with at least one more. During dark and stormy nights, the more you should play with others.
    • Two players are ideal. The more players you have, the easier it becomes to get chaotic (noisy, distracting ...) Having more than two players is fine — as long as everyone is calm and serious.

  2. Create a mood. Before starting to contact Kingdom ComeYou should create the right scenery and mood, such as turning off lights, lighting candles, burning incense and sage.
    • To have a chance, you have to know the timing. Sometimes, the toilet table reacts very quickly, but sometimes it is quiet. It is best to play at night or in the early morning (around 3-4am).
    • Eliminate distractions. Do not turn on music or the TV is too loud, and do not let children run and play loudly. For a seance to be successful, you must have uninterrupted attention.
    • Turn off the phone! Receiving a call in between seance sessions interrupts your work and mood.

  3. Sit down. According to the original game instructions, you have to place the board on the knees of two players, their knees touching. It is also written as "Priority for ladies and gentlemen". You just believe so temporarily. This also won't affect your experience much.
    • Playing on a large table or floor is fine. As long as everyone can see clearly and place a finger on the calf (or pointer).
    • Players sit around or sit down together with the ping pong table; sometimes the planchette moves very quickly and the letters need to be written down and put together quickly. Sitting in the opposite direction of the toilet bowl can make it difficult to read the message.

Part 2 of 3: Having the right mindset

  1. Always be patient. Sometimes the soul takes a moment to settle down. You may not be immediately answered. Do not give up.
    • The rumors about 'moving the muscle to start' are not true. The soul is the entity that will provide the answers for you, not the planchette, so their slow response has nothing to do with the muscle. Some spirits can move the planchette faster than others.
    • Sometimes the muscle moves very quickly, and sometimes, it moves very slowly. Getting a message from a muscle is like waiting to dial a number, don't get angry. You should wait a bit or finish the game and try again later.
  2. Be polite. If you are meeting a communicative spirit, talk to them. Be friendly as well. That will encourage the soul to cooperate with you more.
    • You may not get the answer you want. It is not the soul's fault or the pleading board. Becoming angry or violent will ruin the atmosphere of the game and the room.
  3. Getting started is simple. It is best not to terrorize the soul of the deceased with a series of questions about the upcoming history test. Getting started is as simple as a regular conversation.
    • Your first questions should aim for short and simple answers.
      • How many souls are in the room?
      • Are you a good soul?
      • What's your name?
  4. Be careful what you want. You certainly don't want to stay up all night contemplating your future death. If you don't want to know an answer, don't ask. However, if you absolutely want to ask about the future, consider it for fun. Like the mortal, the soul cannot foresee the future. If they say your sister is going to die in a week, they're teasing you.
    • Don't ask dumb questions. "What did Nam tell his sister about me?" not something the soul wants to waste time answering. Not to mention that you will have to spend a lot of time combining a letter into an answer.
    • Don't ask to see signs of the presence of the soul. That will bring trouble for you. What's more, your fellow players may not be able to keep up. It's best to just keep the game on the board. However, some souls are also willing to show their presence. It depends on them.
    • Don't believe everything the board says. If it says you're going to die in 10 minutes, don't rush to the front of the bus. So you are making the prophecy come true, not that it was correct in the first place.

Part 3 of 3: Playing mech

  1. Choose a leader. Assign one person to ask all the questions. Thus, everything will be simple and the soul of the deceased will not be confused.
    • However, everyone should be able to speak up while asking questions. Come up with your own questions in turn, but always let the leader communicate them to the board.
  2. Place your finger on the muscle. The pawn should be placed in the G position at the start of the game.
    • Ask the player to gently place their index and middle fingers on the pawn. Slowly move the planchette in a circle to warm up the board and focus on what you want to ask. Place your finger firmly on the muscle without using too much force; If you press it too tightly, the muscle will have difficulty moving.
  3. Create an opening ritual. You can do anything - pray, celebrate or even spread jewels around.
    • Let the leader greet the soul and emphasize that only positive energies are welcome.
    • Spread jewels or other relics on the board. If you are going to talk to a deceased relative, keep something of theirs nearby.
  4. Make a question. You should start with simple questions and then develop as you feel appropriate.
    • If the soul claims to be bad, it's best to end the game and try again later.
    • If you start to get vulgar or rude feedback, don't react aggressively. You should also not use impolite words. Do not scream if you are too scared. Say goodbye to that soul and stop playing.
  5. Concentrate. For best results, all participants must keep their mind clear and focus on the question.
    • Everyone must sit seriously and solemnly. If someone laughs or asks ridiculous questions, ask them to leave the room.
    • When the calf moves, a specialist should be appointed to take notes. Sometimes, answers can be quite long and need to be meticulously recorded.
  6. Watch the engine in motion. Sometimes this will happen very quickly, and sometimes it will be very slow; sometimes, the muscle would never move. However, if everyone is focused and attentive, the muscle will gradually react.
    • Make sure that no one is deliberately moving the muscle. If they do this on purpose, they shouldn't play this game.Everyone must apply equal pressure to the muscle.
  7. Game over. If the muscle starts to follow figure 8 or go back from Z to A, or count down from 9 to 0, end the seance session by moving the planchette to the word Goodbye (bye). Any of these three signs indicates that the soul is trying to escape the board. Saying goodbye to that soul is very important. If it were you, you would hate being suddenly turned away, wouldn't you?
    • Let the leader say that it is time to end the ceremony and bring the word 'GOODBYE' on the toilet table.
      • Of course, if you had a good time with that soul, say "goodbye!" and wait for the mech to move to the word Goodbye.
    • Before you put the toilet bowl back in the box, wipe it with a soft, dry cloth. This will prevent dust and moisture from adhering to it.


  • To avoid calling a bad soul, place a silver coin on the board table. It will scare away bad spirits, however, they can still get over and emerge.
  • The sun and moon will detect your soul contacting you. If it comes from the sun that's good, if it's coming from the moon that's bad. If you encounter a bad spirit, thank them for coming and say goodbye. When the gecko moves to the words goodbye, the bad soul is gone.
  • Never use a toilet seat, unless you know what you're doing. It is not just a game. It can summon bad spirits. Do not use a toilet seat alone. Don't use it at YOUR HOME or funeral home. That can make your home haunted. Finally, make sure to do your homework before using the toilet bowl. Always keep it safe, God (or whatever god you believe in) will be with you.
  • Anytime you feel scared or out of control, end the seance and take the plump to the words "Goodbye" and say, "We have to go. Please rest in peace."
  • If the seance goes well and you've finished asking, please say goodbye and wait for your baby to move on to the words "Goodbye", if he doesn't, politely say you enjoyed the show. this and take me there myself.
  • If the pimp keeps pointing at number 8, that soul is very angry. The number 8 is considered the unlucky number according to the legend of "Wild Bill" Hickok, who died after drawing cards in the sequence "Eight, Ace, Eight, Ace". This myth has somehow been attributed to the game of mecha. However, you shouldn't worry about this, unless you are a gunman and are playing snooker in the Deadwood area, south of Dakota.
  • Before you begin, sit in a circle, hold hands and say, "Please don't show up by evil or evil forces".
  • Some souls have not spoken to anyone in many years. Be patient and polite with them. You are the one calling them, but they don't find you on their own.
  • Just light a single white candle. The white in magic is used for protection and purification; Although the color black represents energy, it is also used in dark black magic.
  • Make sure everyone participating in the seance session won't deliberately move the planchette, imagine when you are a soul and only have a chance to talk to the ocean person, and yet someone robs see your words!
  • Nothing can come out of a board, paper or cover.
  • This game works only if you really believe it; Don't expect results if your psychic energies are negative and you are not open to things like this.
  • No soul can harm you unless you let them. You are a living person, you have a body and a soul. That means you are stronger than the other soul. If a soul says they will harm you, simply tell them that you are alive and they are not, so they will not be able to do anything about you.
  • Use a toilet seat somewhere except your home.
  • A lot of people will probably advise you that buying a toilet seat is a waste of money, and it's best to make one yourself. If you do it yourself, you need to write on it the words Yes, No, the numbers 0 to 9, the letters A to Z and Goodbye. You can also add some other words like maybe (possibly) or sometimes (sometimes) on the side of the board. There are of course always templates on the internet for reference.


  • Before using the toilet board, do a Google search of the engine and read it to make sure you still want to get in touch. Kingdom Come.
  • Do not use the toilet bowl while drinking alcohol or / and stimulants. You will easily attract bad entities.
  • The existence of ghosts, demons, and other supernatural powers remains controversial. Don't take everything lightly.
  • Important Note: The mechanical toilet is said to be a two-way portal to other worlds. When using it, you should be very careful not to let anything from another world enter your "real" world.
  • Never ask about your own or someone else's death. Also, don't ask about the future, but if you can't resist your curiosity, remember that spirits can be mischievous jokes.
  • The soul should never be asked to prove existence; Many believe this to allow the soul to leave the table and guide the devil into your home.

What you need

  • Mechanical toilet and mech
  • One or two friends (never begged alone)
  • White candles or dim lights
  • Sage or frankincense (optional)