Ways to Prevent Corona Virus

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


With the constantly reported outbreaks of the new Corona virus ((SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19, formerly 2019-nCoV), you may be worried about infection. Corona is a group of viruses that are potentially life-threatening, causing victims to be infected with illnesses such as the common cold, MERS, SARS and other respiratory illnesses Although the Corona virus can be dangerous, measures Prevention can help you protect your health in public, at home and when you need to take care of sick people.If you suspect that you have a virus, see your doctor immediately.


Method 1 of 4: Protect yourself against Corona virus

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water to reduce the risk of infection. The best way to prevent Corona virus is to wash your hands frequently. Wet your hands with warm water, then use mild soap. Rub hands into lather for 20 to 30 seconds, then rinse hands with warm water. You can sing Happy Birthday twice as well.
    • The World Health Organization recommends that people not only rub their hands together, but also put their fingers together in a variety of ways to ensure the entire hand surface is clean. Use the tissue that you just used to wipe your hands to lock the water tap.
    • Always wash your hands before eating and drinking. After all, it's best to wash your hands whenever in public or after having been around someone who shows signs of illness.
    • You should also wash your hands before and after going out.
    • If you cannot wash your hands, use a dry hand sanitizer that contains 60 to 95% alcohol. An alcohol content higher than 95% is often ineffective.
    • You can also wash your hands with soap and water because poor quality hand sanitizers have many potential risks.

  1. Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with your hands. You can be exposed to Corona virus on certain surfaces, such as a doorknob or kitchen counter. When this happens, germs can get on your hands, so it is easier to infect yourself if you touch your face with dirty hands. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth if the virus is present on your hands.
    • If you need to touch your face, wash your hands first to reduce the risk of infection.

  2. Stay away from people who cough or sneeze. Since Corona virus spreads through the respiratory tract, coughing and sneezing are common symptoms. Also, both coughing and sneezing spread the virus into the air, making you more likely to get it too. Stay away from people who appear to have symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection.
    • If possible, tell the person to stand away from you. You can say, "I see you have a cough. I hope you get better soon, but don't stand by me so you don't get me sick".
    • If you know someone who has just been around the sick person, it's best to keep some distance from them.

  3. Don't shake hands with other people, whether they show symptoms or not. Unfortunately, people with Corona virus can spread the disease, even if they show no symptoms. To protect yourself, limit your contact with others. Please refuse to shake hands politely until the Corona virus threat ends.
    • You can say "Nice to meet you! Usually I would shake hands, but the Ministry of Health advises us to limit close contact so as not to spread Corona virus".
  4. Disinfect everyday surfaces that people touch with an anti-virus product. Unfortunately, Corona virus can survive on surfaces like doorknobs, countertops, and faucets. Use an antibacterial spray or wet disinfectant paper to clean those surfaces every day. This can limit the risk that viruses survive on those surfaces and cause disease.
    • At home, disinfect at doorknobs, kitchen counters, bathroom counters and faucets.
    • At work, clean surfaces that people often touch like doorknobs, stair handrails, desks and work counters.
    • You can make your own disinfectant solution by mixing 1 cup (240 ml) of bleach with 1 gallon (3.8 L) of warm water.
  5. Don't worry too much if you are not really at risk. Disbelief spreads on social networks a lot and sometimes causes unjustified confusion. Read official news from reliable sources such as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) or the Local Health Organization (WHO) or the Ministry of Health. Also, check out the sources before making any decisions.
    • Although the new Corona virus strain originated in China, it has nothing to do with Asians. Don't treat someone differently or avoid them just because they're Asian. Treat everyone with kindness and remember that anyone can be infected.
    • According to the WHO, you cannot get Corona virus through mail or products originating in China.
    • WHO also denies that certain foods can prevent the Corona virus.

Method 2 of 4: Care of the patient

  1. Wear disposable protective clothing when caring for a sick person. Wear disposable gloves, masks, and paper clothing when taking care of someone who is sick. When leaving the care room, remove protective gear and throw it in the trash. Do not reuse protection as you may accidentally come into contact with the virus.
    • Corona virus spreads in the air and can survive on your clothes, so protect yourself well.
  2. Do not share household appliances with sick people. Corona virus can persist on cups, plates, cutlery, and towels. In the family, when someone is sick, each member should use their own furniture. If not, you could accidentally spread the germs.
    • Always keep safe! When in doubt, wash utensils thoroughly before using or using another.
  3. Wash clothes in hot water to kill bacteria. Clothing, bedding, and towels can all be a shelters for the Corona virus, so wash well. Set the washing machine to the hottest setting and measure the amount of laundry water to match the amount of laundry. Then, wash in either normal mode or high capacity, depending on the washing machine model.
    • If the bleach or laundry detergent is a color safe for the fabric you need to wash, use a full lid.
  4. Open a window to let the air in the room ventilate if the weather is right. Since the Corona virus flies in the air, you are at a higher risk of becoming infected if you share the space with the sick person. Room ventilation can help clean the air, thereby, minimizing the chance of exposure to viruses. Open a window or turn on the air conditioner if possible.
    • Do not open windows if it rains, or the temperature is too hot or cold.

Method 3 of 4: Prevent zoonotic transmission

  1. Cook meat and eggs to reduce the risk of infection. Corona virus can be transmitted from animals to humans, so you must cook animal products thoroughly to kill the pathogens. Follow these instructions for each type of meat or egg you plan to eat, and check the internal temperature of the food with a dedicated thermometer before eating. Heat food to the following level:
    • Chicken and turkey should be up to 165 ° F (74 ° C).
    • Pork and beef should be cooked at 145 ° F (63 ° C).
    • Minced meat should be cooked to 160 ° F (71 ° C).
    • Eggs should be cooked to 160 ° F (71 ° C).
  2. Limit contact with live animals to minimize the risk of infection. Do not touch animals that appear sick. Avoid contact with live animals unless it's your job, or you have to take care of the pet. If you have to come into contact with an animal other than a pet, touch it as little as possible.
    • Bats and livestock are most likely sources of infection.
  3. Wash hands immediately after contact with live animals. You certainly don't want animal pathogens to stay on your skin. Wet your hands and use mild soap. Rub the foam for about 30 seconds, then rinse with warm water. Use a clean, dry cloth to clean your hands.
    • If you have to be in contact with more than one animal, wash your hands between each contact in case the animal gets sick.That way, you won't accidentally infect other animals.

Method 4 of 4: Treat possible infection

  1. Contact your doctor if you suspect you have had Corona virus. If you have symptoms of a respiratory infection and have traveled to China, Korea, Italy, Iran or Japan or have been in contact with an infected person, chances are you will also have Corona virus. Call your doctor to talk about your symptoms and ask if you need testing. Your doctor may order you to get tested, but may also ask you to stay home to avoid spreading germs. Look for the following COVID-19 signs:
    • Fever
    • Cough
    • Rapidly breath

    Tips: If you go to the clinic or hospital, wear a mask to keep from infecting people who already have weak immune systems. Inform the clinic of fever or difficulty breathing symptoms.

  2. Stay home if you have symptoms of an upper respiratory infection. Except for medical care, don't leave home if you are sick. Your illness can be contagious, and you should not make others infect you. Focus on rest and give your body time to recover.
    • If you go to the doctor, wear a disposable mask if available. It can prevent pathogens from spreading.

    COVID-19 typical symptoms are fever, cough and shortness of breath. However, a runny nose and sore throat are not signs of this Corona strain. If you have these symptoms, you may have another respiratory illness, such as the common cold.

  3. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. You will cough and sneeze a lot if you have Corona virus or other respiratory illness. Protect others from germs by covering mouths with towels or sleeves. That way, the pathogen won't get into the air.
    • Always keep a packet of tissue with you. However, if you don't have a piece of paper, you can also sneeze into your elbow.


  • Currently, the CDC does not recommend that people wear masks in public to prevent Corona virus infection.
  • Corona virus symptoms appear 2 to 14 days after you are exposed.
  • If you have a high fever, cough, or shortness of breath within 14 days of visiting Wuhan, China or coming into contact with someone suspected of having Corona virus, contact your doctor to see if you need testing.
  • Unlike information on social networks, Corona beer does not cause Corona virus. This is just a coincidental name.


  • Severe Corona virus infection can cause complications such as pneumonia, so see your doctor right away if your symptoms don't improve or you find it hard to breathe.
  • Antibiotics kill bacteria but not viruses. Antibiotics cannot protect you from the Corona virus. Overuse of antibiotics can be detrimental to your health, so should only be used with the guidance of your doctor.