How to Prevent the Risk of Rape

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Prevention is the Key to Eliminating Sexual Assault | Nicole Huffman | TEDxCalPoly
Video: Prevention is the Key to Eliminating Sexual Assault | Nicole Huffman | TEDxCalPoly


Rapists are cyclical predators. By following the steps below, you can make the world somewhat safer from those predators. You can equip the necessary information and skills to protect yourself both mentally and physically. Remember that, while being alert to your surroundings and knowing how to protect yourself is important, sexual abuse is ultimately the fault of the rapist, are not must be the victim's fault. This article is not intended to justify or justify rape but is to provide advice on how to friend Feel safer. In an ideal world, the best way to prevent the risk of rape happening is to educate everyone, including men and women, to respect and help each other. In addition, the correct awareness of this issue can also be very helpful in helping you avoid dangerous situations.


Part 1 of 4: Correct perceptions of rape

  1. Know that it's not your fault that it is rape. Before you start thinking about preventing the risk of rape, you need to understand that, if raped, it's 100% the rapist's fault and your actions, clothes, or words are not original. leading to that. There is no such thing as "saluting the culprit", if someone tells you that then it's completely wrong. There are certain steps you can take to avoid danger and keep yourself safe, though, but in short, your actions should not be the "cause" of the rape.

  2. Understand that the best way to prevent rape is to stop others from engaging in it. In modern social culture, there are many things we can do to prevent rape, and this comes from the perception of women. If the whole community praised the men who respect women and abolished the culture of stigmatization and disregard for women, gradually everything would change. Sometimes when teenagers think "rape jokes" are funny and it's okay to joke about sexual assault, we need to tell them that this is not true. Men can also be raped, however society assumes that men "cannot be raped", so most of them are ashamed and scared to speak up.
    • Many people think that instructing women what they should do to keep themselves safe is ridicule and makes them feel that in order to avoid the risk of rape, only women need to "behave properly", and if It is their fault that it is rape. This article is not meant to be like that, but is intended to empower women by giving the right advice on how to avoid danger. However, It is not only women who are raped. Men may face a similar risk, just this is less common. Society does not believe that "little women" can rape "big and strong men", but this still happens.

  3. Never stop enjoying life. You can be overwhelmed reading an article about how to prevent the risk of rape. You will begin to feel that no place is safe - from a supermarket car park to a public toilet, in your car, or even in your own home. You will begin to wonder where we need to go in order to be safe from rapists. Do not think like that. While taking precautions is necessary, you should not be so scared that you dare not go out alone, go late at night or go to your favorite places. After reading this article, you will still be able to enjoy life and feel safe without obsessing as much as you might think.
  4. Know that most rape cases are caused by someone known to the victim. The statistics may vary, but surveys show that only 9% -33% of rape criminals are complete strangers to the victim. This means that most women are raped by men they know, be it friends, people they are dating, co-workers, acquaintances, or even family members. This also means that people are at high risk of being raped by acquaintances rather than strangers in a dark alley. Therefore, being cautious when alone is very important and you should not completely let your guard down when you are with people you know.
    • When you hang out with someone you know, be very careful and don't let your guard down unless you feel really safe with the person. Even so, there is a risk of rape. If something doesn't feel right, leave as early and as safely as possible.
    • Dating rape is incredibly common - according to one study, almost a third of all date rape cases happen. When you first date someone, understand that if you say no, you definitely won't, don't let anyone make you feel guilty because you know what you're doing and don't want. Don't be afraid to express your point of view by speaking loudly and clearly when needed.

Part 2 of 4: Stay safe when outdoors

  1. Always be aware of your surroundings. Parking lots and garages are two popular spots for rapists. These guys are predators, so look around carefully. If you are in a parking lot and feel someone following you, try to make a noise - by speaking out loud yourself, talking to an imaginary person, or pretending to talk on the phone. The louder the noise a potential victim makes, the more likely it is to frighten the predator.
    • Observe and learn about your surroundings. Whether it's a new workplace or a new school, make sure you know which path is safest. You should go in a bright area, often with lots of people, and near the alarm if any.
  2. If you are in school, be aware that most rape cases happen during the first few weeks of school. The Department of Justice (US) said that most school rape cases occur in the first weeks of the subject are freshman and sophomore. It is the most dangerous time because students have just gotten to know each other, surrounded by strangers and partying a lot. While you shouldn't be happy with your friends or staying in a dormitory because of this, be very careful when meeting strangers and always with friends, and follow your intuition.
  3. Always pay attention to drinks. Protect your drink as if it were a bunch of money. Do not let others touch, do not accept drinks from others because it may be a "trap". Always hold, hold, and take your own drink. Cover your hands over the top of the cup to prevent others from easily dropping foreign objects in it. Drinks are not accepted while on a date unless it is brought by a bartender or waitress. Even if you are pretty sure that the cup you put on the far side is yours, to be safer, you should buy or order another drink.
  4. Drink in moderation. This doesn't mean it's your fault if you get approached by a rapist when you drink too much, but at this point you will be softer and more vulnerable to attack. Make sure you have no more than one drink per hour (be it a glass of wine, a beer or an alcoholic drink), and stay alert and in control as best you can. Are not choose to drink punch (a juice blend with or without alcohol) in the student union community, leaving no one other than the bartender for you to avoid excessive drinks heavy.
  5. Always be with friends. Wherever you go, you should go with a group of friends and leave with them. Even when you play in different parts of the party, always make sure you know where your friends are and they know where you are, keep in touch, make eye contact, and keep an eye on each other.Friends accompanying you will help if you find you bothered and so can you. Don't leave your friend alone with new acquaintances, especially if there is alcohol at a party.
  6. Keep safe at the bar. The bar is very noisy so other people may not hear you calling for help. If you go to the bar, always bring a group of friends, go to the restroom together and make sure they know where you are.
  7. Be determined. If someone is bothering you, ask them to move away. There is no need to be polite to someone who deliberately solicits it when you don't want to. Make it clear to the person that you are thankful, but that you are not thanking, you are not interested. It's more difficult if it's someone you know or care about, but you can still do it. Once the person has expressed a clear opinion, the person most likely won't bother you anymore.
  8. Keep personal information confidential. Do not show your information to others or publicize it on the internet. Also, be wary of meeting someone you know over the internet. There is little good reason to make an appointment to see someone who has never met in person before, or who suggests to meet you while you are hesitating. If it is necessary to meet this person, bring someone along, possibly an older friend, and should meet in a public place.
  9. Always charge your phone fully. Don't go out with a low battery. Your phone can be your lifeline, whether it's for calling the police or calling a friend for help. Remember to charge your phone before going out at night, whether alone or with a friend. You can also get in the habit of carrying the charger with you if you often forget to charge your phone. advertisement

Part 3 of 4: Stay safe when alone

  1. Be careful when using technology when alone. Please understand: you should not Stop enjoying your life or doing what you like because you are afraid of being assaulted or raped. If you like running while listening to music on your iPod, it's okay, just be more careful, always look around and run where people pass. If you're traveling alone in the garage or dark parking lot, focus on your destination instead of playing around with your iPod or iPhone.
    • Attackers often target the weakest of prey. You are less likely to be attacked by being alert and purposeful, and vice versa if you are walking while texting and not noticing where you are going, or listening to your new favorite song. on iPod.
  2. Learn to believe in intuition. If you feel uncomfortable or unsure it is best to leave and ask for help. Use your intuition and pay attention to feelings chills. If you are walking alone and suddenly encounter or see someone who makes you feel unsafe, change your action as quickly as possible. If you feel unsafe, it's important to stay calm and move quickly to someone else.
    • If you are walking on a dark street and feel someone following you behind, move across the street to see if this person is following. If so, move close to the middle of the road (don't go too far to avoid being hit by a car) so that oncoming vehicles can see, help you and scare off attackers away. .
  3. Don't cut your hair short just to stop the rapist. Surely there are a lot of people who will tell you that rapists often target women with long hair or ponytails because they are easy to handle. Does that mean you should have a bob cut to limit the risk of rape? Of course not. (Unless you like to have short hair). Don't let the risk of rape affect your appearance and never blame yourself for attracting a bad person.
  4. Don't change your style of dress to prevent the risk of rape. A lot of people say it's easy to be raped if you wear clothes that are easily removed or "cut off" with scissors. These types of clothing include thin skirts, cotton flimsy skirts and other light, short clothing styles. They will say that wearing overalls, jumpsuit (body suit) and romper (short body suit) is best, plus you should also wear buckle pants instead of shorts. They will also say that using belts to secure clothes, doing so will help stop rapists, and much more. While these tips aren't completely wrong, you don't have to wear massive overalls, high-heeled leather shoes, or a whole diving suit to avoid rape. After all, it's up to you what you want to wear and you shouldn't think that wearing light clothing will make you "more susceptible" to rape.
    • Some people also say that sexy clothing will invite rapists. Stay away from such inhumane thinking as far as possible.
  5. Only carry a protective weapon when you know how to use it. Remember, any "weapon" that can hurt your attacker could work against you if you don't know how to use it. If you plan to bring a pistol, take a class on how to use it, practice at the shooting range regularly, and apply for a weapon license; If you are carrying a knife, take a course to make the most of it. Remember, an umbrella or wallet can also be used as a weapon against an attacker with little risk of hurting you.
  6. Shout, yell and attract the attention of others. Attackers are often prepared to plan. Break that plan by resisting like an angry cat and screaming loudly. You can also purchase a small personal alarm device with a design resembling a grenade, which when jerking the metal pin will emit a siren sound like the siren of a car.
  7. Shout out "Please call 113" (or 911 if you're in America). Screaming like this will both scare the attacker and attract the attention of others. When you shout for a call to the police, people around will often come running to help. Studies also suggest an effective strategy: point to a specific person in the street and say "White shirt please help me! This person attacks me ...". Just talk and point at your body for help.
    • Some studies have also shown that when you shout "Fire!" Instead of "Save me" or "Call 113", it will be easier to attract the attention of pedestrians. You can also try this method, but many people think that it is difficult to remember when you need to call on fire instead of calling for help.
  8. Take a basic self-defense class. If you're in the US, you can take an compromise self-defense course called Rape Aggression Defense (RAD). Check out other similar programs or courses in your area. These courses will teach you a variety of effective attacks, from kicking to hooking your opponent's eyes. With these skills in hand, you will feel more secure when walking alone at night.

  9. Learn how to "SING" self-defense. SING stands for Solar Plexus (abdomen) -Instep (instep) -Nose (nose) -Groin (groin), these are four points you should focus on attacking while being hugged from behind. Use your elbow to hit your stomach, use all of your strength to step on the leg, when the opponent let go of your arm, you turn around using your hand to hit the nose and finally on the pillow on the opponent's groin. Attacker will be stunned long enough for you to escape.

  10. Enter the house decisively. You should not get around in your car or stand by the road rummaging through your bags. Get out of the car with all the necessary items. Make it a habit to be careful when entering a house or car, as someone can easily push you inside and lock the door. You need to look around carefully; Have the keys in hand and look around before opening the door.

  11. Go on purpose. When you walk, keep your body straight, eyes looking up; Imagine having two big cheetahs escorting you on either side, it sounds nonsense but this will make you more confident. Attackers often target people they think is defenseless. If you appear weak or unsure of where you are going, it can be easy to get their attention. Even if you get lost, don't show that you are lost.
  12. Pay attention and leave identification. Marks such as a large bite on the face, eyes with a bruise, deep scratches on the legs, piercings on the body, etc. are easy to spot, like memorable tattoos, etc. React drastically, targeting the weak points of the attacker such as eyes (poking hard), nose (raising hands and hitting hard from below), lowering (holding firmly and clenching or punching hard) etc. to keep the opponent's hand busy from punching or controlling and you can escape.
    • If you're in a place where you can't run, pay attention to your surroundings and leave a trail if possible. Many rapists were arrested because their victims left identifiable marks such as tooth marks, nails or DNA on their car or in the room where they were raped.
  13. Make eye contact with someone who might be an attacker following you. An attacker will not dare to act if he thinks he can be clearly identified. You may be scared and that is the last thing you want to do, but making eye contact with the person can help keep you safe. advertisement

Part 4 of 4: Protection for others

  1. Do not be afraid to intervene. Helping others is very helpful in preventing the risk of rape occurring. It's not always easy to intervene in annoying situations, but it's worth a try if you have the chance to stop rape crime.
  2. Keep an eye out for someone who might become a victim. For example, at a party and seeing someone approach an already drunk friend, approach it and make it clear that you are keeping an eye on him / her. Find a reason to interfere in this situation.
    • "I brought you some water".
    • "Do you need to go outside and get some air?"
    • "Are you okay? Do you need me around?"
    • "This song is great! Let's dance."
    • "My car is left out. Do you need me to take it home?"
    • "Hey Lan! Oh God it's been a long time, how are you these days?" (This works even for strangers. Unless they get too drunk and don't understand anything, they'll happily act with you to cut off that predator.)
  3. Talk to someone who might be a rapist. You can confront or simply distract the person.
    • "Leave her alone. She can't stand up on her own. You and I will take her home."
    • "Hey, he said no. Obviously he wasn't interested in this."
    • "Sorry but it looks like your car is being dragged away."
  4. Seek support if you need help. Just a few people are there to stop someone from attempting to commit rape.
    • Let the party owner or the barista know what is going on.
    • Gather your friends (be it your friends or friends of someone who come to the party).
    • Call security or police.
  5. Riot. If you don't know what else to do, you can find a way to make the party pause. Turn off the lights or turn off the music, this will distract or embarrass the intended rape, and people will notice that something is wrong.
  6. Don't leave your friends behind. If you go with a friend, don't go home without them. Leaving the person alone with new acquaintances or complete strangers puts them in a vulnerable position, especially when there is alcohol or drugs at a party.
    • Before leaving, find your friend and see if she's okay. Don't leave the party unless you're sure she's safe and can go home without any trouble.
    • If your friend seems drunk or about to get drunk, try persuading her to leave. If she refuses, stay and wait until she wants to go home.
  7. Stay in touch to make sure everyone gets home safely. Simply sending messages to each other when they get home is also a good way to protect each other. For example, if you're late for coffee and a friend has to ride home at night, text and call each other when they get home. If you don't see the other person respond, check to see if they're okay.
  8. Speak up if you know someone is a rapist. If your friend is going on a date with someone you know is a rapist, tell your friend. Even if it's just a rumor that the person raped someone or already knows for sure, you shouldn't let this person harm others.
    • If you are the person who was attacked by that person, it is up to you whether you want to publicly "turn over" that person or not. Sure, going public is a very brave act, but your life will also be deeply affected by this decision, so many people will choose not to speak up.
    • However, even if you don't want to go public, warning people you know not to go with the person alone will help prevent rape crimes.
  9. Contribute to the elimination of rape culture. This is important for women and even more important for men. Preventing rape crime ultimately depends on educating people about rape and fighting against it. Even if you only have guys who are friends, don't say perverse things about women or make rape jokes. When men see other men that sympathize with women, they tend to behave in the same way. advertisement


  • Remember how to improvise: anything on your body, like heels or keys, can be used as a weapon.
  • Do not underestimate your abilities. The human body has extraordinary strength in such situations. Once adrenaline is released, as long as you are not paralyzed by fear, you will be amazed at what you can do.
  • Intuition can save your life. Pay attention to this. It is like a radar that can prevent serious problems. If you have Premonition that someone or somewhere is dangerous, don't ignore that feeling.
  • The rapists' appearance is not necessarily the same as criminals. They can look very ordinary, neatly groomed, cheerful, young, etc. They may not appear cruel or appear to be bad. They can be your boss, a teacher, neighbor, boyfriend, girlfriend, or relative.
  • The weaknesses of the body lie on a straight line: eyes, nose, mouth, throat, under ribs, chest (if female), abdomen, genital area, knees and instep.
  • As soon as you can, place a strong pillow on the attacker's torso to temporarily paralyze him and you have valuable time to escape.
  • Shout. Please shout with all your strength. If possible, yell at the attacker to make him deaf for a moment. Unless the attacker uses a intimidating weapon, just let it go if they threaten you not to call. Call out "Save me, someone raped!", Or something like "Call the police, someone raped me!"
  • When at home, keep safe by never letting strangers in your home. If it is a repairer or an operator etc., ask them to show you the ID card and special vehicle. If they don't look you in the eye, have an employee ID, drive a vehicle with a company name, or wear a uniform, it's still suspicious. Ask them to wait outside and call the company to contact you again or you can call the company yourself to verify.
  • Be careful when going out alone at night. If you must go out at night, go in a well-lit, crowded area, walk on the main road and be with at least one other person. Have a cell phone in hand to make a call when needed and, if any, hold the key in the other hand as a weapon.
  • Be careful when leaving a party or a concert, etc. predators often wait somewhere when these events are over because it is often late at night and victims can be easily attacked.
  • If you plan to travel alone, tell someone about your plans, where you will go and when you will return. You should also tell them what you wear and what you take to help the authorities find out if something goes wrong.
  • If you feel that someone is following you, tell a trusted adult, such as a parent or teacher. They can help you.


  • The fact that shooting an unarmed assailant can put you in even more danger (prison is a dangerous place). Only when you are in danger of your life or seriously injured are you allowed to use a handgun to attack others. Being raped can be emotionally damaging, but rarely life-threatening. Statistics show that less than 0.01 (1/100% - 1 in 10,000)% of sexual abuse or attempted sexual abuse causes the victim's death. There are murderers who have stirred public opinion, but these are only a few isolated cases.
  • You need to obey local gun laws.
  • Make sure the car is always full of fuel. You need to be realistic and never take the risk. If you're going to go a long way, always keep an eye on the fuel level in your vehicle and stop to refill when possible.
  • If you choose to possess and use a shotgun, you need to understand that it is dangerous, especially when not handled and stored properly. Always lock the safety lock to make sure the weapon does not counteract, even if it is an accident (this is extremely important if there are children in the home). Equip with knowledge of gun cleaning and maintenance so that it always works well in case of need.
  • If you have a pistol, you only have half a second to analyze the situation before you pull the trigger. Once the gun is raised or the gun is opened, the attack will become serious. If the police, prosecutor or court think you have no good reason to use a murder weapon, you face trial and jail time. Decisions you make in half a second will be judged over several days.
  • Don't raise your gun. If you do not have a good reason or are willing to pull the trigger to defeat an opponent, do not take out your gun (assuming you are allowed to secretly carry a weapon). Only the police are allowed to use force against suspected criminals and use guns for intimidation without the intention of immediately pulling the trigger, and you are not. The police have no obligation to give in. You should if possible.
  • Correct awareness of victims and rape. The only person responsible for the attack is the culprit. If you get attacked, whatever you do or do nothing, it's not your fault.