How to celebrate a birthday alone

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to spend your birthday alone.
Video: How to spend your birthday alone.


Surely many of us still remember the hangover feeling of not being able to sleep the night before our birthday because we are looking forward to the gifts, the party, the moments of gathering and the joys of that special day. When you get older, the magic of birthdays often fades, especially when you're about to have a birthday alone. However, don't let the prospect of celebrating a birthday alone upset you, whether it's your choice or an objective reason. Read the tips in this article for a great solo birthday, whether you decide to celebrate it at home or away.


Part 1 of 2: Plan your celebration

  1. Determine how much time you can spend celebrating. Nobody likes to work on birthdays (even if you have an interesting job and great co-workers), but as adults, most of us wake up and turn off our alarms and lethargic to work. birthday. As you prepare to celebrate your birthday, check your calendar for that day to see how much time you can make use of the day for yourself.
    • You'll probably have to spend a special day at work, but check your schedule to see if you can leave earlier to head to your favorite coffee shop or head to work a little late to enjoy breakfast at home.
    • Of course, if you prefer to spend some extra time "baking" in the morning - especially the morning of your birthday, check to see if you can extend the time for lunch or leave earlier than usual. are not.
    • If you have a day off, consider taking this special day off.

  2. Plan to go away for your birthday. If you can, going away on your birthday alone is a great reward for yourself, go to the place you've always wanted and enjoy that precious time. Traveling alone means you won't have to worry about adjusting your plans for someone else or compromising. If you've always wanted to lie on a sunny beach, but your group's friends just love exploring the forests, here's your chance to go where you want to go and do what you really like.
    • If possible, you should plan your travel weeks in advance to save money. This includes vehicle selection, hotel reservations and travel luggage arrangements.
    • Going back to the old place is also fun, but don't miss the option of going to a whole new place.

  3. Find deals for birthdays. You might find it no longer fun to have a bunch of bumbling waiters sing happy birthday (or maybe you like it - nothing wrong), but that doesn't mean it's no longer What other special offers for you on your birthday. In the past, what you needed to do to get free dessert or coffee on your birthday was to say “Today is my birthday” and show them their identification; however, nowadays most stores that offer birthday deals or promotions usually require you to register first.
    • A few weeks or days before your birthday, it's a good idea to check the websites of restaurants, shops and services to see what special offers they have for a customer's birthday. You may need to register to be on the offer list.
    • Or, don't be afraid to ask the staff where you're a loyal customer if they have any special birthday deals.
    • Lots of cafes and restaurants have birthday deals, but don't forget to check out more elsewhere, such as your favorite fashion store or spa.

  4. Decide what gift you want to have. Choosing a birthday alone doesn't mean you'll miss the gift! Think of birthdays as a day of relaxation, self-treat, pampering and self-praise - such a day would not be complete without gifts. Of course, the feeling of surprise every time we receive a gift is great, but who of us has ever pretended to be excited because a birthday present didn't like it? (For example, you might think, "Oh, isn't it, a colorful shirt like this?") The advantage of giving yourself a gift is that you choose the gift you really want.
    • You may decide to wait until your birthday to buy gifts, especially if you are interested in both shopping and merchandise and want to add this activity to your special day celebrations.
    • However, if you don't have time to shop for yourself on your birthday, or if going to the mall is last in your precious free time, you need to pre-select something great. to make sure you have birthday gifts.
    • If you shop at the store, ask if a staff member can help you wrap your gifts. Wrapping up a gift might sound silly (you already know what a gift is), but this is a great way to experience the feeling of opening a carefully chosen gift.
    • Alternatively, choose to buy something special for yourself online and schedule a delivery so that you will be sure to receive the item before or on your birthday.
    • Anything you buy should be affordable, but you also deserve to spend a lot on the special occasion. Try to choose what you really want, a gift that sounds interesting and will cheer you up even if it seems unusual. Is there something that you secretly wished to get from someone and promised never to buy for yourself? Be the giver of that gift yourself for this very special day!
  5. Last arranged before birthday. Every time you prepare for an important interview or have a party, you need to make sure to organize everything carefully, like cleaning up, shopping, choosing clothes before the event. Birthday is also a big day, and your goal is to make it special and comfortable.
    • Clean your house a day or two before your birthday. Most people find it hard to relax with a mess, and you definitely want your home to be a comfortable place, especially on a birthday celebration alone.
    • Decorate your birthday place like a festival: you can unleash additional ribbons and balloons, or brighten the space with a bouquet of fresh flowers (a luxury that you don't often see). buy for yourself) or candles.
    • Dress up for your birthday the night before: choose something that makes you comfortable and feels good about yourself.
    • If you eat breakfast at home and / or bring your lunch to work, prepare it in advance in the evening so you don't have to rush into the morning.

Part 2 of 2: Celebrating on special day

  1. Prepare a special breakfast. Pamper yourself with something special and slightly different from the usual morning of your birthday. Even if you have to go to work, take a little time to make something delicious for yourself, like French toast. If you got it ready the night before, it will be ready in no time.
    • Even if you get into the habit of eating toast and drinking coffee in the morning, reward yourself with a cup of coffee that is more delicious than usual.
  2. Spend time outdoors on birthdays. Try to do more different things than your usual routine. To make your birthday as great as possible, you should plan to go somewhere to be in nature. Getting active and fresh air can help you refresh yourself and have a chance to look back on things over the past year.
    • You can walk around the city or nearby nature trails, or hike. Surely you will have an enjoyable time on your favorite route, but do not hesitate to try exploring new lands if possible.
    • You can also ride a bike or go for a walk around the city. If you do not have bicycles and are living in the city, try to find out if there is a bike rental service near you, which is growing in popularity and allows you to look around at a low cost.
  3. Date yourself. What would your dream date be like? A warm evening on the sofa, watching old movies and enjoying your favorite food? A relaxing afternoon at the museum? Shopping all day? Dinner at the most famous restaurant in the city?
    • Your birthday party alone will include only the things you want to do; So whether you decide to stay home or out, be sure to choose an enjoyable or relaxing activity. This is your day, you don't have to worry about satisfying anyone's taste or preference!
  4. Dinner with whatever you want. One of the best things about your birthday is the right to decide what is on the menu. This is obvious, but as we celebrate with others, we feel the pressure to adjust our choices to them. If you're just celebrating a birthday alone, you're in complete control! If you just want to eat a birthday cake and have nothing else for dinner, no one can stop you!
    • If you like spending time in the kitchen, you can start making familiar dishes for your birthday.
    • You can also pre-store your favorite recipes and try a new recipe; Watching while cooking to a chef will make you feel like a party (especially when you have an extra glass of wine).
    • If you don't like cooking or don't have time, you can order or go to your favorite restaurant. Remember to order only the things you want and really like - it's your day!
  5. Choose a special dessert. A birthday party wouldn't be complete without a dessert. If you don't want to buy a birthday cake and keep it in the refrigerator all week, you can stop by the bakery and choose one or two eye-catching cupcakes. Then ask them to catch the ice cream "Happy Birthday" on the cake.
    • If you have a fondness for baking, make a treat like cheesecake or a French toast apricot cake for yourself.
    • You can always go out for dessert! If dining out, you should choose a place with a delicious dessert menu (don't be afraid to let the waiter know about your birthday - as you may get a special dessert), but it will also be more fun If you choose another location for dessert and coffee or wine.
    • If you don't like sweet treats, you can choose a cheese plate to go with the right wine, or anything different that you don't eat every day.
    • If you're celebrating your birthday alone because you're away from family and friends, this is a great time to call FaceTime or Skype with them. Place a candle on top of your dessert and let everyone sing your birthday song.
  6. Relax and relax Before go to bed. When your birthday is nearing the end of your birthday, find a way to relax and pamper yourself for a while. Take a hot bath or take a bath. Buy soft, comfortable pajamas as a gift for yourself. Hope you had one of your best birthdays! advertisement