How to get rid of the smell of your dog's urine

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to clean pet urine/pee on tile and sealed floors - works for me
Video: How to clean pet urine/pee on tile and sealed floors - works for me


You love dogs, but it's inevitable that a mate can accidentally pee in the house. Dry urine has a strong odor of concentrated ammonia that is difficult to remove. By treating new urine early, removing the smell of old urine and preventing your dog from peeing in the first place, you can get rid of the smell of your dog's urine and make the house smell like new.


Method 1 of 4: New urine treatment

  1. Absorb urine. If your dog is urinating in the house or has wet urine, immediately pat dry with a clean towel. This step helps to absorb as much urine as possible to eliminate the possibility of urine seeping into the carpet or sofa.

  2. Use water and a few drops of soap to dilute the remaining moisture. Prepare a bowl of warm water and add a few drops of mild soap. Use a clean cloth soaked in soapy water to wipe the damp stain, then blot away the water with a dry cloth. This step can be performed several times until there is no trace left from the original urine.

  3. Sprinkle baking soda over your urine stains. Sprinkle a few tablespoons of baking soda - natural deodorant - on the damp stain. Sprinkle it well and do not use more than 1/4 cup (120 g) because excess baking soda will be difficult to remove. Leave baking soda on the urine stain overnight.
  4. Smoking baking soda. If your dog pee on the carpet, you can use a large vacuum cleaner to remove the baking soda the next morning. Move the vacuum cleaner over the urine stain as many times as necessary to absorb all of the baking soda, making the surface clean. If your dog peeing on a mattress or other upholstered surface, you can use a hand-held vacuum cleaner to remove baking soda. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Eliminate the smell of urine on carpets and fabrics

  1. Use water to dilute the affected site. If your dog's urine stains have been deposited for a long time and the smell is strong, first dilute the stains. Prepare a bowl of warm water and use two clean towels to both wet and dry the urine stain. Do this as many times as you can to thin the stain and the smell of the urine.
    • It is advisable to wear rubber gloves when performing this step.
    • The towel you use may start to get a little smelly. Although the smell is very unpleasant, it is what you need, ie the towel is absorbing the scent from the site where the urine is attached. Change the towel and continue to thin the urine stains as much as possible.
  2. Use an enzyme neutralizing cleaning product. After making the smell of your urine as thin as possible, use an enzyme neutralizer, such as Nature's Miracle or Angry Orange. These products break down protein-containing molecules in the urine - which causes bad odors. After testing the color fastness in a hidden location of the carpet or upholstery, spray the cleaning product on the stain and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Then, pat dry with a clean towel.
  3. Wash and replace smelly items. If odors persist after using the enzyme neutralizing product, remove the cover on the item that is contaminated with urine and wash with cool water. Air dry so that the items do not shrink like when using a dryer.
    • If your dog is peeing on the carpet, consider replacing the underneath mat. Floor mats may contain synthetic materials that are difficult to remove the smell of the urine.

Method 3 of 4: Eliminate the smell of urine on hardwood floors

  1. Use a 1: 1 ratio of water mixed with vinegar. It is difficult to get rid of the odors that build up on hardwoods, but luckily the wood is more resistant to strong detergents. You can mix a mixture of white vinegar with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Then, using a soft sponge, rub the mixture vigorously over the urine stain. Let the mixture work for 5-10 minutes. Then, use a clean, dry cloth to wipe the mixture off.
    • You can sprinkle a few tablespoons of baking soda on the stain to increase the cleaning effect after using the vinegar mixture. Leave the baking soda for a few hours or overnight, then suck it up.
  2. Try a hydrogen peroxide patch. Soak a clean washcloth or handkerchief in 3% hydrogen peroxide until it is evenly absorbed but not soaked. Wring out the water if necessary, then place the towel over the contaminated area of ​​the urine. Wait 2-3 hours for the towel to deodorize the urine.
    • If the floor is still damp after taking out the hydrogen peroxide towel, dry it with a clean towel.
  3. Sandblasting for wooden floors and refurbishing. If the smell of the urine does not go away, you can choose to sandblasted the wooden floor. Consideration should be given as this solution is quite expensive and time consuming. However, this is the best option for removing bad odors. Sandblasting helps to remove the top layer of wood and effectively dispel odors by polishing the wood surface that is contaminated with urine. You should contact a professional construction contractor to inquire about sandblasting without damaging the laminate floor.
    • Sandblasting is easier to do with unfinished (unpainted, unpolished, etc.) floors such as patios, but can also be applied to finished wood floors indoors. An expert can help you match your new paint or polish to your old coat.

Method 4 of 4: Prevent the smell of urine

  1. Take the dog for a regular walk. Dogs that are not walked often will feel the need to pee indoors. As a result, you should take your dog out to pee at least 4 times a day and more often in older dogs, small dogs or sick dogs. If necessary, hire a dog walker to meet your dog's hygienic needs.

  2. Have the trainer teach your dog to pee in the right place. Some dogs will not be able to defecate (either because they were untrained as children or the dog was mistreated). If this is your dog, especially a dog with no clear history, call your dog trainer. Many coaches can come to your home and help solve specific behavior problems for your dog.
    • The trainer can diagnose whether the dog's urination indoors is caused by a potential behavior problem such as separation anxiety disorder.

  3. Take your dog to see a veterinarian for potential health problems. If urinating problems in your dog persist even though you have been walking your dog regularly and hired a trainer, take your dog to the veterinarian. Certain health problems, such as complications from castration or a urinary tract infection, can cause your dog to urinate more often, including urinating indoors.
    • Keep a record of where in the house your dog pee, how often and when so he can give information to the veterinarian.

  4. Use an indiscriminate anti-dog and cat product if necessary. Some products that prevent dogs and cats from defecating such as Four Paws Keep Off! and Nature's Miracle Pet Block Repellent can prevent dogs from peeing in the house.Make sure to check the color fastness of a decoy anti-dog or cat product before you put it in a spot where your dog is normally pee. advertisement

What you need

  • Country
  • Enzyme neutralizing cleaning product
  • Baking soda
  • Towels
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Soap