Ways to Whiten Teeth

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
The best way to whiten teeth
Video: The best way to whiten teeth


Your teeth will dull over time as their mineral structure changes and as enamel becomes more spongy. Teeth can also discolour because cigarettes, coffee, red wine, and fluoride in the tap water you use. If you are concerned about discolored teeth, you can apply many methods to whiten your teeth such as using whitening toothpaste, whitening trays, peeling pads or whitening pens. If the conventional methods don't work, you can see your dentist.


Method 1 of 6: Toothpaste with Whitening Effect

  1. Use a whitening toothpaste if your budget is limited. A type of toothpaste of this type ranges from a few tens of thousands of dong and is often sold in supermarkets and pharmacies.

  2. You should look for products that are approved by reputable organizations such as ADA (American Dental Association - American Dental Association). The ADA-approved whitening toothpaste uses tiny particles that rub and clean the teeth, and chemicals in the toothpaste attach to the staining and remove them from the teeth. your. Studies have shown that this toothpaste does not cause more damage to tooth enamel than conventional toothpaste.

  3. Look for green covarine in whitening toothpaste. Green Covarine will attach to your teeth and make your teeth look whiter.
  4. Brush your teeth twice a day. You should see the effects of hard-working brushing your teeth after 2 to 4 weeks. To increase the whitening effect, you can use a special mouthwash for this purpose. advertisement

Method 2 of 6: Teeth Whitening Tray

  1. Choose a kit that fits your budget.
    • You can buy this product at a number of pharmacies and supermarkets with prices ranging from a few tens to a few hundred thousand, products imported from abroad can be up to around 1 million dong. A kit usually consists of a plastic tray designed to fit a variety of jaw structures, so you can adjust the tray to fit your teeth.

    • Products sold in dental clinics can cost up to millions of VND. The advantage of this product is that the doctor will create a separate tray to match the structure of your teeth.
  2. Brush your teeth and clean between teeth with flossing. Check that the whitening tray is dry.
  3. Take an equal amount with a drop of peroxide colloidal water into the tray. Take care not to take more than this, as excess peroxide can flow into your mouth and cause stomach upset if you swallow it.
  4. Attach the tray. If glue gets on the gums, use a clean paper towel to wipe it off.
  5. Use the tray according to the type of glue you use.
    • For carbamide peroxide glue:
      • 10, 15 or 16% adhesive can be used twice daily, each time you wear the tray for 2-4 hours. If you have no signs of sensitivity, are allergic to the ingredients in it, you can take the tray overnight.
      • 20 to 22% adhesive can be used for 30 minutes to 1 hour per day. Note that high carbamide peroxide glue should not be used overnight.
    • For hydrogen peroxide adhesives, use twice daily for 30 minutes to 1 hour each time.
  6. Remove the tray and brush your teeth again. If your teeth are sensitive teeth type, you can use a toothpaste or glue designed for sensitive teeth.
  7. Clean the whitening tray with a cotton ball and cold water. The tray should be placed in a separate box and allowed to dry naturally. The glue should be stored in a cool, dry place.
  8. Wait for results. You should notice that your teeth are whiter in 1 to 2 weeks. advertisement

Method 3 of 6: White Tooth Patch

  1. Brush your teeth and clean between teeth with flossing. Cleaning between teeth with flossing makes it possible to have even white teeth inside and out.
  2. Remove the patch from the box. The price of a box of this product is about 600-700 thousand.
    • The sticker is made of polyethylene and the whitening glue is pre-attached.
    • You will see 2 separate stickers for the upper and lower jaw.
  3. Check the ingredients again. Avoid using patches containing chlorine dioxide. This is the chemical used to clean swimming pool water, it can significantly destroy your enamel.
  4. Apply the patch to your teeth. Follow the directions on the package for the most accurate use, usually you can use 2 times a day for 30 minutes each with each patch. Some will melt and go away on contact with your saliva. For others, you need to remove it yourself.
  5. Rinse your mouth to remove any remaining glue in your mouth.
  6. Track the results. You should see lighter teeth in about 14 days. advertisement

Method 4 of 6: Teeth Whitening Pen

  1. Brush your teeth and clean between teeth with flossing. You can buy teeth whitening pens with prices ranging from a few hundred thousand depending on the type.
  2. Open the pen cap. Turn the pen counter-clockwise to get some glue.
  3. Stand in front of the mirror, open your big mouth and keep your teeth together. Use the tip of the pen to apply the glue to the tooth surface.
  4. Keep the mouth open for about 30 seconds for the glue to work. After using a whitening pen, you should limit eating and drinking for 30 to 45 minutes.
  5. Repeat the above procedure 3 times per day. After about 2 to 4 weeks you should notice a noticeable difference. While whitening pens are usually not very effective on interdental areas, they can help kill bacteria in the palate and give you a smoother breath. advertisement

Method 5 of 6: Whitening at a Dental Clinic

  1. At the dental office, your teeth can be professionally bleached. Your doctor will place a rubber pad or protective gel over your gums (gums) so that your gums (gums) don't get irritated and cause discomfort. The peroxide adhesive is then inserted into a custom-made tray and the doctor will match it to your teeth.
  2. Whitening using a laser. Your gums will be protected by a rubber pad, then whitening glue will be applied to your teeth and your doctor will place you under a laser light or special lamp. The light will activate the chemicals in the glue and whiten the teeth faster than just bleaching without using light.
  3. Continue whitening at home. Dentists often encourage you to use a certain whitening product at home, so you need to follow your doctor's instructions to get the best results. Teeth whitening at dental clinics will cost you a lot of money, in return the whitening effect can last up to 3 years. advertisement

Method 6 of 6: Keeping Your Teeth White

  1. Change habits and way of life. Limit tobacco use, reduce or stop drinking coffee, black tea, grape juice, red wine, or use a straw when drinking. Curry can also stain your teeth, so enjoy this dish with consideration.
  2. Brush your teeth after each meal. It's best to brush your teeth after drinking beverages that can cause discoloration. Using whitening toothpaste and mouthwash also helps you maintain shiny teeth.
  3. See your dentist every 6 months. Professionally cleaning your teeth and oral cavity will help you always have white teeth, while also helping to prevent common oral problems. advertisement


  • Don't use lemon juice to clean your teeth, as it can erode your enamel.
  • You can use baking soda to brush your teeth with a little water. The chemicals in baking powder will help kill bacteria and remove stains on teeth.
  • Don't eat foods that are high in acid, as they can damage tooth enamel.
  • Check with your dentist before starting any whitening treatment that can potentially harm your teeth. Sometimes ingredients in something can erode your enamel.
  • If any of the whitening treatments are not good for you, don't give it a try! White teeth are fine, but sometimes the fear is even more frightening.
  • Peroxide can hurt or make you feel like a needle in your mouth. While it may feel painful, it is not harmful.
  • Teeth whitening glue can last for 1-2 years or longer if you store them in the refrigerator.
  • If you want to prepare a whitening product yourself, remember to only use them 2-3 days a week, depending on the amount of peroxide you put in. Lemon juice and a number of other products or chemicals are very powerful and can make your teeth and gums taint if you use them too often.
  • Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day. Limit your use of too much toothpaste, as toothpaste can also erode tooth enamel. A stick made of durian wood or other organic products can also be used daily to whiten teeth.
  • Remember to use mouthwash after brushing your teeth and before cleaning between teeth with flossing.
  • Eating apples can also help clean your teeth.


  • If your gums (gums) look inflamed or sore after any procedure, stop immediately. If you have been very restrictive on using home whitening formulas and still notice symptoms of irritation, stop and consult your dentist immediately. You can apply a little ointment or Vaseline to your gums (gums) to reduce discomfort caused by peroxide.
  • Apply whitening solutions after consulting your dentist, and don't overdo it. Sadly, the "whitening addiction" can cause the edges of the teeth to become clear and bluish-white, and these changes are irreversible.
  • Many people find they are sensitive to teeth whitening treatments. Use a toothpaste for sensitive teeth, reduce the frequency of using whitening therapy or each use, shorten the time.
  • Avoid brushing your teeth with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to whiten your teeth. Baking powder can actually erode tooth enamel, which in turn makes your teeth more susceptible to bacteria and possibly other undesirable things.

What you need

  • Toothpaste has a whitening effect
  • Mouthwash helps whiten teeth
  • Dental floss
  • Whitening tray and peroxide glue
  • Toothpaste for sensitive teeth
  • Tooth whitening stickers
  • Teeth whitening pen