How to soothe inflamed red gums

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
10 Tips To Reduce Swollen Gums At Home
Video: 10 Tips To Reduce Swollen Gums At Home


Red inflammation can be caused by many things, such as hormonal changes during pregnancy, but most often it is due to gingivitis. Gingivitis is a mild and common gum disease due to too much plaque and tartar. To soothe the red inflammation in your gums, you need to treat gingivitis. There are many ways to cure this illness at home. However, it is still very important to visit the dentist, because only dentists can remove hard plaque in the teeth, the original cause of gingivitis.


Method 1 of 4: Alleviate discomfort

  1. Eat cold foods. Ice or cold food like ice cream can help numb the inflamed area. If you only need temporary relief and can see the dentist immediately, you can numb the area with ice.

  2. Apply anesthetic to the sore area. Benzocaine ointments, such as those used for teething babies, also provide temporary relief. This medication is especially useful to take before eating or brushing your teeth if the gums are hypersensitive.
  3. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever. Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that works to reduce swelling. Acetaminophen or aspirin are also effective for short-term pain relief. Be sure to follow the directions on the package and take only the recommended dosage. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Use natural remedies

  1. Soothe pain with chamomile tea. Place a bag of chamomile tea in a cup of boiling water. Soak the tea for 5 minutes and let it cool down before drinking. Gargle to soothe gums before swallowing.
    • In addition to its anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and muscle relaxation effects, chamomile tea can also be used as a mouthwash to treat gingivitis and strengthen teeth.
    • The active ingredients of chamomile are mainly found in the leaves, including 1-2% volatile essential oils, flavonoids, luteolin and quercetin.

  2. Make a salt water rinse. Gargling with salt water can be effective in treating red inflammatory gums by its cleansing and killing bacteria. Simply mix a teaspoon of salt in a cup of hot water, stir until the salt dissolves, and rinse your mouth as the salt water cools.
    • Remember not to swallow salt water. You will need to spit out the salt water after rinsing around your mouth.
  3. Use peppermint tablets or capsules. Peppermint extract contains 0.1-1% menthol and menthol essential oils. These essential oils provide pain relief when applied to the inflamed site.
    • Use 3 to 6 grams of peppermint tablets and mix with 10 ml of distilled water to make a mouthwash. Use once a day.
    • Caution: If you have gallstones, you should consult your doctor before taking peppermint extract.
  4. Use sage leaves. Sage leaves can be used to treat inflammation in the mouth, throat and asbestos. To make a mouthwash, add 2 teaspoons of chopped leaves in half a liter of water and boil. Allow to cool for about 15 minutes before rinsing. Gargle several times a day for about 5 minutes each time.
    • Sage contains alpha and beta-thujone, cineole, camphor, rosmarinic acid, flavonoids and tannins. These ingredients have antibacterial and antifungal properties.
  5. Mix the mouthwash with myrrh rubbing alcohol. The rubbing alcohol mouthwash works to soothe the tissues in the mouth. Myrrh can be used to treat sore throats, tonsillitis, gingivitis and ulcers. You can apply it directly to mild inflammation in the mouth.
    • Rosin contains sap, gums and volatile essential oils. It has antimicrobial properties that help boost the immune system by stimulating the activity of macrophages (a type of white blood cell).
    • To make a mouthwash, add 30 to 60 drops of rubbing alcohol to warm water. Gargle for 30 seconds.
    • Rubbing alcohol can also be applied directly to the sore area. Use a cotton swab to apply the resin extract to the gums.
  6. Apply aloe to the sore gums. Aloe vera can be applied directly to inflamed red gingiv tissue. Aloe vera can also be used to treat viral lesions in the mouth, ulcers, and gum abscesses.
    • After brushing your teeth, apply a small amount of aloe vera gel directly to the inflamed gums. You will feel calm right away.
    • Apply aloe twice a day until the inflammation subsides.
  7. Heal with manuka honey. Natural, unprocessed honey from New Zealand has antimicrobial and wound healing effects. Honey also helps moisturize the gums and creates a protective layer on the gums.
    • Honey can produce hydrogen peroxide and kill bacteria by dehydrating them. Honey is used to treat gums, ulcers and other problems in the mouth.
    • Use a cotton swab to apply a small amount of 100% pure honey to the sore area of ​​the mouth. Apply three times a day for five days.

Method 3 of 4: Eliminate gum disease and gingivitis

  1. Go to the dentist. The dentist will assess the gum condition, looking for soft, swollen, red, plaque, and tartar areas in the root.In addition, your dentist may do an X-ray to see if the disease has spread to the bones around the teeth.
  2. Specialist tooth cleaning. If you have gingivitis, your dentist will scrape the lime and polish your teeth. This procedure removes lime and plaque (tartar) from the tooth surface. Scraping and polishing should be done every 6 months. If symptoms are severe, you may need more than one dental cleaning visit to the dentist.
    • Scrape tartar: Your dentist will use a manual instrument or ultrasound to remove tartar and plaque from your teeth. These plaques are calcified, so regular brushing cannot be removed. To find out if you have tartar or not, put the blade into the back surface of the teeth, if you see rough, it means tartar. Specialized tartar shaving therapy will significantly improve the oral health.
    • Polish: After the tartar is removed, you will be buffed. Your dentist will use a polishing paste and a rubber brush to polish your teeth. Polishes containing fluoride help to strengthen teeth and prevent cavities, abrasives such as silicon minerals to help keep teeth smooth and shiny. The smoothness on the tooth surface will help prevent bacteria from sticking to the teeth and gums.
  3. Take antibiotics as advised by your dentist. After cleaning your teeth, your dentist may suggest that you take antibiotics if the infection is quite severe. Antibiotics can be used in the form of a mouthwash, topical gel, or prescription medication.
  4. Consider further treatments if an infection persists or gum disease develops. If the gingivitis develops into a gum disease and spreads deep into your teeth, you may need to consider surgical options. Options include flap surgery, bone graft and guided tissue regeneration. Extraction is also a possibility, as gum disease leads to bone disease, where the bones are stored.
  5. Good oral hygiene. The best ways to prevent gingivitis is to maintain oral hygiene to get rid of the bacteria in the mouth and prevent other tooth problems.
    • Make sure your brushing technique is effective at removing plaque, and remember to visit your dentist every 6 months for regular checkups and cleaning.
    • Drink plenty of water after eating. Water can help wash away food and bacteria that cause tooth damage.

Method 4 of 4: Prevent gum disease and gingivitis

  1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Studies show that brushing your teeth can prevent gingivitis. Effective brushing action must not only get into the teeth to remove the membrane, but also massage on the gums to stimulate capillary circulation in the gums.
    • The best brushing technique is the innovative Bass brushing method. Tilt the brush so that the tip is at an angle of 45 degrees from the gum line. This allows the brush bristles to clean up to 1 mm below the gums contour. Use vibrations and small circles to remove plaque. After 20 turns, use a sweep toward the chewing surface of the teeth. For the chewing side, use back and forth brushing. Repeat these steps with all teeth.
  2. Clean with floss before brushing. Flossing helps to remove plaque along the gum line. This prevents the gums from being irritated by the bacteria present in the plaque. Floss first, as plaque stuck in between teeth is removed with floss, then cleaned when brushing.
    • Take a forearm-length floss and wrap the ends around the middle finger of your hands. Leave a piece of at least 2.5 cm between two fingers for the operation.
    • Using your index finger for assistance, gently move the floss between teeth, starting from within. Let the thread wrap around the tooth surface and gently pull down the gum line. Then pull the thread on the tooth surface.
    • Do not try to press the thread between the teeth as this may damage the gums and bleed. Repeat the above steps for all teeth.
  3. Use a salt solution to rinse your mouth. Dissolve 9 teaspoons of salt in 3 cups of warm water. Gargle for 30 seconds and spit it out. Do this twice a day. A salt water gargle is an effective way to reduce bacteria in the mouth. The presence of bacteria in plaque irritates the gums.
    • Salt water causes concentration differences in the mouth, dehydrating the bacteria and dying.
  4. Stop smoking. Smokers are more likely to develop gum disease, as smoking is very harmful to gums and teeth, which can cause tooth loss, making it harder to keep clean. Smoking habits can cause a variety of gum problems, including sensitive gums, bleeding gums or sore gums. advertisement


  • Natural remedies should be used with caution and moderation, as side effects have not been fully documented.