Ways to make him miss you

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
3 Texts To Make Him Miss You | Relationship Advice for Women by Mat Boggs
Video: 3 Texts To Make Him Miss You | Relationship Advice for Women by Mat Boggs


Sometimes a relationship begins to fade. The best way to renew it is to make him miss you and remember the things that make him love you. This article will show you how to make your ex miss you.


Method 1 of 4: Pause contact

  1. Stop calling or texting him. If you're constantly calling and texting, he won't have time to miss you. Put off daily communication, and wait for your partner to call or text back. When you stop calling or texting, he will wonder why and start thinking and missing you.

  2. Wait a while before answering the phone or text message. When we like someone, we often immediately answer calls or texts because we feel too excited. If you want your guy to be long-lasting, you need to create space to extend the response time.
    • When he calls, don't answer and let it automatically go to voicemail. Wait a few minutes, and then call back to say you were unable to answer because you are busy.
    • After receiving the message, wait 5 to 10 minutes, then reply. This makes him begin to look forward to the response and start questioning what you are doing without him around.

  3. Limit posting on social networks. If you keep updating your activity on social media, limit the number of posts. Social media is an effective way for people to connect with each other and it seems like other people will never miss you. When you are less active, the guy will begin to wonder how your life is going.
    • You should also limit communication with him on social media. If you are using social media to get in touch with him when you are not together, stop doing this for a while. He will wait to make contact and take the initiative when he starts to miss you.

  4. Stop the conversation first. Start hanging up or pausing texting first, especially if you're usually the last one to say goodbye. Ending the first conversation will make him want more, and will always miss you until he talks to each other. This need for communication will make him crave and desire to talk to you. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Apply subtlety

  1. Find a signature scent. Use a subtle perfume every time you see him. He will begin to associate the scent with you, and form senses to remember you. When you are not around, he will begin to miss the scent and crave to smell your signature scent.
    • Do not use too much perfume because it will make him lose interest due to the strong smell. Use just enough to release a scent when someone else comes into contact with your body.
    • To be more effective in using scents, you must use a perfume every time you meet him.
    • This method also works when you want to make your ex miss you. If you happen to meet him and are wearing the perfume from before, he will immediately recall the time when the two of you were together.
  2. Show mystery and surprise. If you express yourself the first time you meet that person, he won't feel surprised. Instead, reveal interesting facts about yourself every time you meet. This makes him want to listen to you more, and waiting to discover the next surprise. Show him spontaneity. If the two of you often go on a date for dinner, another day you can invite him to an adventure activity like rock climbing. This spontaneity will make him interested and curious about what you will do next.
  3. Leave your belongings in his car or home. If you leave things behind at his house or in his car, it will make him miss you. When he sees an object related to you, he will start thinking about you and remembering a moment with you. You can choose small personal items that do not need to be used every day so that he will miss you subtly.
    • Comb
    • Jewelry
    • Trapping
    • Pen or notebook
    • Small picture
  4. Makes him want more. Every time you meet him, make the other person crave more. Kiss, laugh, have fun, and talk more to make him crave you more. You can do this by organizing and limiting the amount of time you spend together.
    • Stop talking because you have to go home at a certain time.
    • Only kiss once at the end of the meeting to make him yearn to kiss more.
    • Control yourself when it's curfew. You may want to be with him longer, but if you end up as planned, you will make him want to be with you more.

Method 3 of 4: Become independent

  1. Make space for both. He won't be able to miss you if you show up by your side all the time. The best way to make him miss you is to create space between them. If you always see him on weekends, plan time to spend time away from him. Stay home alone on a Friday night or hang out with friends instead of dating him. He will enjoy being alone at first, but if you start doing this often, he will start to miss you.
  2. Go out with your friends and tell him about the outing. Start out with friends instead of dating, and then tell him how happy you were. He'll be happy for you, but will also be a little jealous when you're having fun without him. If you spend the weekend with a friend, he or she will begin to want to be with you during good times.
    • This works for ex-boyfriends. When he sees you enjoying life without him, he will begin to recall your time with you.
  3. Use social media to express the joy you enjoy independently. Start posting photos and get status updates on your happy activities. This works when you want your ex to miss you. Show your ex that you are going through an interesting life, and he will insist to see you because he misses you so much.
    • Don't just live virtual, instead just mention hanging out with friends and activities that are fun for yourself.
  4. Change yourself, and then meet him. Change your hairstyle and outfit for a great look and feel. Dressed well, and then dated him. He'll surprise you with who you are and want to see you even more.
    • If you want your ex to miss you, show up in a new look where you know he will be. Glides past him in an attractive and confident manner. This will make him wish he could be with you and remember the past.

Method 4 of 4: When should I use it?

  1. Try making him miss you to remind him how special you are. Flirt with a guy you like by showing off, using scent perfumes, showing him your broad social connections, and more to show him that you care and are interesting people. Acting boldly doesn't matter, as long as you don't act too harshly when you want to get his attention.
  2. Switch to direct communication when you're ready to go further. It can be helpful to get him to miss you at first, but in the future he will get frustrated if you respond to messages slowly or prolong your meetings. In addition, he will also detect your trick to make him miss if you brag too much about the joys you experience without him. Instead of looking for other ways to make your ex miss you, confess your true feelings.
  3. Avoid using techniques that make him miss you to manipulate the other person. It is normal to want your ex to miss you when you are gone, especially if you are someone who has been abandoned by the other person. However, if you focus too much on getting him to remember you will be counterproductive. Then you'll be haunted by his thoughts, instead of moving on. Give yourself, and your significant other, quiet time and don't manipulate the other person after the breakup. advertisement


  • It takes a while for your ex to start missing you. Don't be surprised if it doesn't work right away. Guys usually enjoy their free time at first, and after a few days will start to miss you.
  • Subtle touches and other actions to keep him thinking about you. When you are with your crush, you can accidentally touch him or gently stroke his hair with your hand when you say goodbye.
  • Be confident with yourself. Create small gaps in your relationship, or meet your ex with a confident attitude to confirm that you are happy to be independent.
  • Make him jealous! When the person is around, you can move to sit close and talk to other men and act as if he's not there.


  • Not all relationships are the same, and each guy has a different personality. Some techniques can really upset him, so be mindful of his or her feelings. The purpose is to renew the relationship by making him miss you, not to play with other people's feelings.
  • If you are trying to make your ex miss you, make sure he still wants to be with you. This strategy works when both agree to break up. If the breakup didn't go well, it's best to make time for yourself.
  • If you create some distance in the relationship, and the person doesn't miss you, then you need to talk to the other person to evaluate the relationship. Begin communicating with the guy again, and get to know his or her feelings as you try to distance yourself.