How to make your boyfriend care for you more

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Aftercare with your boyfriend [Taking Care Of You] [Making Sure You’re Okay] [Boyfriend ASMR]
Video: Aftercare with your boyfriend [Taking Care Of You] [Making Sure You’re Okay] [Boyfriend ASMR]


The problem of behaving in a relationship may not be simple, sometimes you feel like you are fighting the world for your partner's time. A healthy relationship is about going together and knowing how to exchange information. Your boyfriend may not think he has a problem, but in reality, he is getting further away from the pressure of life. Either way, it's time to take control of your relationship and get things back to normal.


Part 1 of 3: Problem Identification

  1. Approach the situation. Ask yourself what is keeping your boyfriend apart from you. It could be pressure from work, illness, anxiety or family problems.
    • The key to solving any problem is to understand the underlying cause. Don't assume he is aloof because you did something wrong.
    • Don't "blame yourself".

  2. No panic. Relationship tension only makes things worse. The stress often arises from a judgment based on incomplete data. If you feel too tired, you should take a deep breath to clear your mind.

  3. Talk to him. The key to a successful relationship is open and sincere communication. Try to sit down with him and talk about your feelings. Don't pressure him or be grumpy. Let your boyfriend know you want to spend more time with him. Ask if he needs relief from any frustration.
    • Talking about your feelings can be difficult, even for your boyfriend. It is important in a love relationship to trust each other. If you want the love between the two of you to progress, you must both open up.
    • Be aware of body language. Has he crossed his arms? How about you? Can the voice be pushed up gradually? If you see these signs happening, step back. Chances are, either or both of you feel that your opinion is not being taken care of.

  4. Help your boyfriend wake up. You let your boyfriend know you miss him, but you still need to remind him of the things he misses about you. Physical intimacy is a healthy part of a relationship. You don't have to jump in bed with him, but let him know that you are happy to have him with him.
    • Be aware of your boyfriend's limits before attempting something intimate. If he's not in the mood for any romantic act then don't force it.
  5. Stop working for him. If you're doing laundry for your boyfriend, stop.If you usually cook dinner, try taking a day off. It's not an act of antagonism, you just want to make him realize your efforts. Your time is precious and cannot be used by your boyfriend.
    • This tactic might cause a bit of tension between the two of you, but to determine the cause of the problem here's how the door can be opened.

Part 2 of 3: Working together

  1. Dating on a certain evening. Find an evening where you two can spend time together and stick to that schedule. Hold him accountable for meeting you every night like that. You don't have to do something great or expensive on a date, you just have to let your boyfriend know to spend time together.
  2. Find activities to join together. Stroll. Go to a restaurant. Do a variety of activities until you find something you both enjoy. Think about the first time you met him and what you two did.
    • Try to be creative and try new things to foster the relationship. Ask your boyfriend to do things that he is sure he will enjoy, and encourage him to do the same with you.
  3. Laugh. Smiles help bring people together, especially in stressful situations. When you meet, you should go to a comedy or go to a comedy club. You can even tell funny stories to each other. The power of laughter should not be underestimated.
    • Another way to make laughter is tickling. Tickling is an expression of affection and a joke. It is a great example of giving and taking in a relationship.
    • Tickling also has another benefit of arousing sex drive in adults.
  4. Find a way to reconcile. Accept that your boyfriend might enjoy doing things you don't like. Take care of his needs. If your boyfriend likes watching TV and you enjoy having fun outside, plan to watch a movie one night and go out for the next night.
    • This also applies to controversial times. If the argument persists, take some time to consider the situation. Not focusing on who will "win", but on protecting the relationship. Remember the phrase "agree with disagreement".
  5. Try to make friends with his friends. You don't have to change yourself to fit, just be cheerful and optimistic. Likewise, invite your boyfriend out with your group of friends.
    • When doing this, be sure to respect each other's boundaries. Don't assume you'll be invited to hang out with his friends, and don't feel pressured to invite him wherever you go.
  6. To respect. Give your boyfriend private space and independence. Even though the purpose of this post is to get your boyfriend to spend more time with you, but not to suffocate him. That will make him even more distant.
    • No change required. Be supportive and accept the fact that he has other friends.
    • Do not play games with him. Don't try to "pull him back" by doing high. Putting out the plays only made the situation worse.

Part 3 of 3: Take care of yourself

  1. Live Strong. Humans love confidence and it's a beauty in their partner's eyes. When dealing with a carefree spouse, you must not let their actions let you down. Treat yourself well and have confidence in yourself.
    • If you show confidence, he will more likely notice and want to spend more time with you.
    • Wear clothes that make you look more glamorous. If you often wonder what you look like with your new hair color, give it a try. Do these things for yourself and it's important that you feel good about yourself.
  2. Independent living. While your boyfriend is having fun outside without you, find ways to use your time as well.
    • Hang out with friends or pursue a hobby that you haven't had time to do before.
  3. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Exercise not only helps you get in shape, but also elevates your mood and reduces stress.
    • Even if the relationship is going well, you still need to take care of yourself.
  4. Optimistic. The best way to attract others (including a boyfriend) is to be happy with yourself. A positive attitude is a surefire way to get your boyfriend's attention. Happiness can be contagious.
    • Practice meditation to keep your mind clear and increase your positive attitude.


  • Girlfriend is still a friend. Be sure to show up when he needs it most, and he should treat you the same way.
  • This doesn't just happen to girls. If you're a boy and feel your girlfriend is ignoring you, most of the steps above are fine.
  • You cannot change a person. Do not try because it will not bring results, and that is not the purpose of falling in love.
  • Be patient.
  • Understand each other, do not speculate from their own feelings and opinions, learn to communicate.


  • Doesn't deny the possibility of having to end the relationship. If you feel like you've worked hard to fix the situation but to no avail, then it may be time to move on. Breaking up with your boyfriend is not easy, but it's not impossible.