How to treat fat tumors with natural methods

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024


A fat tumor is a benign (non-carcinogenic) tumor consisting of adipose tissue. Fat tumors are painless, harmless and slow growing. Fat tumors are located between the skin and muscles, moving freely under the skin, feeling soft or loose. Most fat tumors appear on the neck, shoulders, abdomen, arms, thighs and back, which can interfere with movement and cause loss of aesthetics. Here are some natural treatments you can try to reduce fat tumors, improve your range of motion and appearance.


Method 1 of 3: Treat fatty tumors with natural oils and herbs

  1. Make an ointment with natural oils and herbs. Natural oils like neem oil and flaxseed oil are excellent substrates for ointments. Try a number of different combinations of oils and herbs.
    • Neem oil is an astringent that helps to protect the skin. This oil is popularly used in Ayurvedic (Ancient India) medicine to treat fatty tumors.
    • Flaxseed oil is high in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids work to reduce inflammation. Make sure to buy a certified flaxseed oil that doesn't contain heavy metals, such as lead and mercury.

    Advice: Although not a natural oil, cooled green tea is also an excellent substitute for oil. Green tea is rich in antioxidants, helping to stabilize blood sugar and blood fats.

  2. Mix the rosemary with natural oil or tea as a base. Mix 1 teaspoon of celery with 2-3 tablespoons of neem or flaxseed oil. Apply the medicine to the fat tumor.
    • Star fruit tree works to reduce fat.
    • You can also use 1-2 tablespoons of green tea to cool instead of neem or flaxseed oil to make a paste.

  3. Make turmeric ointment. Mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric with 2-3 tablespoons of neem oil or flaxseed oil. Rub this medication over the fat cyst. Turmeric will cause the skin to turn yellow or orange. You should cover the fat lump with a bandage to protect your clothing.
    • Similar to neem oil, turmeric is also widely used in Ayurvedic medicine.
    • To make a paste, you can mix turmeric with 1-2 tablespoons of cool green tea instead of neem or flaxseed oil.

  4. Mix dried sage in neem or flaxseed oil. Mix ½ teaspoon of dried sage with 2-3 tablespoons of neem oil or flaxseed oil. Apply the oil to the fat cyst.
    • Replace neem and flaxseed oil with 1-2 tablespoons of cooled green tea to make a paste.
    • Sage is used in traditional Chinese medicine to dissolve fatty tissue.

Method 2 of 3: Improve diet

  1. Increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in your diet. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, which are known to reduce blood fat.
    • Choose brightly colored fruits and vegetables for the highest antioxidant content. Some fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants include blueberries, raspberries, apples, plums, citrus, green leafy vegetables, zucchini and bell peppers.
  2. Eat more fish. Fish contains a large amount of omega-3 fats and good protein. Omega-3 fats work to reduce inflammation and inhibit the growth of adipose tumors.
    • Salmon and tuna are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids as well as protein.
    • Rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids include mackerel, herring, and salmon, which are also high in vitamin B-12.
  3. Cut back on red meat. If you eat red meat, make sure you use grass-fed meat that is free of antibiotics and hormones. Grass-fed meat is rich in healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fats.
    • Chicken, tofu and beans are all healthy alternatives to red meat and are also high in protein.
  4. Switch to organic foods as much as possible. When you switch to organic foods, you will reduce the amount of preservatives and additives you eat. The liver will then be able to focus on eliminating toxins that accumulate in the adipose tissue of the fat tumor.

    Do you know? Limiting the amount of processed or packaged foods also helps reduce the additives and preservatives you eat.


Method 3 of 3: When to be treated

  1. See your doctor if you experience pain or discomfort, new lumps or swelling. A complete tumor has the ability to look very much like a fat tumor but is actually another disease. Fat lumps won't cause pain, so if you feel pain, this could be a sign of another underlying disease. Also, it is best not to treat a new tumor or any swollen body on your own until you have seen your doctor.
    • This lump shouldn't cause concern, but it's still best to make sure it's actually a fat lump and not anything else.
  2. Your doctor will likely do a biopsy for you and take an X-ray, MRI, or CT scan. These tests will help the doctor make sure that it is indeed a fatty tumor. In most cases, the doctor will perform a quick diagnostic test in the clinic.
    • The biopsy will not cause pain, but you may find it somewhat uncomfortable. Before the biopsy is performed, the doctor will numb the area around the fat tumor. They will then use a thin needle to take a small sample from the tumor. Finally, they will use a microscope to examine the tumor sample to make sure it is a fatty tumor
    • X-rays, MRIs, and CT are imaging tests. In most cases, your doctor will only perform one of them. The X-ray can show the shadowy area where the fat tumor is located, while the images from the MRI and CT can show more of the tumor's details.
  3. Ask your doctor if liposuction can treat liposuction. If you have a small fat lump that makes everyday life inconvenient, your doctor may remove it by liposuction. To do this procedure, your doctor will use anesthetic around the tumor so that you don't feel pain. They will then use a needle to suck the adipose tissue out of the fat tumor.
    • This procedure is very quick and does not require much rest. However, you may experience swelling, discomfort, and bruising.
  4. Consider removing the lump with surgery if the fat lump interferes with your functioning. If your doctor thinks surgery is right for you, they will give you anesthesia before surgery. To get rid of the fat tumor, they will cut a small line and separate the tumor from your body. Eventually, they will sew the incision back.
    • After surgery, you may have scars at the surgical site. However, the scar may be difficult to discern. In addition, discomfort and bruising are also common for a few days after surgery.
    • You may also consider surgical options if the fat tumor is affecting how you feel about your body.

    Tips: If your fat tumor is surgically removed it will be unlikely to come back.



  • It's best to always consult your doctor before trying natural remedies.
  • Apply plenty of herbal ointment every day for best results.
  • Never try to squeeze or stimulate a fat tumor.


  • All of the above herbal therapies are not scientifically studied. The evidence may be speculative and should not be used as a substitute for medical evaluation and treatment.