Ways to Keep Customers

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to give great customer service: The L.A.S.T. method
Video: How to give great customer service: The L.A.S.T. method


Customers are the most important factor in business. They are the vital key to the profitability, attraction and reputation of a business. No company can survive without maintaining customer relationships, and this is a difficult problem - how do customers always come back to you? Learning how to meet their needs and wants and perform basic customer care services are the first steps in retaining your consumers.


Part 1 of 3: Satisfying Your Customers

  1. Find out what customers want. In order for customers to return to the business over and over again, it is important that you learn to read the minds of consumers and understand what you offer in the market. Why do people choose you over other competitors? There are three basic reasons (let's hope they come back for one of three or all three):
    • Your business offers a deal that makes them happy.
    • Recognize you offer a service or product that they can't find anywhere else.
    • Customers know that your business treats them very well.

  2. Recognize who you are and what you bring. Learn how to properly market yourself and tailor the business to a customer base with strong loyalty and self-esteem. Most of the companies that go bankrupt are due to internal crises or pride in their products even though it's not that great. Please consider carefully. Do you need to modernize? Or should you be consistent to avoid losing customers who like the classic sophistication of your company? It depends on you and the business as a whole.
    • If you sell ice cream in Antarctica, it's important to know: what challenges have to be overcome in your business strategy. How to adapt in a large environment or where does your product fit?
    • Compare your products with other competitors and scout them. It would be unwise to hang up the sign "First Coffee" when you are not sure if your coffee is the best in town. If it's clear that you have no rival, it's fine to just leave it alone. In case of uncertainty, market the product for its value.

  3. Keep product or service quality consistent. Customers have many choices. But when they come back to you, the product or service is really good, and consumers need to make sure the experience is the same as before. The quality of service and the value you bring are more important than other aspects of the business. Customers only need to feel like and believe in the product, but factors such as friendly staff, clean store or comfortable price are not as important as that simple thing.
    • Set strict quality standards and do everything to keep them. If you prepare the food the sandwiches have to be the same regardless of whether it's Monday or Friday, whether it's served by an experienced employee or a "novice".

  4. Collect customer feedback. For a new brand to grow, it is advisable to do first-hand research on the customer's feelings about what they like or dislike in relation to your business. Please provide feedback form or email to receive feedback and analyze what makes success and what problems need improvement.
    • Keep a record of customer complaints to provide an accurate measure of the types of problems that arise, the frequency of complaints and the responses received. In some cases, complaints are significantly reduced as products or services are improved.
    • If complaints about the same problem are repeated over and over again, now is the time for businesses to think and test other better methods to improve the situation.
  5. Pay attention to your online reputation. Today, especially in big cities where competition is fierce, businesses can "sink" or "emerge" depending on what people say on social media, like Facebook. such as. If you want to do everything you can to empathize with your customers, do not ignore your online reputation. Get involved, connect with them and learn from anonymous feedback.
    • A brand that wants to be successful must have a practical and professional website. Your home page needs to make consumers enjoy and want to use the product or service. In addition, the website should show basic information about uptime and products of your company.
    • You can write appealing to attract customers, but do not misrepresent. If people gossip about your online business, don't blame anyone. Positive change will receive support.
  6. Get ready to adapt to your market. Different businesses will have dissimilar customer base and they have their own ways to retain consumers. For example, Ben Tre's coconut candy company standard is different from Binh Dinh Squid Rim factory because their audience differs in expectations, standards and preferences.
    • If the business offers a high-quality product or a special service - for only a certain segment of the market - you must know where to place it in order to draw attention from that small audience, Or have a good way to promote your brand. Product quality and price are the most important factors for returning customers.
    • If you bring products that appeal to everyone and are sold in multiple locations, your business's marketing, consistency, and customer service are important in keeping consumers.

Part 2 of 3: Perform Good Customer Service

  1. Train your employees to treat customers with respect. They must understand their importance in consumer memory.Employees are sometimes the only communication bridge between businesses and customers, so make sure your subordinates have the same respect and customer service attitude you do.
    • Develop a variety of ways and methods to meet the learning needs of employees such as incorporating video viewing, document reading and role-play practice to get used to handling situations in service.
    • Choose an experienced person to convey the lessons to a new generation of employees.
    • Offer subordinates incentives such as "employee of the month" or "favorite employee" to increase interest in looking after their customers.
  2. Use fixed and easy-to-remember operating hours. If your store is open on Monday, Thursday, Saturday, and every Tuesday from 13:45 - 15:00 and 21:00 - midnight, you will fall into a deadlock in customer retention. Don't choose a time frame for activities that are difficult to remember. Adapt to your customers and be open to the times they need your service.
    • Remember: work on a weekly average in balance. If you are only open from 10:00 - 15:00, Monday - Friday, those who work from 9:00 - 17:00 will never have a chance to shop at the store with that time frame. Consider closing later or working on weekends.
  3. Be flexible. Let's say you serve breakfast to 10:30, a customer arrives at 11 o'clock and expect breakfast with a pancake, that's a dilemma. You want your guest to be satisfied but can't go back to the kitchen and get confused because he / she changes his mind and has to make a quick lunch. How would you handle it? Be as flexible as possible depending on the situation that arises.
    • Speak to the client in the friendliest and most polite tone to let them know you're making an exception. "We cleaned up and stopped the breakfast service at 10:30, so you might have to wait a little longer for the pancake, okay?"
  4. Settle complaints in a timely manner. Customer problems will arise continuously. The way you deal with it will determine whether another person will leave or if you will get another loyal guest.
    • Listen to the problem from many sides. Surely I understand what is necessary before I make a conclusion.
    • Consider ways you can appease customers to keep them happy and get back to business.
    • Resolve complaints with a friendly and positive attitude. Let your customers know: making them happy is your happiness.
  5. Learn to sell honestly. Consumers can not only believe in the product, they also have to believe in what the business says about it, how you bring your brainchild to customers. They look to you for good reasons to buy them with peace of mind to meet their needs.
    • For a sales environment, train your employees how to get more information from your customers about your product's intentions, wants, or practices. Use exploration questions to increase the attention of customers, show employees' personal interest in buyers to know who they are and what they do.
    • An Incremental Sell strategy can be an important part of the business environment, but keep it in moderation so that it doesn't become too obvious. Customers hate being disturbed by offers that make them buy more unnecessary items.
  6. Make your store clean and friendly. There are no standards to design or organize a storefront. The only thing that will help you win is giving your customers a sense of closeness. However, there is an indispensable factor that the place to sell products must be cleaned every day, arranged professionally and openly. Modern, classic, cozy, elegant, ... no matter what style you choose, keep it consistent and clean. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Taking Further Steps

  1. Form a real relationship with customers. Consumers love to shop and when their habits are remembered by businesses. Regardless of whether your business has a better product, customers will still prefer to buy where they find themselves treated well.
    • Learn how to remember customers' names and greet them. The visitors will feel more important if you remember their favorite names and products. It's one simple thing that can make a difference that makes consumers choose to come back to your business.
    • No guest is "small". Treat everyone who walks into the store as if they put a billion dong on your cashier's counter, then repeat that to the next person. Just like that you will turn 1 billion into reality.
  2. Offer special financial incentives to remind your business and make your customers feel really valuable to you. A gift or loyalty program is a great way to retain consumers.
  3. Have a mailing or texting list. When customers come to the store, find a way for them to sign the newsletter so that they can update consumers about special products, discounts, promotions with a reasonable frequency. Customers will want to come back more when you give them attractive reasons.
    • It's also a good idea to promote your business's social media site, invite them to "like" or "add you" to stay in touch.
  4. Always keep and fulfill your promises. One of the most serious mistakes businesses make is doing the opposite, trying to exceed consumer expectations about what's to come. Never pretend your product is indispensable to them when you know it's cheap and unreliable. No one will stay with your business that way, even if the store is extremely clean and the staff is extremely friendly.
    • If you know your Pho sells better than others in the city, you don't have to say "First Pho Hanoi". Let the product speak for itself. Sell ​​them for a reasonable price and frequent deals with patrons. Customers will come when they know they will have a good deal with a high quality product, and you are successful.
  5. Make sure your staff appear professionally. Recently, the image of salespeople at the following two extremes has become popular. In some stores, employees become self-contained, do their own thing like texting, chatting with each other and completely indifferent to their customers. In other stores, the staff followed guests without leaving. Consumers don't like both. Train your employees to always "side by side" with your customers with all the sophistication and time to step back.
    • Employees also need to be neatly dressed and show a clean, attractive work. Maintain several styles of dresses for different positions in the company to suit your product or service.
    • The Abercrombie & Fitch brand has recently been criticized for only prioritizing white employees with sick bodies. If you want customers to return, keep diversity in your workforce.
  6. Cross-promote your business with an additional partner. Combining with an accompanying brand, or "neighbor" company who has a similar audience with you, then cross-promoting is an excellent and proper way to retain old customers. and attract new customers.
    • Put flyers or advertisements for a vintage clothing store in your laundry, or if you open a coffee shop, you can partner with the bakery and sell each other's products together at your store.
  7. Free Wireless Network Supply. While the majority of people who embrace computers do not seem to be a source of potential customers, today, with the prevalence of freelance jobs online, especially in big cities, the need to find single-seat and wireless usage is on the rise. If you open a restaurant or a place where guests can gather, setting up Wireless is a must to make them want to come back.
    • One of the shop owners' problems is that a customer comes to buy something cheap and then sit for six hours, occupying a place where you could have served other customers.Set the connection time for the Wireless Network and the problem will be resolved.


  • Show subtle interest in customers and their careers.
  • Create a memorable experience that will make your customers want to get back to you.
  • Predict customer needs.