How to get rid of flies outdoors

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to get rid of flies in backyard / fly control outside
Video: How to get rid of flies in backyard / fly control outside


  • Pay attention to the compost bin. The compost bin is full of rotting organic matter, which is a great source of food for flies.
    • Do not let the compost pile get too wet.
    • Keep the compost as far away from home as possible.
    • Store compost properly. Maintain high temperatures so that the larvae cannot live.
  • Beware of standing water. Flies are often attracted to wet puddles. You should replace the water bird shower trays regularly and do not allow rainwater to accumulate in pots or other containers. You should also throw away old wheels or other clutter that can collect rainwater in your yard.

  • Do not leave fruit and fruit peels in bird feeders. If you want to treat the birds with fruit treats, be sure to keep them as far away from home as possible. advertisement
  • Method 2 of 2: Repel and get rid of flies

    1. Make fly traps. Mix molasses and ground cornstarch and place in a shallow dish. Place the plate in the distance outside the yard - the flies can gather in there and let you enjoy your meal in peace.
    2. Set up light traps at night. Light traps are rechargeable lights that attract flies and defeat them. Try hanging light traps around the playground - hanging up high so people don't accidentally bump into it.
      • Be careful when placing light traps. Light traps may not cause serious injury but still cause pain if you touch them.

    3. Do not sweep all the cobwebs outside the house. Flies feed on spiders, so if you destroy the web, the flies will escape this natural predator.
    4. Place the fan outside. Flies don't like the wind. Placing a fan outside may seem odd, but a small fan on a table in the yard can help keep the flies away while you have fun.
    5. Place cloves around the outdoor dining area. The smell of cloves will keep the flies away. A handful of cloves decorating the outdoor dining table will help prevent flies from landing on the food.

    6. Avoid exposing meat. Flies are extremely attracted to the smell of meat and will fly to the barbecue as soon as you bring the meat to the grill.
      • Cover the meat well when not on the oven.
      • Close the oven lid while cooking.
      • Cover your chops and cookware - flies will smell the flesh and beans coming down. If you find flies have landed on a meat pickling plant, you should bring them indoors and wash them before you pick them up or turn them over.


    • If you want to make a fly trap stick, you can mix peanut butter, paste, and honey. You will be amazed at how well it works!
    • Some claim that hanging shiny objects around the yard can keep flies away. While there's no solid evidence for this, you can hang strips of aluminum foil or anything that reflects in your yard or garden.
    • Flies also play a role in ecosystems, so it's not wise to completely destroy the flies. After honey bees and wasps, flies also help pollinate most plants and flowers. Flies are also effective in controlling other pests.
    • The removal of material that allows the fly larvae to develop will help disrupt the fly's life cycle, preventing the adult fly from reproducing. Although effective in controlling adult fly reproduction in some cases, insecticides are no substitute for proper hygiene and thorough extermination of flies where flies are present. develope.Flies can become resistant to insecticides very quickly, and house flies are now resistant to many insecticides registered with the regulator. You should only use insecticides as a last resort to quickly control adult flies.


    • Flies can be a source of typhoid, malaria, drowsiness and dysentery.