How to hydrate hair

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How to Fix Dry Hair | Winter Hair Tips
Video: How to Fix Dry Hair | Winter Hair Tips


Dry, brittle hair is not only difficult to style, but it is also easy to get messed up. Luckily, you can easily replenish your hair without having to run to the store to buy specialty products. All you need are a few changes to your hair care regimen. If you like a little fussy, you can make some simple masks using the ingredients available in the refrigerator and kitchen cabinets. With time, care and love, your hair will be healthy and moisturized again.


Method 1 of 3: Hair Care

  1. Limit hairstyles with heat and, if so, use only low. Drying, straightening, and curling too often can make hair brittle and dry. Too hot high is also the cause of hair damage. If it's not too cold outside, let your hair dry naturally. If you have to use heat to style your hair, use a heat protection product first.
    • Consider using an ion hair dryer. This type of dryer provides negative ions that lock the moisture in the hair.
    • Use low heat when using a hairdryer, straightener or curling iron. It may take longer to style the way you want, but it's good for your hair.
    • Do not dry, straighten, or curl your hair every day. Even if you use heat protection products, you will also damage your hair if you use too much heat. Experiment with many other hairstyles, such as natural curls, braids, ponytails, and more.

  2. Use the correct shampoo and conditioner, and avoid anything that contains silicone and sulfate. Choose a shampoo and conditioner specifically tailored to your hair type. Usually you will use a product designed for dry and curly hair; but if your hair is smooth, use a shampoo and conditioner for fine hair. Look for products that contain aloe or apricot kernel oil to add moisture and hydrate your hair.
    • Avoid washing your hair with hot water. Hot water can take away the natural oils and moisture from the hair (and skin), leaving hair dry and dull.
    • Silicones can help keep hair shiny, but they should only be washed with sulfate. If not washed properly, they can build up into oily hair in the hair, making it look sticky and dull. Sulfates are powerful cleaners found in household cleaning products. Sulfate has a very good silicone-cleaning effect, but it also makes hair brittle and dry.

  3. Do not wash your hair every day. It doesn't sound very clean, but it is actually better for your hair if you only wash your hair 2-3 times per week. The more often you wash your hair, the drier it will be. If you absolutely must wash your hair every day, consider using conditioner instead of shampoo. Only wash your hair with shampoo 2-3 times a week.
    • Attention way shampoo. Use the shampoo mainly on the scalp, and concentrate the conditioner on the ends of the hair.
    • If you have thick, coarse hair, consider using a regular conditioner first, then using a conditioner after stepping out of the bathroom.
    • For barren hair, you should leave conditioner on your hair (in a shower cap) overnight, wash your hair the next morning with shampoo and conditioner as usual.
    • Using conditioner instead of shampoo is a very effective way for frizzy hair, as it moisturizes the hair and helps frizz.

  4. Limit dyeing, highlight dyeing, perm and straightening. All of these hair styling methods use chemicals, which over time can lead to brittle and dry hair. You can hardly do anything to protect your hair during curling, but there are a few things you can do to limit damage to your hair with coloring, highlighting, or straightening:
    • Consider using an ammonia-free dye. You'll have to go to a hair salon to dye your hair professionally, but it's fine and gentle for your hair. If you have aging hair, use a moisturizing / moisturizing hair dye.
    • Consider dyeing your hair with balayage instead of the usual highlight dye. Balayage dyeing will only create highlights from the center of the hairline down. Since the roots are left natural, you won't have to repeat them as often. This style also looks more natural.
    • Consider using a chemical-free straightener. These are milder than those that contain chemicals, but relaxants are still bad for your hair nonetheless, so it's best not to stretch too often.
  5. Protect hair from environmental factors, especially wind and sun. Both of these factors can make hair brittle and dry. If you must be outside in the hot sun, spray your hair with UV protection or wear a hat; You can also wear a hood during winter to prevent dry hair. Here are the things you should keep in mind:
    • Apply a damp hair conditioner and wear a swim cap before swimming. This will prevent the hair from drying out in chlorinated water.
    • Use a moisturizing conditioner throughout the winter. Intensively moisturize your hair once a week to add moisture to it.
  6. Pay attention to how you brush your hair. Always start brushing your hair from the ends, never straight down from the roots. You should also never brush while your hair is wet, as it will easily fall out or break. Instead, gently brush your fingers or a comb. When your hair is dry, you can comb it with a thin comb (recommended for curly hair) or a natural wild boar hair brush (which helps distribute the natural oils in your hair).
    • If necessary, you can use the untangle hair spray to make it easier to brush.

Method 2 of 3: Make and use a hair mask

  1. Use a store-bought intensive hair conditioner once a week. After you wash your hair, you will apply deep conditioner and shower cap over your hair. Leave it on for 15-30 minutes before washing it off.
  2. Prepare and use a simple hair spray. Fill 2/3 of the spray bottle with water and pour dry conditioner into the remaining 1/3. Tighten the spray bottle and shake to dissolve the mixture. Spray the mixture on your hair until it is damp, then apply moisturizer.
  3. Use hot oil for easy and fast. Heat 1—2 tablespoons (15 ml - 30 ml) of oil (such as coconut oil or olive oil) and brush all over hair. Put a shower cap on your hair and wait 20-30 minutes. When the time is up, rinse the oil and wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner as usual.
    • You may need more oil if your hair is very thick and long.
    • To make the mask even more effective, sit in the sun or use a hairdryer. The heat will help the hair absorb oil better.
    • Another way is to apply oil to your hair, put on a shower cap and sit under the hairdryer for the same effect.
  4. Try a honey and coconut oil mask. Place 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of honey and 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of coconut oil in a microwave-ready bowl. Heat in microwave until coconut oil is melted, then stir to blend with honey. Comb the mixture all over your hair and put on a shower cap. Wait 30-40 minutes, then rinse the mask with warm water and shampoo.
    • If you don't have coconut oil, you can substitute it with olive oil.
    • Honey is great for hair as it helps lock in moisture in the hair.
  5. Make a mask of honey, oil and yogurt to hydrate and strengthen hair. Mix in a small bowl 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of olive oil, 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of honey, and ¼ cup (60g) of white Greek yogurt. Apply the mask to damp hair, then put on a shower cap. Wait 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.
  6. Try an avocado and oil hair mask for crisp, dry hair. Mash one ripe avocado in a small bowl with 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of olive oil. For added nutrients and moisture, you can mix 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of honey. Apply the mask to damp hair and put on a shower cap. Wait 15-60 minutes, then rinse.
  7. Make a banana-honey mask to moisturize hair and prevent breakage. Put in a blender 1 ripe banana, 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of honey and 1 tablespoon (15 milliliters) of olive oil. Blend the mixture until it is smooth and free from lumpy banana chips. Comb the mixture all over your hair and massage into the scalp. Put on your shower cap and wait 15 minutes. Wash off the mask when time is up.
    • Bananas will help restore elasticity of the hair and prevent hair loss.

Method 3 of 3: Healthcare

  1. Eat more foods containing silica for healthy hair. One of the reasons for dry hair is unhealthy hair. You can restore the shine and strength of your hair by eating enough silica, a mineral found in asparagus, bell peppers, cucumbers, potatoes and other vegetables.
  2. Make sure to eat enough protein and vitamins. Obviously meat is a source of protein, but there are other foods that are also rich in protein like eggs, yogurt, and beans. Vitamins A, B, C, E, and K are also important for hair and found in fruits, whole grains, and green leafy vegetables.
    • In addition to vitamins, make sure you get enough beta-carotene, folic acid, magnesium, and sulfur in your diet.
  3. Eat foods that contain the essential fatty acids to combat brittle, dry hair. Essential fatty acids are mostly found in fish, including herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines and tuna, but also in avocados, flaxseeds, olives, and nuts.
  4. Drink about 6-8 cups (1.5-2 liters) of water per day. Not only is it important for the health of the body, but water is also important for the health of the hair. If you don't drink enough water, your skin and hair will dry out. advertisement

Expert advice

  • Choose a hair mask based on your own hair care needs. There are a variety of masks available that provide exactly what your hair needs. For example, if you recently dyed your hair, you can use a mask that moisturizes and protects the dye. If the dye starts to fade, colored masks will be available.
  • Hair care like skin care. You must take care of your skin by choosing the right cleanser, moisturizer and mask formulated to your needs, and so does your hair.
  • Try a professional to deeply moisturize your hair. Most hair salons have a moisturizing service by applying a mask to your hair and sitting under a dryer so the product penetrates deep into the hair. After that, you can buy products from the salon for home maintenance.


  • Buy products that match the texture of your hair. For example, if you have curly hair, buy a product for curly hair. For fine hair, buy products for fine hair.
  • Read the ingredients on the product label. Avoid products that contain a lot of chemicals, such as silicone and sulfates. Look for products with conditioning ingredients like aloe, natural oils, and natural butter.
  • A hat and silk scarf can protect hair from strong winter winds and intense heat.
  • Consider switching between hair care products as the seasons change. Use a super moisturizer during the dry winter months and a lighter product in the summer.


  • Not all methods are suitable for everyone, as everyone's hair is different. Methods that work for others may not work for you.
  • Wait patiently for the mask and hair products to take effect. Not everything works the first time. Please wait a few months before assessing.