How to Shave

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Shave - Shaving Tips for Men | Gillette
Video: How to Shave - Shaving Tips for Men | Gillette


  • Multi-blade razors are generally believed to be more durable than disposable razors, however, this is still being debated from time to time. The multi-blade razor manufacturer says their razor blade strength can last up to 1 and a half months, though many find their blades can only be used for 2 weeks.
  • If you are worried about the price, the multi-blade razor probably won't be the best option for you. In Vietnam, the blade set to replace this type of razor usually costs about 300,000 - 500,000 VND or more. If saving is your primary goal, use only disposable or safe razors.
  • The blade handle may vary, but a quality blade holder will help you change the blade less frequently and therefore be more economical. You can also find premium blade holders that are suitable for multi-blade knives.

  • Wash your face or rinse the area where you want to shave / bristles. Cleansing the skin will remove excess oil and dead skin cells, agents that can interfere with the shaving process or irritate the skin after shaving is finished, and also significantly reduce bacteria can cause inflammation. Cleansing also helps to moisturize the hairs / hairs that are being removed, making them softer and easier to shave.
    • Use warm water to rinse skin before shaving. Warm water will help soften hair follicles and enlarge pores, making it possible for a cleaner shave.
    • You should shave after shower. If you normally shave in the morning, shaving after showering will give your beard time to absorb the moisture during the shower and make shaving a smoother process.

  • Apply a lubricant to a wet face, and shaving cream is an ideal choice. You should not use the razor directly on the skin as your face will appear scratched. The razor should never be in direct skin contact without any lubricant acting as an intermediary. Otherwise, the razor will drag your skin instead of sliding it gently across the skin's surface.
    • Apply shaving cream (or gel) all over face. Shaving cream helps soften beard and moisturize the skin, but if you're in a hurry, you can also shave with conditioner or even soap (only if you're in a hurry).
    • If you use shaving brush để make foam For shaving cream, put a dime-sized amount of cream in a coffee cup, bowl, or another type of object. Wet the shaving brush with cold water. Place the broom in the bowl to stir the shaving cream in a circular motion. Add water if needed, stirring the shaving cream to create a thin, lather. This should take about 2-3 minutes. Use a shaving brush to apply the cream to your face in a circular motion, multiple times over the entire face.

  • Shave in the right direction. Remember to shave in the direction that your beard grows. This means you will shave downwards, but not always. Shaving the opposite direction (shave in the opposite direction of the hair growth) will help you shave closer, but at the same time cause irritation and lead to the most cuts. If your skin is prone to pimples or swelling, or you often experience ingrown hairs, or if you simply find that your face is too beautiful to be scratched, you should Shave your beard in the direction of the growth. Here are a few things to keep in mind when shaving:
    • If your beard is quite dense because it has been a while since you haven't shaved, trim it before shaving. The razor can only be used more easily for a beard that grows after a day or two than a month or two.
    • Each person has a different type of beard. If you are unsure of which direction your beard will grow, stop shaving for a few days and watch the angle of your beard grow. Beards in different parts of the face can grow from different angles. That means you will have to move the razor around your face and shave in different directions to be able to go down the direction of the beard growth.
    • You may need to do a few shave. As you shave down the way, you will find that you won't be able to shave as much as you would when shaving in the opposite direction. (In addition, you will also see a lower risk of cut off the skin.) It is normal to shave once, then apply another layer of shaving foam, and shave again. It won't make you any less masculine - or less feminine.
    • For a cleaner (and safer) shave, in the second shave try to move it horizontally. If your beard grows downwards, shave left to right (or right to left). This will give you a cleaner shave without causing as much skin irritation as you would when shaving against the hair growth.
    • Some people shave in four different directions. This will help you shave closer because the inner hairs in the same place can grow in different directions.
  • Do not use force when shaving. You should not press hard or exert pressure on the razor. If you need to do this then your razor is not sharp enough. A sharp razor will be able to easily remove the beard in a position flat with the skin.
    • Pressing the razor against your skin can help remove the hair a little deeper, but it will also give the blade a chance to come into contact with the sensitive skin surrounding the hair follicles.
    • Pressing the knife hard will also only make the blunt blade drag the hair, not cut it. Instead, use light force to direct the razor across your skin. Keep the razor flat on the skin as possible so the sharp blade doesn't scratch too deeply into the skin than necessary.
  • Part 4 of 5: Shave dry beards with electric shaver

    1. Put the shaver on your face, you can shave in the opposite direction or the opposite direction of the hair growth. Unlike a razor, which makes it difficult to shave in the opposite direction of an ingrown beard, an electronic shaver completely allows you to do this.
      • If you are using a rotary shaver (round head) instead of a straight-shaver, you can perform shaving in small, circular motions.
      • Use light force. Do not press the shaver too hard against your skin, or you may cut off a few pieces of skin on your face. Also, don't move the shaver too quickly, and give it time to do the hard work for you.
      • Shave the sensitive skin first. You should do this because the shaver will usually get hotter after a few minutes of use, and this heat can irritate the skin. So, it is best to start with the sensitive skin first and then move on to the harder rough skin.
    2. Shave off the area you want until your skin is smooth. Because the electric shaver shears rather than shave, you may need to shave multiple times so that the small grooves on the rotating head of the machine can remove the entire beard. Remember to be patient as you proceed to shave in the desired area, and remember not to press too hard.
    3. Clean the electronic shaver after use. Beards / feathers and dead skin will stick to your shaver. Raise the head of the machine and remove dirt in the trash.
      • Alternatively, you can also add a small amount of mechanical lubricant to the top of the shaver after cleaning it. This will allow the shaver head to move easily across the skin surface.

    Part 5 of 5: Post-shaving care

    1. If you have time, wash your face after shaving with warm water and an exfoliating cleanser. Washing your face after shaving will help remove dead cells that build up on your skin during shaving.
      • An exfoliating cleanser containing tea tree or witch hazel will be a great product for you, as they help protect against acne and soothe irritated skin.
    2. Rinse skin with cold water. The cold water will soothe the new cut and reduce bleeding by constricting the blood vessels.
    3. Pat the skin dry and moisturize it. Do not use a scrubbing cloth, as this can irritate the skin that has just been shaved. Apply a sufficient amount of fragrance-free moisturizer and other irritants (eg, baby oil) on your skin if your facial skin is quite dry. Never use deodorants, antiperspirants, perfumes, or any other product that burns skin that has just been shaved.
      • You can apply aftershave lotion (aftershave) to your face as a soothing or gentle fragrance for your skin. If you use aftershave and it causes your skin to burn, this means you irritated this area during the shaving process. Next time, be sure to take extra care when shaving in this area.
    4. Rinse, clean, and dry the razor blade after shaving. Removes any dirt that gets on the razor during shaving. This will help you prevent impurities and minerals in the water from accumulating on the blade causing blunting. Stainless steel blades can oxidize to some extent when exposed to water. You can slow down oxidation by drying the blade after use. You can also sharpen the knife on jeans by rubbing the blade in the opposite position with the razor's sharpness about 10 or 20 times; This method will dry and polish the front of the blades and make them last longer. advertisement


    • Don't be in a hurry. Take it easy and do it properly.
    • If you want to shave more than one area of ​​your body, work from the area with the least amount of hair and the softest part of the hair. This will give you more time to soak and soften the hard bristles.
    • Remember to mix the shaving foam with plenty of water (as long as the foam doesn't run loose), otherwise the dry foam will "freeze" the razor and won't help soften your beard to the extent that you would like it to. .
    • A hemostatic pen is an inexpensive tool you can buy to stop bleeding when it comes to skin.
    • Choose a three-blade razor, as four-blade razors will seriously affect accuracy in difficult-to-shave areas such as under the nostrils.
    • Multi-blade razors are more irritating to the skin than a single-blade razor because the blade will first drag your beard instead of cutting it.
    • If you are still young, ask your parents for help.
    • Make sure you shave in the correct position.
    • Do not press the knife too hard, or it will hurt!
    • When using a razor for shaving, do not shave horizontally.
    • Safety razors or folding razors will help you shave closer, but using them requires more skill than disposable razors, multi-blade razors, and Electronic razor.


    • Do not forget to replace the blade when it is dull. A blunt blue tongue will make your facial skin rough and painful, and can easily burn you.
    • Do not use soap-based shaving creams and alcohol-based aftershave lotions if you find that they make your skin dry.

    What you need

    • A good razor
    • Shaving brush (if possible)
    • Properly moisturizing shaving cream
    • After-shave lotion / moisturizer (aftershave) is alcohol-free
    • A mirror in the bathroom has enough light
    • Clean towels and face towels
    • Several razors
    • The cleanser removes dead cells, depending on the skin type