How to improve height with muscle stretching

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Add 2 Inches to Your Height in 1 Day
Video: Add 2 Inches to Your Height in 1 Day


  • Touching your toes will help you relax your body to start the day.
  • This move also helps you warm up your back muscles.
  • Furthermore, this pose also helps you to improve posture and improve back strength. And when you straighten your back, you look taller too.
  • Start by raising your arms straight above your head, then slowly bend over so that your fingers touch your toes. Trying to keep your legs straight, or if you don't bend your knees a little, won't hurt.
  • End the movement by relaxing and straightening your back, while bringing your hands above your head.
  • Practice bridge pose. Bridge posture will help improve back toughness and flexibility. Not only helps stretch the flexural muscles in the hips, but also acts on the lower back as well as the muscles behind the thighs.
    • A complete bridge movement is a little more difficult than the touch of your toes.
    • Start by lying on your back. Then lift your knees and grab the grip on your ankles. You can also stretch your arms straight to the sides if you can't reach for your ankles.
    • Finish by lifting your upper body to stretch your back.

  • Do the cobra. This yoga pose will help improve back endurance. In addition, it also helps reduce pressure on the back.
    • Doing this after standing or hunched over can help you adjust your back posture.
    • Start by lying on your stomach with your hands on your sides.
    • Then put your hands on and raise your chest. Lift up and push your neck back a little.
    • The more you try to stretch your back muscles, the more effective this will be.
  • Hip stretching. Below are a guide to help you relax and relieve pressure on your lower back and abdominal muscles.
    • Start with an upright movement with your hands on your hips. Take care not to bend your legs or bend your knees.
    • Then, lift one leg first.
    • Slowly bend the knee of the step forward and focus on that leg, slowly lowering your torso until the back knee touches the ground.
    • Lean back a bit and face your sun up.
    • Return legs back to starting position and switch sides.
    • You should do this before going to bed.
  • Method 2 of 3: Do stretching exercises

    1. Do the mountain pose. This pose is simple but can help reshape your spine.
      • Start in an upright position.
      • End the movement by pushing your shoulders back and sagging while raising your neck up.
      • This yoga pose also helps straighten your back so you can push your shoulders back with ease.
    2. Pilate exercises. Pilates can help improve your health and endurance.
      • Participate in pilate classes at the gym or community center.
      • Pilates can help improve your posture, resulting in a taller look.
      • It should be noted that the speeds of pilates are often higher than those of yoga exercises.

    3. Swim. Swimming can help stretch your body, making you look taller.
      • Swimming helps stretch legs, arms and back.
      • Swimming is also a good option if you just want to do light exercises.
      • Swimming can also help reduce pressure on the joints.

    Method 3 of 3: Maintain a healthy lifestyle

    1. Diet. You need to maintain a combination of stretching exercise with a consistent, healthy diet.
      • Eat enough protein to increase body growth. Actively eat nuts, beans, fish and meat.
      • Adequately supplement Vitamin D for muscle and bone development. Vitamin D is found in fish, eggs, alfalfa, mushrooms and Vitamin D-rich foods like milk and whole grains. However, the Vitamin D that the body absorbs is mainly from sun exposure. Just being outside in the sun for 15 minutes, you have all the Vitamin D needed for that day.
      • Helps elongate bones by consuming more calcium. Calcium is found in dairy foods and green vegetables.
    2. Drink a lot of water. Need to maintain drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water per day.
      • Drinking water will keep your body healthy and help you develop properly.
      • It should be noted that your body will be healthy and functioning well if you are fully hydrated.
    3. Get enough sleep. If you are under 18, get about 7 to 9 hours of sleep a day.
      • The body grows fastest while you are sleeping.
      • Deep sleep and not waking up in the middle is best.
    4. Try to maintain a good posture.
      • Standing upright will help prevent your spine from curving.
      • Standing upright also helps you look taller.
    5. Limit the use of substances that inhibit the growth of the body. Do not use:
      • Alcohol
      • Steroids
      • Cigarette


    • It is necessary to carefully perform muscle stretching at an appropriate level, to avoid damaging the body.
    • Sleep is the most important factor for the growth and development of the body. Sleep will help relax the mind and body. The average person needs about 7 to 9 hours of sleep a day.
    • Try to sit or stand upright.
    • Do not use height stimulants unless directed by your doctor. It should be noted that drugs such as Human Growth Hormone often do not work as expected and come with it many other serious side effects.