How to read other people's minds in math

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to Calculate Faster than a Calculator - Mental Maths #1
Video: How to Calculate Faster than a Calculator - Mental Maths #1


Mathematics is formed by many constant principles. If you follow the rules correctly, you will always find the same result in every calculation. However, the use of mathematics in magic tricks is like a form of artistic representation in science. Of course, you can't completely read other people's minds with these tricks, but if done right, you will surprise your friends by guessing their correct answers without being revealed!


Part 1 of 2: Performing thought reading game

  1. Find someone willing to do magic tricks. Find someone you want to impress and they'll have time to do your magic trick. It's best to find a quiet place to do it, as distractions will confuse things.

  2. Ask them to choose an integer from the range 1 to 10. Theoretically, they can choose any number. However, you better only limit from 1 to 10 for simplicity. Larger numbers will complicate calculations; So is the choice of decimals or fractions.

  3. Impress with the game "Answer is 3". This game is suitable for beginners because it is very simple. However, you still have enough grounds to impress others, so just follow these steps and make the other person not understand why you know the result:
    1. Ask the person to multiply the selected number by 2.
    2. Next is to multiply the current result by 5.
    3. Then divide the number you find by the number you originally selected.
    4. Finally, subtract the current number for 7.
    5. Now is the time to "guess" the answer! If you have followed the above steps correctly, the answer will always be 3.
    6. So what is the truth behind the veil of secrets?
    • For example, if the person chose 3 then the calculation would look like this: 3x2 = 6. 6x5 = 30. March 30 = 10. 10-7 = 3.

  4. Performing the "split" game. This game is somewhat more complicated, but is a perfect way to impress your friends. This time, you will also choose a number; So have an even number ready in mind before continuing. Once your partner has selected a number, do the following:
    1. Ask the person to multiply the selected number by 2.
    2. You will choose a number even for myself. The opposite person will add the current number with the number initially selected.
    3. Next, they will divide the result by 2.
    4. Finally subtract the original number from the current number.
    5. "Guess" results. This time the correct answer will be half of the even number you chose.
    • For example, if you choose 10 and the other person chooses 3, the math would be calculated like this: 3x2 = 6. 6 + 10 = 16. 16/2 = 8. 8-3 = 5. Half of 10 is equal to 5!
  5. Impress your friends with "Lucky 13". This is a very interesting game done based on the properties of 9 multiplication. It is important that the number that the other person chooses should be between 1 and 10. Once the other person has chosen a number, you will proceed as follows. :
    1. Ask the person to multiply the selected number by 9.
    2. Then add together the first digit and the second digit of the result. If it's a single-digit number (say 9), they'll add it with 0.
    3. Add the number you just found with 4.
    4. Time to "guess" the answer. The result will always be 13.
    5. Others will begin to wonder why the results are.
    • If he chose 3, the calculation would be as follows: 3x9 = 27. 2 + 7 = 9. 9 + 4 = 13.
  6. Add effects to your performance. While it is most important that you get the steps right, the fact that you are performing magic and magic also requires style. Perform confidently and dramatically to make others feel good.
    • You don't have to wear the magician's outfit, but it will make you look like you have magic power.

Part 2 of 2: Learn about math

  1. Some parts of magic are often a distraction. Most magic tricks distract the audience with unnecessary steps and information. The main motivation for the games in this article is to get the other person to subtract the number they have chosen. When there are no more variables, you can take control of the math.
  2. Determine the characteristics and frequency of occurrence in math. The reason the magic "Lucky Number 13" is so successful is that the multiplication of 9 by the numbers 1-10 is performed in a special uniform way. In this case, each answer (like 9, 18, 27, etc.) equals 9 when you add the two digits together. Although this feature only appears in multiplication of 9, it creates an interesting magic trick, especially when the opposite person can quickly realize the fact that the other magic tricks all eliminate the selected number. original.
  3. Remember that every answer involves the constant in the calculation. Feel free to add as many addition or subtraction as you want, as long as you can destroy the variable that the opposite person has chosen. For example, "Answer by 3" can be arranged to get any result.
  4. Try creating your own magic trick. Once you are familiar with math mind reading, you should have an idea of ​​how to create your own magic trick as well. Although you can create a complex game, it's better to start with simple tricks and then gradually increase the level. Beginners should use "Answer by 3" as a model and change constant values ​​to create new math problems. From there, you can create new, creative ways to eliminate variables.
    • Don't forget to try to improve your performance. Others want entertainment and the way you distract them with your dexterity is just as important as the magic itself!


  • If you are performing in front of children, you'd better have a computer ready. Your child may have difficulty with arithmetic and incorrect answers can ruin the performance.
  • True magicians usually don't reveal their secrets, but if your friends insist on knowing the truth, you can guide them through this article!
  • Don't repeat the same game with the same person.


  • You should not do reading thoughts of more than one person at the same time. This is not only confusing, but also spoils the interesting feeling of the thought reading.