How to Have a Great Chat

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to have a Great Chat in Lesbian Online Dating
Video: How to have a Great Chat in Lesbian Online Dating


Talking can be quite difficult. Sometimes you feel shy, or it could be that you don't have a lot in common with the person you're talking to. Becoming a good talker isn't as hard as it sounds, but it takes practice.Whether it's at a party, at school, or on the phone, a fun conversation begins when two or more people feel comfortable talking to each other. There are many steps you can take to learn how to relax and have a great conversation with anyone.


Method 1 of 3: Start a Conversation

  1. Choose the right time. The right timing is the key to a great conversation. No one likes to be disturbed when they are busy or distracted. When you're trying to start a story, remember that timing is key. For example, if you need to talk to your boss, schedule a conversation in advance. This will help you make sure that you both have time to focus on a productive conversation.
    • The right timing is also important for an impromptu conversation. You may be looking for a way to meet a new neighbor who has moved closer to your home. You probably won't want to start a conversation if they are entering the building in a "wet like rats" condition from the rain, looking exhausted, and carrying a bag of take-out food (food to take home) . At this point you should only use a simple greeting such as "Hello, how are you?". You might get to know the person on another occasion.
    • If someone makes eye contact with you, this might be a good time to start a conversation. For example, if you are looking at a book in a bookstore and the person next to you is constantly rolling your eyes to find out what book you are choosing, try to talk to her. You could say "This book sounds good. Do you like the biography?".
    • If you want to talk to your husband about adopting a new dog, make sure you talk about it at the right time. If you know that he isn't usually active during the day, don't discuss this before he drinks coffee or before he wakes up.

  2. Comment on your surroundings. Situation-driven conversation is a great way to improve your skills to become a good talker. Take time each day to talk to someone you meet in everyday life. For example, you can chat with someone lining up behind you in a coffee shop. Please make comments or questions about your surroundings. This method is quite natural and is a great way to chat.
    • Say, "I like the coffee in this store. What flavor do you like best?". This shows that you want to talk to the person and that you are naturally starting out.
    • Use positive statements. Making happy comments is often more effective than talking about the negative things. You can use statements like "Isn't it beautiful today? I like it so cool that I can wear a sweater".

  3. Remember everyone's names. We usually meet quite a lot of people every day. Whether you work in a large company, or you simply meet a lot of people in your neighborhood or at your child's school, it's hard to remember everyone's names. However, scientific research has shown that the act of remembering other people's names and frequently calling out their names increases the connection between them and you.
    • When you first find out someone's name, repeat it when talking to them. When someone tells you, "Hi, my name is Xuân", you should reply with "Nice to meet Xuan". The instant repeat action will help you memorize the other person's name in your memory.

  4. Praise others. Saying something nice will help you clear the "icy" atmosphere. Most people respond positively when you praise them. Choose something specific to comment, and make sure you have a sincere attitude. The tone of your voice and facial expression are your thoughts, so be sure to give your sincere compliments.
    • Say something encouraging to the colleague you want to get acquainted with. You can use something like "I really admire the way you give that talk. Can you give me some suggestions on how to make a good speech?"
    • This quote not only helps you initiate a conversation with a positive attitude, but it also gives you the opportunity for follow-up conversations.

Method 2 of 3: Engage in the Chat Actively

  1. Ask the right questions. It takes at least two people to form a great conversation. Make sure you fulfill your obligations and actively participate in the discussion. One of the best ways to do this is by asking questions that spontaneously develop into the discussion.
    • Ask open-ended questions. Instead of asking "Is today's weather so beautiful?" Ask, "What are you going to do to enjoy a beautiful day like this?". The first example sentence only requires a yes or no answer, and this could lead your conversation to a "dead end". Ask questions that cause the listener to answer more than one word.
    • Ask questions that are meant to clarify what others are saying. If you are talking about the rules with your teen, ask, "Mom / Dad heard that I'm unhappy because I don't feel like I have the freedom to do what I do. What should we do to find a solution that works both ways? ".
  2. Practice being an active listener. Being an active listener means that you constantly respond to the person you are communicating with to show that you are paying attention to the story. You can let others know that you are listening actively through both physical and verbal cues. A good listener makes others feel valued and respected, and these are very important factors when you want to develop effective conversation.
    • You can let others know that you are listening using positive body language. Make sure to make eye contact with the other person throughout the conversation. Also, nod or shake your head at the appropriate time.
    • You can give the language cues to let others know that you are interested in the conversation. This signal could be as simple as the saying "It's interesting!" or something bigger like, "I didn't know it would. Can you tell me how you feel when running the marathon?".
    • Another way to show others that you are actively listening is to restate a few points in the story. Please rephrase the story. For example, you might say, "It's great to be able to explore new volunteer opportunities. It sounds like you're excited about the opportunity to do something new."
    • Remember that actively listening means capturing and thinking about what others are saying. Instead of trying to formulate responses, focus on listening to what others have to say and absorbing information.
  3. Be truth. When you do talk, show that you show sincerity that you care about the other person. For example, maybe you want to get to know your boss better. She can be quite busy with her assignments and won't have much free time to chat with her. Instead of chatting, try to form a real connection. If you're working on a project with her, get her advice on dealing with clients. Be sincere and show her that you value her opinion.
    • If your neighbor hangs a flag of a certain university in front of your house, and you're curious to know why. You might say, "I noticed you were hanging the flag of Hoa Sen University in front of your house. Are you a fan of the school football team?".This is a natural, sincere way to initiate a conversation. You can switch to other topics as you get to know the person.
  4. Find similarities. Having a great conversation requires thinking about the other person's interests. If you can find some similarities in conversation, this could be a great "familiar topic". You may have to ask questions to find common ground, but your efforts will pay off.
    • Maybe you're trying to befriend your new sister-in-law, but the two are quite different. Try talking about the TV show you watched or about the book you read. You may find that you both have similar interests. If this doesn't work, talk about a topic that people enjoy. For example, most people love delicious food. Ask her what her favorite food is and start from there.
  5. Update news. Try to stay up to date with events going on around the world. This will help you get prepared if someone discusses current events with you. Take a few minutes each morning to check the news of the day. Understanding will allow you to participate more actively in conversations.
    • Another technique is to refer to events that are taking place in contemporary culture. Talking about new books, movies, and new releases is a great way to have a pleasant conversation with friends, co-workers, or even with people you meet on the go. go to work in the morning.
  6. Adjust body language. Physical behavior is an important part of face-to-face conversations. Eye contact is very important. Making eye contact with someone indicates that you are engaged in a conversation and paying attention.
    • Remember that making eye contact doesn't mean you have to make eye contact with someone. Instead, maintain eye contact 50% of the time when you are the speaker and 70% of the time when you are the listener.
    • You can use other nonverbal cues when participating in a conversation. Nod to show understanding, or smile when it is necessary to show a positive response.
  7. Avoid oversharing. Over sharing means talking about something that could bring shame to yourself or worse, shame the listener. This can make the situation awkward. Sometimes people utter something that causes them to regret almost immediately. Sharing too much information can confuse you and the person you're talking to. To avoid over sharing, try to be aware of situations that often cause this situation.
    • Over sharing often happens when you are anxious or want to make a good impression. For example, if you're going to be facing an important interview, take a deep, calm breath before entering the room. Also, take a moment to think about the things you plan to present before verbalizing these thoughts.
    • Evaluate your relationship with your partner. Before sharing any information, ask yourself, "Is this person the right person to discuss this matter?" For example, you probably wouldn't want to discuss your hemorrhoids with the person in line behind you in a coffee shop. They don't need to know this information, and they won't feel comfortable hearing about it.

Method 3 of 3: Benefits of Great Conversation

  1. Strengthen your personal relationships. Communication is one of the great ways to strengthen your bond with someone. Talking is one of the most effective ways to communicate, so connecting through your words can help strengthen your personal connections. Try conducting in-depth conversations with people you really care about.
    • One way you can do this is by having a real conversation during dinner. For example, if you live with your partner, avoid watching TV while eating. Instead, try to have an interesting conversation a few times a week.
    • Ask funny questions such as "If you win the lottery, what's the first thing you will do?". This type of question will help you connect and get to know each other better.
  2. Improve your work relationship. Making good conversations is a great way to improve your work life. It not only helps you advance at work but also makes your daily routine more enjoyable. Try to talk to coworkers about topics other than work. This will help you connect with each other on a personal level. Then, when you have to work on a project together, you will be able to communicate more effectively.
    • You've probably noticed that the colleague sitting across from you has quite a few pictures of her cat on her desk. Ask questions about her cat as a way to learn more about her. This will direct you to deeper conversations in the future.
  3. Feeling happier. Scientific research has shown that people who enjoy their conversations are happier people. Although this result is mainly focused on in-depth conversation, casual chat also increases your endorphins. Basically, making an effort in conversations during the day will generally help you feel better about your life.
  4. Smile when you are talking to someone to improve your mood. Smile more when you're talking to one person. Smiles make you feel better by releasing endorphins, so it's a simple way to improve the quality of your conversation and make them even better.
    • Remind yourself to smile before, during, and after a conversation to get the benefits of smiling.


  • Praise others. For example, a saying like "I love your bag" might lead you to the discussion of a store, bag or anything else you can imagine.
  • Start the conversation only at a time that suits you both. Your partner won't want to talk if they are in a hurry and they may feel uncomfortable with you.
  • Provide appropriate answers to the questions.
  • If you know the person, think about the list of topics that you discussed earlier and continue to discuss one of them. For example, an important cousin event, one of their projects, or an issue they shared with you.