How to look good

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How to Look Good In 5 SIMPLE Steps
Video: How to Look Good In 5 SIMPLE Steps


It seems that an unattractive appearance can interfere with everyday life. Fortunately, with a little effort, your appearance can look better every day! Start with good hygiene for healthy skin and hair. Express your personal style through the right hairstyle, outfit and makeup. Also, treat yourself well by maintaining your posture, smiling at all times, and taking care of your body.


Method 1 of 4: Keep clean

  1. Wash every day to stay clean and fragrant. You will be more attractive in everyone's eyes if you are always clean and fragrant. Take a daily bath with mild soap or shower gel. Use a deodorant after a shower to control body odor.
    • You may need to shower more often if you sweat a lot. Bathe with soap and warm water after exercise or outdoor activities.

  2. Wash your hair and conditioner 2-3 times per week. Choose a shampoo and conditioner specially formulated for your hair type. Apply a coin-sized amount of shampoo to the scalp and massage the roots of the hair. Rinse well with warm water. Then, apply conditioner to wet hair and let it sit for 3 minutes. Finally, wash off the conditioner with cool water.
    • For example, look for products that are made for dyed hair if you dye your hair, or use shampoo and conditioner specifically for curly hair if you have natural curly or permed hair.
    • Conditioner keeps hair soft and in line.
    • Rinsing with cold water will close the hairline cuticles, making your hair soft and shiny.

    Advice: Shampooing too much can dry out the hair and scalp. If you find your hair is really dirty between washes, use a dry shampoo to absorb the oil and keep it clean.

  3. Wash your face twice a day with a gentle cleanser for cleaner skin. Wet your face before applying cleanser. Then, use your hand to apply a coin-sized amount of cleanser to your skin. Finally, use warm water to wash off the cleanser from the skin. Repeat morning and evening.
    • If your skin is dry or sensitive, wash your face only once a day to avoid drying out your skin.

  4. Apply moisturizer to your face morning and evening. Choose a moisturizer that's just for your skin. Use your fingertips to evenly apply a pea-sized amount of moisturizer to your skin morning and evening after cleansing.
    • Look for a moisturizer with an SPF 20 or higher to use as a day moisturizer.
    • Apply thicker cream at night to add moisture.
    • If you are unsure which moisturizer is right for you, consult a dermatologist.
  5. Moisturize the body with a lotion once a day. Body lotions will keep your skin soft and smooth to prevent flaking. Apply lotion once a day after showering. This will lock in moisture to keep your skin supple.
    • Apply a coin-sized amount of lotion. You can get more lotion if needed to cover the entire body.
    • You can use scented or fragrance-free lotions. If you have dry or sensitive skin, it's best to use one that is odorless.
  6. Exfoliate dead skin cells once or twice a week. Exfoliation removes dead cells from the skin for smoother and more vibrant skin. Do a facial scrub twice a week for bright, youthful skin, as well as a body scrub once a week. This method will keep your skin soft and smooth.
    • If you have normal or oily skin, you can exfoliate 2-3 times per week. However, reduce your frequent exfoliation if your skin gets irritated.
  7. Shave or trim any beard or body hair as needed. Get rid of any uncomfortable facial hair and beard. Or, you can trim the beard and body hair in a neat way. Choose a style that you like and suits you.
    • For example, trimming facial hair, shaving legs, or shaving armpits.
  8. Brush teeth twice a day and Clean between teeth with floss Before go to bed. Keep teeth healthy and white by brushing each morning and night. Also, floss your teeth every night before brushing to remove food between the teeth. Finally, rinse your mouth with mouthwash to kill bacteria and germs and food particles.
    • Use toothpaste daily to help whiten teeth.
    • Get dental check-ups at least once a year to keep your teeth healthy. This will help you maintain your brightest smile.

    Advice: If your teeth are stained, use whitening strips to improve your smile. However, it is advisable to consult a dentist before using whitening products. If your teeth are stained, you can be treated with a professional whitening method at the dental office.


Method 2 of 4: Express your style

  1. Choose a hairstyle highlight the shape of the face. You will have beautiful hair if you choose the right hairstyle. Watch hairstyles that flatter your face shape to find the best one, then bring a photo of your favorite style to a hair stylist. Here are some tips to help you shape your style:
    • Round face: Try trimming staggered hair, cut it into layers to lengthen your face. Also, keep hair along the sides of your face. Avoid flat cuts, such as bob hairstyles (jawline short cuts).
    • Oval face: Let bangs or hairs flatter the length of the face.
    • Square face: For women, bob hairstyles, hairs, or long hair will make your face look rounder.
    • Heart face: Try a longer hairstyle with a wavy tail, it will highlight the lower part of the face. Another option is to try a bob hairstyle to make your face look rounder.
  2. Retains natural hair texture for easy fixation. You will have straight, wavy, curly, or bouncy hair textures, and the hair texture will make it easier to style. Choose a style that matches the natural texture of your hair. Buy styling products that improve hair texture. This will help you maintain beautiful hair with less effort.
    • For example, it will take a lot of time and effort to straighten curly hair every day. To make it easier, choose for yourself a style in which you can naturally curl your hair.
  3. Highlight your best features to give you more confidence. Each person's body will have its own beauty, and wearing the right clothes can help you show off your inherent beauty. Try on the clothes you have and keep only the ones you feel fit best. Look in the mirror every morning to make sure you look your best and most confident.
    • When shopping, you should only buy the items that suit you best. That means you will probably buy less, but better, quality.
    • It is better to have a small wardrobe containing favorite items rather than a large wardrobe with very casual items.

    Advice: As a rule of thumb, wear dark colors to make your body thinner or to conceal parts of your body that you lack confidence in. Bright colors will look better, so use them to bring out your best features.

  4. Wear flattering colors skin tone your. Your skin will have cool, warm, or neutral tones. Cool tones include pink, red or light blue, warm tones include yellow, peach or dark yellow, and neutral tones are a blend of both. To determine skin tone, look at the veins that float on your arms to see if they are blue, meaning you have cool skin tone, or green, meaning your skin has a warm tone. Also, wear gold and silver jewelry as gold jewelry looks best on hot tones, while silver will go well with cold tones.
    • If you have cold skin tones, choose blue, green, purple, pink, black, gray, silver, and white clothing.
    • If you have hot skin tones, wear red, yellow, orange, tan, brown, dark yellow, copper, and light white.
    • If you have neutral skin tones, you can wear any color.

    Maybe you don't know? Skin color does not reflect your skin tone. Whether your skin is pale, dark, olive, or dark, it can be hot, cold, or neutral.

  5. Try wearing trendy trends if you like. Knowing fashion trends will help you avoid outdated styles, but don't worry about keeping up with trends. Choose your favorite trendy style as well as flatter your physique. Choose 1-2 seasonal trendy trends to maintain your stylish look.
    • You can learn about fashion trends by doing research online or by looking at fashion magazines.
    • Building a classic fashion style is rarely out of date. Refrain from constantly chasing trendy items, however be ready to throw an item out if it becomes too out of date.
  6. Make up to increase your natural beauty. You don't have to wear makeup to look stunning, so only use it if you like. Make up to flatter the lines you like best, such as the eyes or lips. Please refer to some tips below:
    • For a natural look during the day, use a foundation that most closely resembles your skin. Use concealer to conceal dark circles under eyes or dark spots if desired. Next, you can accentuate your skin by applying blush and volume. Then apply a thin layer of eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara to bring out the beauty of your eyes. For lip color, choose a neutral lipstick or berry red color every day.
    • If you want to create dramatic accents, apply bold makeup to your eyes or lips. For example, you can try smoky eye colors or apply lipstick in red.
  7. Wear glasses that match your face shape. If you wear glasses, choose a frame that enhances your appeal. Try out different styles and colors to find yourself a favorite pair of glasses. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
    • Round face: Look for frames with sharp corners and angles, such as rectangular ones or square frames above, with slight curves below. Avoid short or small eyeglass frames.
    • Oval face: The oval face is suitable for most types of frames. Round frames can accentuate curves of your face, while geometric frames add angular lines to help balance out curves on your face. However, you should avoid glasses with large frames.
    • Square face: Consider oval and round frames to make your square face look less angular, however, avoid wearing square and geometric shapes as this will make the edges of your face stand out even more.
    • Heart face: Look for frames with thick bottom and avoid styles with thick tops. Also, do not choose glasses with elaborate decorative frames. Instead, opt for narrow frames that create as little space on the forehead as possible.

Method 3 of 4: Make the best impression from the start

  1. Build confidence because this will make you more attractive. A confident demeanor will make you more attractive in the eyes of others. Continue to build up your confidence to make you beautiful every day. Here are a few ways to improve your confidence:
    • Replace negative comments about yourself with positive ones.
    • Take an improvisation course.
    • Take time to take care of your personal appearance.
    • Learn from your mistakes.
    • Practice your communication skills to make it comfortable when you converse with others.
  2. Maintain good posture to improve your appearance and confidence. Correct posture will make you look more attractive and confident. Stand up straight, hold your shoulders back, and look straight ahead. When sitting, straighten your back and bring your shoulders back. This pose will help you become good looking.
    • Check your posture in the mirror or record yourself walking. This will help you make the changes if needed.
  3. Eye contact and smile very much. Look the opponent in the eye for 2-3 seconds before looking away. Also, smile at people when passing by and when you have a random chat. This will make you look more attractive.
    • Don't stare at someone for more than 3 hours, because this will make them feel uncomfortable.
    • Practice smiling to make it natural for you

Method 4 of 4: Body care

  1. Do exercise Approximately 30 minutes per day to add health and confidence. Daily exercise helps you maintain your best health and appearance. It improves blood circulation making skin look more attractive. Choose an exercise that you are interested in doing every day.
    • For example: walking, running, playing a team sport, exercising, dancing or kickboxing.
  2. Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night to look awake and healthy. A good night's sleep will help you feel good, while also improving the look of your skin and eyes. Follow your regular sleeping habits to make sleeping easier. Also, stick to your sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day.
    • A healthy sleep routine includes relaxing before bed, turning off the screen 1-2 hours before bed, and changing into pajamas.

    Variant: If you are a teenager, you need 8-10 hours of sleep each night for your body to rest properly.

  3. Eat a healthy, nutritious diet for healthy skin, hair and nails. Build diets from fresh produce, lean proteins, and complex carbs. Meals consist of 1/2 vegetables, 1/4 complex carbs and 1/4 lean protein. Then, have a snack with fruits, vegetables, and low-fat milk.
    • Lean proteins include chicken, turkey, fish, tofu, low-fat milk, beans and nuts.
    • Complex carbs include whole grains and starchy vegetables.


  • A positive attitude can make you look more attractive to others.
  • Practice saying positive things to build confidence. Tell yourself things like, "I am so beautiful today," "I am all beautiful," or "Today I am really cool."