How to Know When to Let Go

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to Know When It’s Time to Let Go | Signs From The Universe [Law of Attraction]
Video: How to Know When It’s Time to Let Go | Signs From The Universe [Law of Attraction]


Giving up someone you love is extremely difficult. Change is never easy, especially when it means letting go of someone you deeply love or care about. However, once you realize it's time to do so, you can begin to save the situation and try to start a new start and maybe a whole new friend!


Method 1 of 2: Self Assessment

  1. Check out your reality. Sadly, almost everyone know when they need to let go, but cannot do so because they are afraid of the consequences. A reality check can help you realize that it's time to give up on a broken relationship.
    • To test reality, imagine that you are someone else assessing your situation. What does that person think about that? Was the answer too obvious to that person? If so, then you probably already know what to do.
    • If you have trouble getting rid of your subjective look and judging from the eyes of an outsider, try changing the names of the characters in your story. Replace your name and the key characters with other names to make the story of "you" become not "yours" anymore. It is important to try to distance yourself from another "yours". Do the same thing with the person you are trying to leave.
    • Or imagine that the situation you are going through is happening to your friend and his partner. What advice would you give? Did you tell him it's time to let go?

  2. Ask for opinions from others. Seek a friend (or parent / counselor if you feel comfortable). Ask the person how they would do in your situation and if they have ever experienced a similar situation in the past.
    • Make sure you are honest with the person that you won't judge them for their answers, that you want to find out the truth of the problem and not just to feel better.
    • Ask them if they really think what you intend to do is right. Ask them if you are part of the cause of a bad relationship.
    • To find a therapist in your area, try searching on the internet.

  3. Situation analysis. Write down your feelings in a journal where you express your feelings. Understand that you are the only one reading this diary, so that you can be completely honest with your feelings. Look at what you write. Do you find yourself blaming yourself a lot? If so, ask yourself if there is any reason for that or is your spouse the bigger cause?
    • You can ask yourself a few specific questions in your journal that will help you determine if it's time to let go. Does your spouse often make it clear that he is afraid of responsibility or does he threaten to break up like a proactive one? Is your other half jealous instead of delighted by your success? Did he cheat on you? Do you and your partner have very different needs in terms of intimacy? If you write down, think about these questions and answer any one of them correctly, this is the signal that it's time to let go. Journaling about your relationship can make it easier for you to cope with the breakup.
    • After writing down your thoughts and examining them thoroughly, stop and examine them again the next day. If nothing has changed, then perhaps that is correct.

  4. Know when you ruin everything for a role model. For example, if you want your relationship to be perfect and not compromise at all, then maybe you are the one causing the problem, not your partner. In this case, try to think about how you need to change to make the relationship for the better.
    • Be honest with your partner and let him know that you are struggling with unfair thoughts and that you want to work hard for the relationship to be better. Perhaps he will respect your honesty and straightforwardness and will be more than willing to work harder to be right for you.
    • To see if you are spoiling things for your ideal type, seek advice from friends, family or acquaintances. Let those people consider whether you are being unrealistic or whether your thoughts on the relationship or the other person's "mistakes" are completely correct.
    • You can also ask yourself the following:
    • Do you think (unrealistic) that you will always have your physiological needs satisfied whenever you need it?
    • Are you thinking (unrealistic) that your spouse should fulfill all of your requirements?
    • Do you want your spouse to fulfill all your needs?
  5. Realize that lack of interest is a red flag. If you realize that you don't want to spend time with your other partner, don't really care what happened to him during the day or don't respect his opinion anymore, then maybe the fire the love in you is gone These signals that it is time to let go.
    • Although it can be difficult to let go of someone else's hand, don't let yourself indulge in guilt; it is better for him to find someone who truly loves and cares for him instead of being with him just out of guilt.

Method 2 of 2: Evaluate your Relationship

  1. Look for the signs. There are many different signs, but there are a few that can tell you that it's time to let go and end the relationship. Watch out for things that happen with a frequency of jealousy, insecurity, arguments, frustration and inconvenience or sadness.
    • All of these can be a sign that there is a problem in your relationship. Arguing is a good thing sometimes, but there's a huge gap between being normal and being out of the ordinary.
  2. Beware of frequent arguments. If you are always arguing for stupid reasons, it may mean that the other person has lost your feelings and / or feelings. This is not a sure signal that something has happened, but it could be a hint that your relationship is having a deep problem. Don't let petty / silly arguments break your relationship, but if those nonsense arcs happen too much, it may be time to let go.
    • If you find you want to end things because arguments are too frequent, you can ask yourself a few questions. Why are you two arguing? What are you two quarreling about? Have you ever argued over that issue before, or is it brand new? If you find yourself arguing to hurt the other person, or find that you two are making a fuss about small issues, or arguing over and over again because you are having trouble with to solve the problems, maybe it's time to let go.
  3. Beware of frequent unpleasant sensations. When both of them feel uncomfortable about each other, they will no longer have any sign of love or interest. You can tell if your spouse is upset by you when almost nothing you do is right or enough, or if some of your actions in public make them feel ashamed or embarrassed. for you (they should love you no matter how you act).
    • Remember that you want to look for frequent unpleasant feelings or a typical sign of repeated frustration. Don't go into too much of a case by case because sometimes we all get frustrated with our other partner.
  4. Beware of lack of contact. In order to maintain a relationship, you both need to discuss issues and exchange ideas with each other and if he is no longer talking to you, you should probably consider ending (he should be honest with your feelings and thoughts). From there, it can be seen that a lack of emotional expression and communication can be a signal that it's time to let go.
    • However, if you have some serious problems and you still love the person, consider seeing a emotional counselor and rearranging each person's feelings.
  5. Listen to your partner. If he's brave enough to tell you that he doesn't love you anymore, listen. This can be one of the most difficult of all; however, the truth is still better than being deceived. If someone has enough respect for you to be honest, return that respect and let go.
    • It is never easy to hear someone you have been with for a long time saying that you are no longer 'something' to them; However, in the long run, you will feel better about being with someone who truly loves you for who you are.
  6. Look for signs of deception. Maybe he's texting a girl you've never seen before, or he's coming home late with a lady's perfume on his shirt. Either his online dating profile becomes active again with new avatars, or he flirts regularly on Facebook; In any of these situations it is likely that he is cheating on you or is attempting to deceive you.
    • Don't sell yourself off by being with a deceiver. As soon as you claim that he was cheating on you, leave him immediately. You deserve more than that. Go ahead and try to forgive him, otherwise he will still have a certain influence on you.
    • If you are no longer happy with him / her and you feel your good feelings together are fading, make a decision and tell him / her. Always be honest with yourself and with the other person. Decide what is good for both of you.


  • Do what you think is right, not what your friends advise you. This is your situation, and so no matter what advice you receive, including this article, do what you feel is right after considering all the opinions.
  • Take the time and be as sure of your decision as possible before making it happen. If you are not ready to break up yet or you find that your reasons are not within any of the above reasons, don't let go or you may be the one to ruin the relationship.
  • It can be difficult to let go, but you need to face reality. Yes, you want to be happy, but you cannot be happy if you keep holding on to someone or something that hurts you.
  • Make sure you don't play with your decision. One of the easiest ways to lose someone's respect for you is to say something and then take it back. If you write a line in the sand, make sure to never delete it.
  • Missing your ex is part of the process of letting go. Time passes and you will bounce back.
  • When it causes you more suffering than happiness, it's time to let go.
  • Remember that you need to take care of yourself and love yourself first. Letting go of someone can hurt them, but most of all, it is you that you need to worry about.


  • Don't go back to that person or you will step on the trail of your car again and the road will never come to a good end.
  • You should talk to the person about the breakup before making it happen. Maybe his action was due to something else, like his job, not for you, and if that's the case you wouldn't want to ruin a relationship just because of misjudgments. own mistake.