Reduce swelling in your lymph nodes

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 26 September 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024
Lymphadenopathy: The steps to take when you feel an enlarged lymph node
Video: Lymphadenopathy: The steps to take when you feel an enlarged lymph node


Your body has a number of lymph nodes that act as filters for bad bacteria and viruses. You can reduce swelling in swollen lymph nodes by treating the underlying injury, condition, or infection. Places where swelling often occurs are the neck, groin and forearms. If two or more spots are swollen, there is often a problem. To treat swollen lymph nodes, you must treat the cause. If it is a bacteria problem, you will probably be prescribed antibiotics. However, if it is a virus, you will likely be given medication to control the symptoms, but you will have to wait for the virus to clear on its own. If cancer is suspected, a biopsy will be taken for diagnosis and treatment. Talk to your doctor about your options.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Reduce swelling in the short term

  1. Find the swollen glands. If you start to feel swelling or pain, run your fingers over your skin until you find the problem glands. You have lymph nodes in your neck, armpits, and groin. The swelling in the glands can vary in size. They can be as small as a pea or as big as an olive, or even bigger.
    • Remember that more than one gland may be swollen at the same time.
  2. Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Paracetamol or ibuprofen can help with the swelling of your lymph nodes. They can also counteract other symptoms, such as fever. Make sure to follow the instructions on the packaging for these medications.
  3. Place a warm compress on the gland. Run a washcloth under warm water. Place the washcloth on your swollen gland as soon as it is warm. Keep the cloth on the gland until the cloth has cooled. Repeat this process three times a day until the gland gets smaller and the pain goes away.
    • A warm compress will help with swelling. This ensures an increased blood flow.
  4. Apply a cold compress to the gland. Press a cold washcloth on the gland at 10-15 minute intervals. Repeat this three times a day until you see the swelling go down.
  5. Go to a masseur for a glandular massage. A gentle, gentle massage of your lymph nodes can reduce swelling and increase blood flow. You can make an appointment with a massage therapist or you can massage yourself. Gently rub the gland while pushing your fingers towards your heart.
  6. Do not squeeze the swollen skin. If you put too much pressure on your swollen glands, the surrounding blood vessels could explode and cause further damage or infection. It is extra important to remind children of this. These can become frustrated and try to squeeze the glands

Method 2 of 3: Seek medical attention

  1. Make an appointment with your doctor. Often times, a swollen lymph node will go away on its own without any problems. However, if your glands keep growing or if they start hardening, it's time to talk to your doctor. The doctor will likely perform a physical exam and may do a blood test or scan. This depends on the potential diagnosis.
    • Swollen lymph nodes can be caused by a variety of infections such as glandular fever, tuberculosis, ear infection, strep throat and measles.
    • Seek medical attention if a lymph node suddenly or becomes very large during the night.
  2. Treat infections quickly to avoid dangerous complications. If your lymph nodes become swollen from an infection, they will likely remain swollen until the infection clears. Failure to address underlying causes immediately can lead to abscess formation around the lymph nodes. In the most severe cases you can also get septicemia due to the presence of bacteria.
  3. Take the antibiotics exactly as your doctor has prescribed. If your doctor is convinced that your glands are swollen due to the presence of bacteria, you may be prescribed antibiotics. Make sure you finish the entire course of antibiotics, even if you feel better halfway through. If it is a virus infection, antibiotics are not an option.
  4. Watch for other symptoms. If the swelling in your lymph nodes is caused by an illness or infection, you probably have other symptoms. Recognizing the other symptoms may help you and your doctor treat underlying conditions. Possible additional symptoms are: fever, runny nose, night sweats and a sore throat.
  5. Assume your recovery will take longer than a few days. Although a swollen lymph node can go away overnight, this is very unlikely. Usually the pain in a lymph node goes away within a few days. However, it may take weeks for the swelling to go away.
  6. Allow fluid to be operationally removed from the gland. If the infection gets too bad, the gland can turn into an abscess with pus. If this happens, fluid may need to be operationally removed from the gland to prevent more serious infections. This is especially the case if the abscess is near the neck.

Method 3 of 3: Treat your glands with natural remedies

  1. Eat raw garlic. Garlic contains chemicals that fight infections in the lymph system. Take 2-3 cloves of garlic and crush them. Spread the garlic on a slice of bread and eat it. Repeat this process every day and see if the swelling subsides.
  2. Drink an apple cider vinegar and water mix. Grab a full glass of water and mix it with 15 ml of apple cider vinegar. Drink this mix 2 times a day until you feel better. The acetic acid in the vinegar helps your body get rid of malignant bacteria that can eventually form an abscess in the swollen lymph nodes.
  3. Make sure you are getting enough vitamin C. If you are vitamin C deficient, your body will not be able to ward off infections effectively. You can get extra vitamin C by taking a supplement or eating the right foods, such as oranges and strawberries. If you are considering taking a supplement, consult your doctor first.
  4. Rub tea tree oil over the swollen skin. Mix 2-3 drops of tea tree oil with 2-3 drops of coconut oil. Use a cotton swab to apply this mixture to the swollen skin. Repeat this process for a maximum of two days. This prevents your skin from getting irritated.


  • Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep every night, especially when you are sick.


  • If you have trouble breathing due to swollen glands in your neck or head, get medical help from your doctor / hospital right away.