Remembering past lives

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Top 10 Kids Who Remembered Their Past Life
Video: Top 10 Kids Who Remembered Their Past Life


Have you been an astronaut? An explorer? An actress or a king? Would you like to know? Discovering your past lives can be fun. It's easy, relaxing, and you don't have to be a hypnotherapist to explore! Follow these step-by-step instructions and you will relive your past lives in an instant.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Method 1: Do it yourself

  1. Prepare your room. Make sure it is neither too hot nor too cold. Close the curtains and turn off the TV, radio and telephone. If you have a noise generator, you can turn it on just loud enough so that it masks outside sounds. Try one of the following settings:
    • White noise. It sounds a bit like a TV that has no reception.
    • Pink noise. This resembles the sound of a waterfall.
    • Brown noise. Reminiscent of the sound of waves from the sea in the distance.
  2. Relax your mind, find a quiet place inside. Sit or lie down in a quiet, darkened room. Do it at a time when you are alert and your mind and body are calm. If you are hungry or distracted it will be difficult to concentrate.
  3. Relax your body. Lie down on your bed, or wherever you want to do your self-hypnosis, and just relax for a few minutes to prepare for your journey.
  4. Prepare yourself. Close your eyes and get comfortable. Lie on your back with your hands at your sides and bathe yourself in a protective light:
    • Imagine being enveloped in a white light. See it with your mind's eye, it shines on your feet, your legs, your knees, your thighs, your upper body and arms, your neck, your face, your head. This white light surrounds you like a dazzling mist and protects you from all negative influences. It represents love and warmth and enlightenment, you are surrounded by the shine and it protects you from all evil.
    • See it in your head. Feel the warmth and invite it to engulf you. Repeat to yourself, out loud or in your mind: “I breathe in powerful, protective energy. This energy builds an aura of protection around me. This aura will always protect me”.
    • Say this five times with five inhalations. After this, focus on visualizing and feeling the energy, making it brighter and more powerful. Now take the next color that comes to mind and repeat until you are ready for the next step.
  5. Begin your journey. Picture yourself in a long hallway, with a large door at the end. Try to envision this hallway in as much detail as possible, whatever comes to mind.
    • Your hallway can be all gold and filigree, or Gothic like a cathedral, all made of gems or a forest floor with an arch of branches overhead - it's all up to you.
    • Whatever course you make in your mind, use it every time you explore your past lives. Picture this hallway with the expectation that when you get to the end, when you reach the great door and turn the knob, you will discover a past life.
  6. Walk down your hall. Take every step through the hall with purpose. Watch your feet touch the ground, visualize every aspect of your journey as you approach the large door - the smell of the room, the sounds in the environment, the color of the light.
    • When you finally get to the end - when you feel like you're ready and not before - grab the doorknob. Picture yourself doing that, feel the texture of the doorknob and the sound of the mechanism when you turn it over. Once unlocked, take a breath and gently push the door open.
  7. Welcome to a past life. Accept the first thing you see on the other side of the door as something from one of your previous levels of existence.
    • It could be something as abstract as the color yellow, or as bright and vibrant as a beloved child in your arms. Take whatever you see as the foundation. Build on that. Feel it. Keep the picture in your mind and unfold it, accept whatever comes to your mind.
    • You can discover that "yellow" becomes a carpet. As you walk deeper into your vision, you can discover that that yellow is the sun shining on the carpet. You may suddenly realize that that carpet is in a house in London… and so on.
    • You may start doubting yourself at this point, but rest assured, you are remembering a past life.
  8. Have patience. If you don't see anything, try thinking about something you love, such as a favorite hobby or travel destination. You may ask yourself, "Why do I like that so much? Could it be related to a past life?"
    • If you still don't see anything, try the shoe method: look at your feet and take the first pair of shoes you can see yourself wearing and work from here. You can see sandals and then realize that you are wearing a tunic. Or you may see little pointed shoes and realize that you are wearing a large silk ball gown.
    • If you remember something - even just a pair of shoes - and you are sure there is some truth in it, you can start your next meditation from here. Always start each session with something you have seen before. Always work from the known to the unknown.
  9. Accept what you see. It will seem like you are making up these images yourself. Sometimes it is, and you have to accept it as part of the process of trying to remember your past lives.
    • These visions almost always have some truth in them. You will not know for sure until you have done a fair number of past life meditations, and you see certain patterns and details repeatedly passing by.
    • In the meantime, you must choose to believe that what you see is genuine; if you don't you will get nowhere. Your analytical mind will brush off any image as a product of your avid imagination.
  10. Return to the present. Unless you have had to take yourself away from an unpleasant memory, at some point the flow of images will simply stop. You see that there are no more new images coming, or your analytical mind has been accidentally activated by something you have seen… and then you are done. You have no choice but to open your eyes.
    • If this does not happen, and you are ready to return to the present life, imagine the door where you started. Open the door, and walk down the hallway you envisioned - and tell yourself that when you get to the starting point, you will be refreshed and that you will remember your past life in detail and clearly.

Method 2 of 3: Method 2: Hypnotherapy

  1. Visit a hypnotherapist. Sometimes resources are needed to remember past lives that we cannot control ourselves - self-hypnosis, for example, can be very difficult. Certified hypnotherapists who specialize in returning to past lives are trained in that area. Here's how to expect them to guide you:
    • They can play music while talking you into a relaxed state, making you feel safe, warm and comfortable. Let yourself go and find your inner peace.
    • Clear your mind and let everything happen naturally.
    • Relax your muscles in your body, especially your neck and shoulders.
    • As you relax more, the therapist can talk about the light, how it flows through you, reaching every part of your body, until it completely surrounds you.
    • When you are ready and completely relaxed, they will open doors to past lives by guiding you back and forth through time.
    • They will encourage you to explore your memories in as much detail as possible.
    • They can also return you to the womb and allow you to be reborn in your past life.
    • When you have discovered your past life, they will guide you through it, encouraging you to feel it the way you remember it, but when you wake up, you will remember your past.
    • When you are at the end of the session, the therapist will slowly bring you back to the present and your current life.
  2. Congratulations! You have just experienced your past life.

Method 3 of 3: Method 3: Get metaphysical

  1. Become a believer. For some, past lives are not so much a place you go, but a part of who you are. For many cultures throughout the history of mankind, reincarnation is at the core of their beliefs.
    • There are different terms for reincarnation and many religions believe in it in one way or another. While most forms of Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) do not believe in reincarnation, most others do.


  • Don't try too hard. It should be simple and natural. You shouldn't put any pressure on it.
  • If you see something disturbing in your past life, remember that you always have your protective aura around you. You can leave as soon as you want. You don't have to stay and watch every gruesome moment.
  • Don't self-hypnosis for a few days or too often. If you try too hard you will get incorrect reminders. If you leave some time in between (weeks or months), you may be able to see in your notes that you have seen certain information multiple times - a powerful indication that what you are seeing is real.
  • Be ready to discover the truth in what you see (or feel, smell, or hear). You know what is true when you find it. You can experience a memory of a past life and suddenly have a revelation about something in your present life.
  • After a session, or after you have written down your thoughts and ideas, try to think of special things that you had a "connection" with. This can be, for example, a language, music (very common), places and smells. Maybe you tended to like or dislike those elements. This can help you uncover a part of yourself that is strange yet familiar - just like your past lives.
  • Returning to past lives has to do with soul memory and soul travel. It's you. Freud, Jung, and other psychologists agreed that the subconscious - where memories and information are stored - may be difficult to reach, but not impossible.
  • Use the same words over and over to protect yourself and the same visualizations to achieve the "Pavlov Effect".
  • It may not work right away, so keep trying until you manage to recall something.


  • Realize that some pretty strange things can happen when you search for past lives and self-hypnosis. The most common phenomenon is something like getting out of your body. It is a feeling that you are floating above yourself, as if you are a spirit and hanging over your body lying on the bed. While it is not a past life experience, it does bring you closer to the spiritual than ever, allowing you to better remember your past lives. This experience is often accompanied by an increased heart rate and REM-like movement of the eyes as you "watch" what is going on around you.
  • There is an old Chinese saying, "It doesn't matter if a cat is black or white, as long as it matches the mice." From a strictly psychological point of view, it does not matter if memories of past lives through hypnosis are real or if they are a form of experimental theater. As long as people can solve their problems with it, it's fine.
  • There are many reports of children having memories of past lives. Events, names and places they remember without their knowing. These children are sometimes only 2 years old.
  • Another common phenomenon that can happen is "fragmentation". Your memories become more vivid, your heart rate speeds up, and you feel like you are very, very small, as if your whole being is made up of a tiny speck of consciousness peeking out from where your eyes should be. The images you see are then shredded, like pieces of broken glass. You can start to see abstract things and shapes, like in a strange dream. Slowly, all memories of your past life are taken over by these fragments. This whole experience can be unsettling. But just take those strange and abstract things as normal. Do not worry about it. Just get away from the statues and stop. When you think about your body (and that you are in it) you will automatically return to it.
  • As with other forms of religious experience, we should be open (or at least tolerant) to exploring past life memories as long as they can help us better understand present existence.
  • Don't confuse the truth with what you want to see.
  • If you have an unpleasant memory of a past life, realize that you can get away from it right away and wake yourself up from your self-hypnosis. Although you are protected by the white light, a scene can still be too painful to bear. Just open your eyes. If you do want to continue to look at the unpleasant sides of your past life, make sure that you will view it alone, not relive it, and that you are safe from any pain or horror in your warm cocoon of protective light - you will watch that life as if it were a movie, played by actors. Tell yourself it can't harm you, and it shouldn't upset you.
  • Many people in contemporary Western culture are skeptical of past lives because we are not yet able to provide scientific evidence that reincarnation exists - even though half the world believes it (no one has ever taken another Roman coin from a hypnosis session. for instance).